How did you do with your 2012 NY Resolution?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by truecap on Thursday, November 29, 2012 and has 9 replies.
Just curious. What was your 2012 New Years Resolution?
How long did you keep it?
What happened to make you lose it?

I'll go first. Mine was to be more honest with myself and other people in how I was actually feeling about things. A couple of examples: I used to play nice and let things ride, then when it got to me and resentment/irritation built up, throw a fit in anger. That wasn't working out for me. Or I wouldn't tell someone I don't want to eat there and would just ride along and be miserable.
So I started speaking up. Saying something early on when I first had the chance and/or nipping things in the bud when something was bothering me was really a healthy move. I'm not so irritated, I can still be nice about it and I learned people are actually better than okay with that. Now I feel more respected, happier and have a lot less drama!!
(I'll admit I haven't done it every single time, but I learned it had more positive than negative results).
Your turn!
Mine was to be fit like the girls you see advertising gym equipment, but here i am 10 months later biting yet at another hot wing. I bought 12 and im now on my 8th living the life of a fatass. My thighs will applaud me when i go to the kitchen to throw away the box..they seem to have a life of their own these days. They shim-shimmer, lol. Come 2013 and its on, baby!
Posted by TBC
i don't believe in new years resolution. i'm the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever. i won't do nothing new but the same thing i been doing..."NOTHING"

Mee too smile
Pity on those souls who's their "today" is like their "yesterday" let alone their tomorrows.
NY Resolutions? I prefer to not set myself up for failure Winking
Posted by lildol
NY Resolutions? I prefer to not set myself up for failure Winking

Pretty much my take on the whole situation.
I worked on mine all year and still learning! smile
Posted by Qbone
Pity on those souls who's their "today" is like their "yesterday" let alone their tomorrows.

lol! Why bother trying to improve perfection Tongue
there's only one ny reso that i kept some 10 yrs ago and it was amazing....
floss everyday. kept it and it was amazeballs. best dentist visits ever.