Posted by TruemaraIt’s like every time I catch myself thinking about him it’s like I ask myself “why do I keep thinking about him” I don’t have any reason to like him, but it feels like he’s being forced on me by the universe. I’ve even said out loud before that I do not want him send somebody else. Smh
Can you explain how you think about him but don’t want him?
Posted by Purpleaqua01
Also I should admit that I’ve been manifesting a soulmate. But nit someone from my past I’ve been craving real love. So at first I did entertain it by hanging out with him because I know want someone who loves me more than I love him. So ignored that I had no spark for him. But he was always too touchy feely, he doesn’t even make me laugh. & all in all he makes me cringe.
Im aqua sun, Leo moon, cap mars, aqua Venus
He’s a an aqua sun(can you believe that) & Pisces moon, Gemini mars, Pisces Venus
Posted by ImperfectStormYes I have actually. I use the pattern app & it’s usually correct for me. We got “meaningful” & also friends in past life, also it says that we basically have a pull towards each other that makes us feel like we’re meant to be in each other’s lives. At first I really tried. But he’s just nit my type.
Interesting stuff 🤔 I didn’t know love spells were a real thing. That’s kind of creepy, I don’t like it. Lol
Maybe it’s not a love spell though, maybe it’s just a subconscious attraction. If you guys have Pluto oppositions in synastry that might explain the magnetic pull but repulsion at the same time. Have you looked at your synastry?
Posted by ImperfectStormYes I have actually. I use the pattern app & it’s usually correct for me. We got “meaningful” & also friends in past life, also it says that we basically have a pull towards each other that makes us feel like we’re meant to be in each other’s lives. At first I really tried. But he’s just nit my type.
Interesting stuff 🤔 I didn’t know love spells were a real thing. That’s kind of creepy, I don’t like it. Lol
Maybe it’s not a love spell though, maybe it’s just a subconscious attraction. If you guys have Pluto oppositions in synastry that might explain the magnetic pull but repulsion at the same time. Have you looked at your synastry?
Posted by DMVI really don’t think this is love. Like I feel absolutely repulsed by him. He’s always trying to touch me or hug up on me in-front of everyone, & I’m an AQUARIUS I need a friendship with you first. & I tried. But y’all don’t understand he’s got really dirty dreads, it looks like he hasn’t brushed his teeth in years(smells like it too), & he pops pills. But there are things I like about him so he’s I guess it’s more of his outward appearance that I don’t like. & YES I have told him he needs to clean up a bit. I’ve suggested a dentist, I told him there’s no way I’d take him seriously until he cut his dreads. But he literally just chuckles and does nothing. So atp you’d think he’d move on? I give him all the clear signs I don’t want him I’ve blacked him before but he just reached out on another number. I don’t want to block my blessings & I don’t hate him I just don’t want to be with him like that. I’m going to tell him the next time I see him that I’m just nit interested in anything romantic.
I mean do you like this guy or not?
Why are you being intimate with him and then act all cold and dismissive?
Maybe it’s your own mixed signals that are driving you both up a wall. Maybe stop hinting at what you want and tell the creep to leave you alone IF that is really what you want.
By being intimate, I don’t mean sex. You’re discussing your sad days and being vulnerable with someone who you feel is beneath you.
I’ve never seen someone fight love so bad. Love is all in your face and you reached the conclusion that you’re being manipulated by a love spell.
What have you been smoking cause I need that
Leo mooners , got to love em
Posted by MareInfame
Is love spell a type of black magic?
What made you go straight to that conclusion? Do you live in an environment where that is done a lot?
Or did he ever express doing stuff like that in his past that would lead you to that conclusion?
It’s so sad that someone would find a need to do something like this… honestly, sooooo sad 😕
Posted by Purpleaqua01Posted by DMV
I mean do you like this guy or not?
Why are you being intimate with him and then act all cold and dismissive?
Maybe it’s your own mixed signals that are driving you both up a wall. Maybe stop hinting at what you want and tell the creep to leave you alone IF that is really what you want.
By being intimate, I don’t mean sex. You’re discussing your sad days and being vulnerable with someone who you feel is beneath you.
I’ve never seen someone fight love so bad. Love is all in your face and you reached the conclusion that you’re being manipulated by a love spell.
What have you been smoking cause I need that
Leo mooners , got to love em
I really don’t think this is love. Like I feel absolutely repulsed by him. He’s always trying to touch me or hug up on me in-front of everyone, & I’m an AQUARIUS I need a friendship with you first. & I tried. But y’all don’t understand he’s got really dirty dreads, it looks like he hasn’t brushed his teeth in years(smells like it too), & he pops pills. But there are things I like about him so he’s I guess it’s more of his outward appearance that I don’t like. & YES I have told him he needs to clean up a bit. I’ve suggested a dentist, I told him there’s no way I’d take him seriously until he cut his dreads. But he literally just chuckles and does nothing. So atp you’d think he’d move on? I give him all the clear signs I don’t want him I’ve blacked him before but he just reached out on another number. I don’t want to block my blessings & I don’t hate him I just don’t want to be with him like that. I’m going to tell him the next time I see him that I’m just nit interested in anything to expand
Posted by TruemaraPosted by Purpleaqua01Posted by DMV
I mean do you like this guy or not?
Why are you being intimate with him and then act all cold and dismissive?
Maybe it’s your own mixed signals that are driving you both up a wall. Maybe stop hinting at what you want and tell the creep to leave you alone IF that is really what you want.
By being intimate, I don’t mean sex. You’re discussing your sad days and being vulnerable with someone who you feel is beneath you.
I’ve never seen someone fight love so bad. Love is all in your face and you reached the conclusion that you’re being manipulated by a love spell.
What have you been smoking cause I need that
Leo mooners , got to love em
I really don’t think this is love. Like I feel absolutely repulsed by him. He’s always trying to touch me or hug up on me in-front of everyone, & I’m an AQUARIUS I need a friendship with you first. & I tried. But y’all don’t understand he’s got really dirty dreads, it looks like he hasn’t brushed his teeth in years(smells like it too), & he pops pills. But there are things I like about him so he’s I guess it’s more of his outward appearance that I don’t like. & YES I have told him he needs to clean up a bit. I’ve suggested a dentist, I told him there’s no way I’d take him seriously until he cut his dreads. But he literally just chuckles and does nothing. So atp you’d think he’d move on? I give him all the clear signs I don’t want him I’ve blacked him before but he just reached out on another number. I don’t want to block my blessings & I don’t hate him I just don’t want to be with him like that. I’m going to tell him the next time I see him that I’m just nit interested in anything romantic.
So if he calls after blocking him why do u answer?click to expand
Posted by MareInfameHey sorry I missed your question. I do not partake in things like that but yes I do know ppl who do. I have a friend who is also from the islands, she does candle work on this guy every time he tries to go back to his baby’s mother, she lights a candle & he comes back. I feel so bad for the guy & honestly don’t hang out w her anymore. & I’ve heard other stories as well. I did date this guy who admitted he did spell work on me(also from islands). He also was nit my type, but it was like one day I woke up & wanted to be with him. He used me, made me pay for things & I stayed. Then finally I went to church & he admitted that I broke his spell. His gf now says he’s doing it to her now. So yes I have experienced this. But in this case I don’t think it’s spell work I believe it’s manifestation & wanted to know how to claim my energy back & how to keep it for good!!Posted by Purpleaqua01
Also y’all don’t understand the situations he puts me in. He’ll invite me to all these cool events & I’ll come, & bring my friends thinking it’s CASUAL but it’s not. He’ll introduce me to his family as his girl, or he’ll put my name on guests list without even asking me !! Like just now he invited me to his birthday dinner & I’m his date. His family doesn’t like me because every time he brings me around they can tell I’m confused & uncomfortable lmao. I just feel so bad. But this isn’t about “why I keep entertaining it” this is about HOW YOU KNOW IF SOMEONE IS DOING SPELLWORK/manifestation on you!! If that’s the case than that’s how he’s keeping me in his life. I just want to know if anyone has FELT the way I do right now. I’m just as confused as everyone else.
I asked you if he had a history with that or if this is something that happens a lot in your community and you never answered that.
Just wondering why that concept even occurred to you?click to expand
Posted by MareInfameSo the guy I know for a fact was doing spell work, after it was broken he ended having to do 20 years in prison. Like I mean we never even got a chance to really break up. He admitted this to me in PRISON. I low key feel like he knows it’s his karma plus other things he’s done to ppl. & also yes they do use pictures. I remember my friend saying she would find pictures of ppl. So honestly I hope it’s nit spell work. But I’m so glad I figured this out because I’ve been thinking maybe he’s the one & I just need to give him a chance or clean him up a bit because I’ve been receiving all these signs that I should be with him. But I’m going to do some serious meditation and even maybe go get a candle of my own to bring my energy back.Posted by Purpleaqua01Posted by MareInfamePosted by Purpleaqua01
Also y’all don’t understand the situations he puts me in. He’ll invite me to all these cool events & I’ll come, & bring my friends thinking it’s CASUAL but it’s not. He’ll introduce me to his family as his girl, or he’ll put my name on guests list without even asking me !! Like just now he invited me to his birthday dinner & I’m his date. His family doesn’t like me because every time he brings me around they can tell I’m confused & uncomfortable lmao. I just feel so bad. But this isn’t about “why I keep entertaining it” this is about HOW YOU KNOW IF SOMEONE IS DOING SPELLWORK/manifestation on you!! If that’s the case than that’s how he’s keeping me in his life. I just want to know if anyone has FELT the way I do right now. I’m just as confused as everyone else.
I asked you if he had a history with that or if this is something that happens a lot in your community and you never answered that.
Just wondering why that concept even occurred to you?
Hey sorry I missed your question. I do not partake in things like that but yes I do know ppl who do. I have a friend who is also from the islands, she does candle work on this guy every time he tries to go back to his baby’s mother, she lights a candle & he comes back. I feel so bad for the guy & honestly don’t hang out w her anymore. & I’ve heard other stories as well. I did date this guy who admitted he did spell work on me(also from islands). He also was nit my type, but it was like one day I woke up & wanted to be with him. He used me, made me pay for things & I stayed. Then finally I went to church & he admitted that I broke his spell. His gf now says he’s doing it to her now. So yes I have experienced this. But in this case I don’t think it’s spell work I believe it’s manifestation & wanted to know how to claim my energy back & how to keep it for good!!
I see… ok thanks for explaining. Yeah, I know some cultures to that a lot. Do you know what happened to him when his spell was broken? Does his energy get depleted?
I had a similar experience. Don’t want to get into it. But I did A LOT of reiki and past-life regression, crystal clearing, protection magic. With that and distance, you should be fine. Remove all your online photos as well.
That Taurus told me he would also focus on photos.
You know the end result. Now you need to make sure your actions match what your deeply know. Strength of character WILL be to expand
Posted by MareInfameThat story was when I was 19 almost 10 years ago. I’ve been a bit naive in the past so yes I’m very cautious about people.Posted by Purpleaqua01Posted by MareInfamePosted by Purpleaqua01Posted by MareInfamePosted by Purpleaqua01
Also y’all don’t understand the situations he puts me in. He’ll invite me to all these cool events & I’ll come, & bring my friends thinking it’s CASUAL but it’s not. He’ll introduce me to his family as his girl, or he’ll put my name on guests list without even asking me !! Like just now he invited me to his birthday dinner & I’m his date. His family doesn’t like me because every time he brings me around they can tell I’m confused & uncomfortable lmao. I just feel so bad. But this isn’t about “why I keep entertaining it” this is about HOW YOU KNOW IF SOMEONE IS DOING SPELLWORK/manifestation on you!! If that’s the case than that’s how he’s keeping me in his life. I just want to know if anyone has FELT the way I do right now. I’m just as confused as everyone else.
I asked you if he had a history with that or if this is something that happens a lot in your community and you never answered that.
Just wondering why that concept even occurred to you?
Hey sorry I missed your question. I do not partake in things like that but yes I do know ppl who do. I have a friend who is also from the islands, she does candle work on this guy every time he tries to go back to his baby’s mother, she lights a candle & he comes back. I feel so bad for the guy & honestly don’t hang out w her anymore. & I’ve heard other stories as well. I did date this guy who admitted he did spell work on me(also from islands). He also was nit my type, but it was like one day I woke up & wanted to be with him. He used me, made me pay for things & I stayed. Then finally I went to church & he admitted that I broke his spell. His gf now says he’s doing it to her now. So yes I have experienced this. But in this case I don’t think it’s spell work I believe it’s manifestation & wanted to know how to claim my energy back & how to keep it for good!!
I see… ok thanks for explaining. Yeah, I know some cultures to that a lot. Do you know what happened to him when his spell was broken? Does his energy get depleted?
I had a similar experience. Don’t want to get into it. But I did A LOT of reiki and past-life regression, crystal clearing, protection magic. With that and distance, you should be fine. Remove all your online photos as well.
That Taurus told me he would also focus on photos.
You know the end result. Now you need to make sure your actions match what your deeply know. Strength of character WILL be needed.
So the guy I know for a fact was doing spell work, after it was broken he ended having to do 20 years in prison. Like I mean we never even got a chance to really break up. He admitted this to me in PRISON. I low key feel like he knows it’s his karma plus other things he’s done to ppl. & also yes they do use pictures. I remember my friend saying she would find pictures of ppl. So honestly I hope it’s nit spell work. But I’m so glad I figured this out because I’ve been thinking maybe he’s the one & I just need to give him a chance or clean him up a bit because I’ve been receiving all these signs that I should be with him. But I’m going to do some serious meditation and even maybe go get a candle of my own to bring my energy back.
Wow… you know some real characters 😳
Yeah, definitely meditate and maybe find a new crowd to hang out with?
I don’t mean to be light about this, but I just find it funny that the main reason why you don’t like this guy is because of his hair and teeth? While your ex was doing magic spells on people and shady enough to have been taken to jail for 20+ yrs. Don’t you think hair and teeth are non-issues compared to your ex?
I’m trying to understand that panic you have within?
You said your ex did spells on you, how did you get out of that? How did you break that? I’m sure it’s the same process as someone manifesting over to expand
Posted by DMVLmaoooo trust me I know how I am which is why I’m trying to take my time so I don’t end up making a mistake.
Just invite me to the wedding…
I’m sure I’ll still be here at dxp
All on this blog trying to rationalize love and make it logical.
Emotions really be like seasonings to Aquas.
Once he stops being nice and accommodating to you, you’ll fall in love.
Posted by Purpleaqua01If he would give me some room to breathe I’d be happy af!! But how do you tell someone that without being rude. & even energetically it feels forced so I’m hella cringing right now.Posted by DMV
Just invite me to the wedding…
I’m sure I’ll still be here at dxp
All on this blog trying to rationalize love and make it logical.
Emotions really be like seasonings to Aquas.
Once he stops being nice and accommodating to you, you’ll fall in love.
Lmaoooo trust me I know how I am which is why I’m trying to take my time so I don’t end up making a to expand
Posted by MareInfamePosted by justagirlPosted by MareInfame
Is love spell a type of black magic?
What made you go straight to that conclusion? Do you live in an environment where that is done a lot?
Or did he ever express doing stuff like that in his past that would lead you to that conclusion?
It’s so sad that someone would find a need to do something like this… honestly, sooooo sad 😕
I’m not sure on the black magic..I think it’s more intention that would clarify that.
what many may not realize is if you focus thoughts on a Person all the time it’s a form of manifestation. If you also masturbate to thoughts of them, or images. it’s a form of sex magic. I never knew that until recently.
Interesting that you say that. A Taurus told me the same thing you just said. And he would do that a lot - focus on girl of the moment and… do all types of stuff with them in mind. The girls would start having feelings for him without much effort on his part (except the manifestation).
He also said he had a history of doing black magic. So, I was curious to know if it was the same thing.
So, are you saying that for it to be black magic, the intention would be “to harm” but love spell or manifestation would be with the intention for love to just happen? Even without the will of the other person?
It’s like an intrusion of your energy, mind and spirit… maybe even soul.
But I guess I do this a lot too when I think of a loved one and then they call me because they were thinking of me too. Is that the same?click to expand
Posted by Purpleaqua01
Also y’all don’t understand the situations he puts me in. He’ll invite me to all these cool events & I’ll come, & bring my friends thinking it’s CASUAL but it’s not. He’ll introduce me to his family as his girl, or he’ll put my name on guests list without even asking me !! Like just now he invited me to his birthday dinner & I’m his date. His family doesn’t like me because every time he brings me around they can tell I’m confused & uncomfortable lmao. I just feel so bad. But this isn’t about “why I keep entertaining it” this is about HOW YOU KNOW IF SOMEONE IS DOING SPELLWORK/manifestation on you!! If that’s the case than that’s how he’s keeping me in his life. I just want to know if anyone has FELT the way I do right now. I’m just as confused as everyone else.
Posted by Purpleaqua01Posted by Purpleaqua01Posted by DMV
Just invite me to the wedding…
I’m sure I’ll still be here at dxp
All on this blog trying to rationalize love and make it logical.
Emotions really be like seasonings to Aquas.
Once he stops being nice and accommodating to you, you’ll fall in love.
Lmaoooo trust me I know how I am which is why I’m trying to take my time so I don’t end up making a mistake.
If he would give me some room to breathe I’d be happy af!! But how do you tell someone that without being rude. & even energetically it feels forced so I’m hella cringing right to expand
Posted by TruemaraI think I honestly have a trauma of rejecting men too harshly. I don’t think he’s the type to do anything to me, but in the past I’ve had guys spread rumors about me. Create fake drama. I’ve had friends be attacked for rejecting men. So no I won’t be mean.Posted by Purpleaqua01
Also y’all don’t understand the situations he puts me in. He’ll invite me to all these cool events & I’ll come, & bring my friends thinking it’s CASUAL but it’s not. He’ll introduce me to his family as his girl, or he’ll put my name on guests list without even asking me !! Like just now he invited me to his birthday dinner & I’m his date. His family doesn’t like me because every time he brings me around they can tell I’m confused & uncomfortable lmao. I just feel so bad. But this isn’t about “why I keep entertaining it” this is about HOW YOU KNOW IF SOMEONE IS DOING SPELLWORK/manifestation on you!! If that’s the case than that’s how he’s keeping me in his life. I just want to know if anyone has FELT the way I do right now. I’m just as confused as everyone else.
Lol you need to draw the line. you act like you have no control! Be mean and say no if your not interested. Cut him off and don’t accept to expand
Posted by Purpleaqua01
& I guess that’s what’s hindering me from straight up rejecting him lol. So now I just let men think they have a chance with also no chance.
Posted by MareInfameI have been, I never responded to his text inviting me to his bday dinner & vday. He keeps texting me tho. I just feel bad because I know majority of the ppl he hangs out with & im sure he’ll find a way to make me look like the bad guy. SmhPosted by Purpleaqua01Posted by MareInfamePosted by Purpleaqua01Posted by MareInfamePosted by Purpleaqua01Posted by MareInfamePosted by Purpleaqua01
Also y’all don’t understand the situations he puts me in. He’ll invite me to all these cool events & I’ll come, & bring my friends thinking it’s CASUAL but it’s not. He’ll introduce me to his family as his girl, or he’ll put my name on guests list without even asking me !! Like just now he invited me to his birthday dinner & I’m his date. His family doesn’t like me because every time he brings me around they can tell I’m confused & uncomfortable lmao. I just feel so bad. But this isn’t about “why I keep entertaining it” this is about HOW YOU KNOW IF SOMEONE IS DOING SPELLWORK/manifestation on you!! If that’s the case than that’s how he’s keeping me in his life. I just want to know if anyone has FELT the way I do right now. I’m just as confused as everyone else.
I asked you if he had a history with that or if this is something that happens a lot in your community and you never answered that.
Just wondering why that concept even occurred to you?
Hey sorry I missed your question. I do not partake in things like that but yes I do know ppl who do. I have a friend who is also from the islands, she does candle work on this guy every time he tries to go back to his baby’s mother, she lights a candle & he comes back. I feel so bad for the guy & honestly don’t hang out w her anymore. & I’ve heard other stories as well. I did date this guy who admitted he did spell work on me(also from islands). He also was nit my type, but it was like one day I woke up & wanted to be with him. He used me, made me pay for things & I stayed. Then finally I went to church & he admitted that I broke his spell. His gf now says he’s doing it to her now. So yes I have experienced this. But in this case I don’t think it’s spell work I believe it’s manifestation & wanted to know how to claim my energy back & how to keep it for good!!
I see… ok thanks for explaining. Yeah, I know some cultures to that a lot. Do you know what happened to him when his spell was broken? Does his energy get depleted?
I had a similar experience. Don’t want to get into it. But I did A LOT of reiki and past-life regression, crystal clearing, protection magic. With that and distance, you should be fine. Remove all your online photos as well.
That Taurus told me he would also focus on photos.
You know the end result. Now you need to make sure your actions match what your deeply know. Strength of character WILL be needed.
So the guy I know for a fact was doing spell work, after it was broken he ended having to do 20 years in prison. Like I mean we never even got a chance to really break up. He admitted this to me in PRISON. I low key feel like he knows it’s his karma plus other things he’s done to ppl. & also yes they do use pictures. I remember my friend saying she would find pictures of ppl. So honestly I hope it’s nit spell work. But I’m so glad I figured this out because I’ve been thinking maybe he’s the one & I just need to give him a chance or clean him up a bit because I’ve been receiving all these signs that I should be with him. But I’m going to do some serious meditation and even maybe go get a candle of my own to bring my energy back.
Wow… you know some real characters 😳
Yeah, definitely meditate and maybe find a new crowd to hang out with?
I don’t mean to be light about this, but I just find it funny that the main reason why you don’t like this guy is because of his hair and teeth? While your ex was doing magic spells on people and shady enough to have been taken to jail for 20+ yrs. Don’t you think hair and teeth are non-issues compared to your ex?
I’m trying to understand that panic you have within?
You said your ex did spells on you, how did you get out of that? How did you break that? I’m sure it’s the same process as someone manifesting over you.
That story was when I was 19 almost 10 years ago. I’ve been a bit naive in the past so yes I’m very cautious about people.
It’s smart to be cautious. Just try to disconnect too.
I suggest you do it the Libra way; be nice but at the same time, disconnect and be an air head about him. And focus more on doing YOU. I’m sure that won’t get anyone in trouble…click to expand
Posted by black773So I’m guessing you think it’s not real? Thanks for answering the question. & “the above” is just a human having a human experience. If you’re not a spiritual person maybe get off of spiritual advice column & go find a more logical one. “Human” LOL
“Ok so first & foremost I think manifesting a person/love spells are kind of wrong in my opinion because it’s against free will.“
This must be what women think internally. The mentally defective variety. Humans always prove how self-centered they are. To believe they even remotely have power over another person in love. Nonsense.
Either the above or this is an extreme form of victimizing the self which once again is self-centered.