How many..

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by sloan on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 and has 58 replies.
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How many views does your profile have?
I wonder if it's different for males/ females.
Or different signs
i wonder how different things effect the interest people hav.
1421 and I've been here since December '10
9,343. And I still think it's one person peeping an awful lot. Tongue
Hehehehee Pb smile. I was trying to think on when I joined, December of '09 I think?
Posted by Pb
Tongue Im a fan!
Gosh.. I joined in late 09 too? Idk this place is like a rabbit hole Tongue

Look all you like. smile I had to think about that, thought it was '10, but nope. Flew in October of '10 and it was before that. smile
LOL Who doesn't?
9,345, oh knock it off. Feel all nekkid now. Harumph. Tongue
lol scorched earth. You Taur's drive me crazy too Tongue
idk if my 1700 sammat counts quite on, since I was gone for 4-5 months?
LMAO Hey ho! It's their monitor, not mine.
I always DO wonder looking at meeeeeeee.
Posted by aPiscesPrincess
Posted by venusianbull
9,345, oh knock it off. Feel all nekkid now. Harumph. Tongue

At first I thought you meant there were 9,345 pervs around here lol! But then I realized you meant your view count Big Grin
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I'm sure there are more than that here. Winking
Think it'd help if we all dropped trou and paid an homage to Nights? Booty shots all over dxp.
Mmmm that's a very good question actually. I pay attention to the people I think are worth it, the others are 'outside' of that sphere for the most part.
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHA! Hmmmmm, picture opportunity for yours truly. I think boxer briefs are in order. No skankariffic knickers. Big Grin
4,930 since like of April of 2009? Fuck if I remember how long I've been here lol.
HA! I did it ya chickens. Need to upload it. C''s just a butt. Tongue
Not a nekkid bum, I'm wearing black boxer briefs smile
The done.
I wouldn't let my leg hair grow either. Tongue
Sounds like the Civics teacher had a penchant for furry legs and wanted to see as many of them as humanly possible. :/
????? Allllll we are sayyyyyinnnnnng, is give peeeeace a chaaaaaaance..?????
LOL Like my psych teacher, always sending us girls to the door to get the attendance sheet while he reclined in his chair for maximum view. You didn't need to be Fellini to figure that one out.
*hip bumping* Whooot, matching booootayyyyys.
Posted by Nights22
Posted by Pb
Posted by aPiscesPrincess
PB, we have matching butts now Tongue

woot woot +hip bump+
Its VBs turn Tongue! Im about to take mine down

lol its up its just a needle in a haystack in all her pics lolz
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LOL Like the prize in a Cracker Jack box. Tongue
I work hard on mah butt, it stays. Butts for peace and all that. Big Grin Heheheee, profile? Mmmmm, dunno about that. Tongue
Posted by Nights22
Posted by aPiscesPrincess
Posted by venusianbull
Posted by Nights22
Posted by Pb
Posted by aPiscesPrincess
PB, we have matching butts now Tongue

woot woot +hip bump+
Its VBs turn Tongue! Im about to take mine down

lol its up its just a needle in a haystack in all her pics lolz

LOL Like the prize in a Cracker Jack box. Tongue

Dang, I can't see it :X
Of course Nights was able to find it though.. probably the first pic of yours his eyes went to Tongue

lol its the butts for peace movement. Of course I found it!
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LOL I'm not only the Founder..I'm also a client.
Fare thee well Gemini.
503 boooo I'm boringTongue although I have a feeling it's mostly one person *shudders*
No worries. I've got bazoodles of pinups, wolves, etc, etc. smile
*sharp gasp* I had no idea.
LOL It's a wonder anyone can find a flipping thing in all my random buffoonery, but that's alright. Part of the scenery.
Anyone else hear the gentle strains of fapping? Tongue
Posted by Nights22
Posted by venusianbull
Anyone else hear the gentle strains of fapping? Tongue

A scorpio is near?
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^ For Pb's butt retirement.
Posted by DazedScorp
There are starving people in this world.
The least you can do is make them suffer and just showing them the pie. It's not like you'd actually let them eat it.

LOL!!! I missed this last night, sorry..this is funny! I'd just put up a pic of a pie I made, cos I'm like that.
i heard when you get a 100k your name turns golden
Do you get a watch too?
Counting my original account and this one.....
NOOOOOOOO! *falling to knees*
Do you ever wonder who in the HELL is doing so much peeking all the time? I do. See it jump like say 10 times and think: "What the?"
Posted by Nights22
Posted by venusianbull
Do you ever wonder who in the HELL is doing so much peeking all the time? I do. See it jump like say 10 times and think: "What the?"

No I revel in it! Revel! lolz.
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LOL Asking for it! *click clickety click...CLICK*
LOL "Whoa hey, an ASS..I better just drift over annnnn..hey, how did I get here again?"
Makes you wonder how many hard drives you're on too...oooo feeding paranoia.
LOL Big deal, eh? Save on if it makes you happy. Oh I was so proud to even be a bit player in butts for peace. Late I'll allow. Boo. I am THUCH a butt woman.
That's really your butt??