How do you guys use astrology in your real life? I mean in terms of predictions or even star signs?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Textosmoon on Tuesday, May 30, 2023 and has 29 replies.
Do you find it useful?

Would you start a certain activty on a certain date to harness a sign's energy?

Has that worked for you?

How do you use it?

What has astrology given you?
I just take astrology for what's it worth. I mean it's a good tool to use to understand yourself and others but to say use it out in the real world to stop you from doing things you wanna do because you wanna wait for a certain particular signs energy to jump start on something, or maybe because you found out your dream lover turned out to be an enemy sign is carrying it a bit too far. Or even mercury retrograde is a bunch of balony. I'm not gonna let mercury retrograde hinder me from doing anything or going anywhere.
Yes i find it interesting and useful.

I use…

I’ve always used placidus but after talking to a very knowledgeable Astrologer who highly

recommends equal houses, it puts a lot of my planets in my 8th which makes me Scorpio

and 8th house dom 😲😅

It’s given me a deeper and fascinating insight into people…the fact that everyone’s chart is unique is interesting. I think aspects and houses are very revealing and the deeper you go the more amazing it becomes. The sun

sign thing that you read in magazines is just a tiny part of it….

When our baby was born we’d a chart drawn up for him. He read it with a very cynical mind 😃but admitted the descriptions were dead on.
I used to use astrology a lot when I dated but now it’s like a quiet confirmation to myself when I see behaviors and then quietly guess their sign.

I use to run to dxp very time I met a guy. Even tho the interaction maybe lasts a week with the guy.

I need a “timing” indicator more so than an astrological indicators
I mean what good does it do me to know some guy is a fire sign with an afflicted Venus if he has multiple baby mamas, makes poor life decisions, and is emotionally unavailable/noncommittal
I use it to judge people. Most of the time it works for me. Like if I meet a Taurus, I'll try to give them what they want so we don't clash and I don't interfere. I like to read people their charts, they always say its accurate.
Posted by DMV
I mean what good does it do me to know some guy is a fire sign with an afflicted Venus if he has multiple baby mamas, makes poor life decisions, and is emotionally unavailable/noncommittal
Sounds like my brother Sag Sun, Aries moon.
Its more of a hobby to me. I do look at synastry but just for fun. I will say it has its coincidences and they can be oddly accurate. I only look at transita after major events. And it has to be impactful. I don't dwelve in it that much these days.

I will say it is a recurring relationship in my life that has played out to the tee. But most times, I rarely use it. Its just fun to see how certain things play out.
Helps me laugh at situations and take the blame away from people for their actions.
i used to think it would help me plan things and find auspicious dates etc ... avoid mercury retrograde troubles ..i dunno
I know everybodys game before they start playing it.

Learning Zodiac characteristics, was best thing I did.
I use it for many things.

I've learned and still learn

about myself through Astrology.

I also look at my partners needs

and desires or an upcoming

transit. I could go on forever

about how astrology has

and is helping me still.

Posted by DMV
I used to use astrology a lot when I dated but now it’s like a quiet confirmation to myself when I see behaviors and then quietly guess their sign.

I use to run to dxp very time I met a guy. Even tho the interaction maybe lasts a week with the guy.

I need a “timing” indicator more so than an astrological indicators
I guess that means you are learning and have evolved then. smile

What do you mean by a timing indicator? And what would the indicator be? smile

Thank you for all your replies everyone. x

I wonder if this correlates with how people tend not to analyze relationships or over analyze them or people as the case might be.

Equal Houses are used only for people born beyond the polar circles or near them.

Posted by MyStarsShine

I’ve always used placidus but after talking to a very knowledgeable Astrologer who highly
recommends equal houses, it puts a lot of my planets in my 8th which makes me Scorpio
and 8th house dom 😲😅
I don't believe in predictions. About star signs, it helps me understand how some people in my life are wired, usually the ones that confuse me or act differently than how I would..

I find Sun and Moon signs' descriptions are spot on
Well I don’t look at my transits often (i check my clients as part of my work) but tbh I’m a bit blown away by what i saw when I checked today ~

I’ve discovered a business deal which is proving to be quite lucrative and which is something I’d not have considered in the past

2nd house is connected to money/security.

Transits to my 2nd house


It is a good time to think about what to do for greater material security.


this can be a strong period for gathering new money-making ideas.


unusual ways of making money could be in place during this cycle.

To avoid in the future.
Posted by Som
Equal Houses are used only for people born beyond the polar circles or near them.

Posted by MyStarsShine
I’ve always used placidus but after talking to a very knowledgeable Astrologer who highly
recommends equal houses, it puts a lot of my planets in my 8th which makes me Scorpio
and 8th house dom 😲😅

click to expand
Thanks @Som

I’m quite relieved abut that…I don’t want to

be 8th house dom. Mercury there is enough


tbh i'm now secretly grouping people based on how much of my time they're wasting
Same. Equal Houses makes me Cancer ASC, which I do not want to be. I have Aries MC, so Cancer becomes my ASC. I mean the MC Equal Houses system as more widespread in my area. There are also the ASC Equal Houses system, the Whole Signs house system, etc.

Posted by MyStarsShine

Thanks @Som

I’m quite relieved abut that…I don’t want to

be 8th house dom. Mercury there is enough



Please respond on the subject.
“Would you start a certain activity on a certain date to harness a sign's energy?”

No that sounds boring. I don’t use astrology. I just come as I am. Take it or leave it. I expect the same from others. Also, who’s to say that certain activities can be pinned to astrology.. For example, I don’t hang around people who smoke or who aren’t health conscious. Neither of those things can be pinned to any astrology placement.
Posted by black773
“Would you start a certain activity on a certain date to harness a sign's energy?”

No that sounds boring. I don’t use astrology. I just come as I am. Take it or leave it. I expect the same from others. Also, who’s to say that certain activities can be pinned to astrology.. For example, I don’t hang around people who smoke or who aren’t health conscious. Neither of those things can be pinned to any astrology placement.
For someone who's temper flares outta control at times and are smart (only at the mouth) I still have to give you props because dude let's face it. You ARE wise beyond your years. Say whatever you want about me I don't care but this post right here I like.
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by black773
“Would you start a certain activity on a certain date to harness a sign's energy?”
No that sounds boring. I don’t use astrology. I just come as I am. Take it or leave it. I expect the same from others. Also, who’s to say that certain activities can be pinned to astrology.. For example, I don’t hang around people who smoke or who aren’t health conscious. Neither of those things can be pinned to any astrology placement.

For someone who's temper flares outta control at times and are smart (only at the mouth) I still have to give you props because dude let's face it. You ARE wise beyond your years. Say whatever you want about me I don't care but this post right here I like.
click to expand
Why are you talking to me?

Tell Firebunny his volcano is angry and wants a virgin sacrifice

That means him or any of his siblings 😅
Posted by Basic
Tell Firebunny his volcano is angry and wants a virgin sacrifice

That means him or any of his siblings 😅
the sacrifice was always Mister Shoes
Posted by black773
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by black773
“Would you start a certain activity on a certain date to harness a sign's energy?”
No that sounds boring. I don’t use astrology. I just come as I am. Take it or leave it. I expect the same from others. Also, who’s to say that certain activities can be pinned to astrology.. For example, I don’t hang around people who smoke or who aren’t health conscious. Neither of those things can be pinned to any astrology placement.

For someone who's temper flares outta control at times and are smart (only at the mouth) I still have to give you props because dude let's face it. You ARE wise beyond your years. Say whatever you want about me I don't care but this post right here I like.

Why are you talking to me?

click to expand
I can literally and figuratively imagine that you talk like this guy in real life and with that very same attitude and all, too.

Just basing off how you write on these message boards and comment section and basing off how you look. Only except that dude who I listened to in my high school days made a career out of himself unlike you that never made an ounce of career with your temperament and was never famous. I'm trying to side with you something I rarely ever do.

Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by black773
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by black773
“Would you start a certain activity on a certain date to harness a sign's energy?”
No that sounds boring. I don’t use astrology. I just come as I am. Take it or leave it. I expect the same from others. Also, who’s to say that certain activities can be pinned to astrology.. For example, I don’t hang around people who smoke or who aren’t health conscious. Neither of those things can be pinned to any astrology placement.

For someone who's temper flares outta control at times and are smart (only at the mouth) I still have to give you props because dude let's face it. You ARE wise beyond your years. Say whatever you want about me I don't care but this post right here I like.

Why are you talking to me?
click to expand

I can literally and figuratively imagine that you talk like this guy in real life and with that very same attitude and all, too.
< title="Embedded YouTube Video" class="ytv lazy loaded" data-="https:" allowfullscreen="" ="https:">
Just basing off how you write on these message boards and comment section and basing off how you look. Only except that dude who I listened to in my high school days made a career out of himself unlike you that never made an ounce of career with your temperament and was never famous. I'm trying to side with you something I rarely ever do.

click to expand
I didn’t fall for your disingenuous comments and now you are mad. Haha oh well.

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