How do you like your coffee?

This topic was created in the Coffee forum by Scenic on Friday, October 16, 2015 and has 17 replies.
"Austrian researchers at Innsbruck University discovered that people who prefer bitter tastes, like black coffee, are more likely to be selfish, vain, manipulative, sadistic and even psychopathic." (

However, they note that there are those who drink black coffee for less calories which isn't the same as drinking it that way for the taste.

So, how do you like your coffee?

All day long!!

dark roast full flavored with French vanilla creamer... LOL
Red with a side of bull.
2.5/4 coffe

1/4 creamer

.5/4 sugar
Posted by justagirl
All day long!!

dark roast full flavored with French vanilla creamer... LOL

milk and a lot of sugar
cream and like half a teaspoon of sugar.

Sometimes i add whipped cream.

Ok.. Unless I've run out, I nearly always add whipped cream, cinnamon, and nutmeg. smile
Posted by retrogradexy
Some people can't afford cream and sugar.

Then coffee, like psychopathy it causes, should be avoided.

Straight Face
With cream and sugar and chocolate and flavoring, like cinnamon, or mint, etc.
Full-bodied dark roast with brown sugar, French vanilla creamer and a bit of caramel.
Columbian roast with either french vanilla or irish creamer.
I'll take coffee in any form it comes. Does that make me a whore
Folgers special roast with lots of sugar and Italian sweet cream .. or 100% Colombian with french vanilla and lots of sugar.
Posted by littlemegabyte
I love coffee but it makes me sick to my stomach Sad so I drink tea instead. Mostly chai. Vanilla chai is my favorite.

I'm the exact opposite-- love tea, but it doesn't love me back.

Right now, there's this coffee called something like Harvest Spice,

and I load it with half and half and a teeny shot of hazelnut creamer

and omg...

it's like the nectar of the Autumn gods.

Perfection. smile

I'm actually going to leave some coffee at my workplace today because it's too light and sweet for me. It's Pumpkin Spice flavor so maybe some people will be tricked by the name to drink it during these colder months. I prefer dark roasts with creamer and sugar. If anyone has a keurig, my favorite flavor they offer is Mahogany. It's a Caribou coffee blend.
Posted by RainDancer
Alot of flavored creamer. But coffee.. I like it strong.

Strong is vital. I cannot handle weak coffee. Miserrryy