how to politely tell a doctor that "he might want to check if his weight is still normal"?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by firebunny on Wednesday, April 17, 2019 and has 16 replies.
i have a friend-doctor who looks unusually underweight. i think he must be anorexic. but how do i tell him to check on his weight without offending him?

Your BMI is suboptimal.

or alternatively: slippery slope to fattydom starts here good doctor.
Serious thread, bro
Posted by firebunny

i have a friend-doctor who looks unusually underweight. i think he must be anorexic. but how do i tell him to check on his weight without offending him?


why don't you want to offend him?

doctors need to have the balls to tell people they have cancer, and you wanna sugarcoat shit for him? lmao....
"I'm bored...let's go weigh ourselves!" Then have the BMI chart handy and compare. You're welcome!
Posted by Neshama

Posted by Endless

Posted by firebunny

i have a friend-doctor who looks unusually underweight. i think he must be anorexic. but how do i tell him to check on his weight without offending him?


why don't you want to offend him?

doctors need to have the balls to tell people they have cancer, and you wanna sugarcoat shit for him? lmao....
Plus if he is THAT thin...he has heard it before.

He is probably bored of hearing it.
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maybe, but that's not really my point.

physician burnout is a very real, very serious problem, and need attention and recognition, the amount of doctors and nurses that overwork, skip sleep time, meals, and social life, is huge, everyone understand that it is for the benefit of the patients, but the stress can be too much, and the physical, mental, and emotional damage can make way to serious long-term effect.

they need to acknowledge this, and any serious condition, this kind of things need to be addressed directly.

I never sugarcoat things to doctors.
Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Neshama

Posted by LethalFantasia

I don't think that would be appropriate tbh

An anorexic would never admit they are anorexic (well, most wouldn't) and if there's some medical reason or whatever you could really hurt this guys feelings

Just saying lolz x
I mean he could have cancer or be stressed etc .

Just ask if he is healthy right now or if there is anything he wants to talk about. Ask him why he looks so stressed or tired etc.

Maybe he has gone vegan or something.

I wouldn't even ask that tbqh

It's not really a strangers or patients business in my opinion

awks!! lolz
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read again, he said he's a friend
Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Endless

Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Neshama

Posted by LethalFantasia

I don't think that would be appropriate tbh

An anorexic would never admit they are anorexic (well, most wouldn't) and if there's some medical reason or whatever you could really hurt this guys feelings

Just saying lolz x
I mean he could have cancer or be stressed etc .

Just ask if he is healthy right now or if there is anything he wants to talk about. Ask him why he looks so stressed or tired etc.

Maybe he has gone vegan or something.

I wouldn't even ask that tbqh

It's not really a strangers or patients business in my opinion

awks!! lolz

read again, he said he's a friend

I'm tired. Don't judge me

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I'm a virgo venus, I was born to judge people lmao.
Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Endless

Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Endless

Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Neshama

Posted by LethalFantasia

I don't think that would be appropriate tbh

An anorexic would never admit they are anorexic (well, most wouldn't) and if there's some medical reason or whatever you could really hurt this guys feelings

Just saying lolz x
I mean he could have cancer or be stressed etc .

Just ask if he is healthy right now or if there is anything he wants to talk about. Ask him why he looks so stressed or tired etc.

Maybe he has gone vegan or something.

I wouldn't even ask that tbqh

It's not really a strangers or patients business in my opinion

awks!! lolz

read again, he said he's a friend

I'm tired. Don't judge me

User Submitted Image

I'm a virgo venus, I was born to judge people lmao.

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HaHa! jokes on you, Im carrying my cleaning supply everywhere all the time.

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So I told him upfront

But then we got into an argument

I tried to make things easier for his ear

But that’s not really relevant

He said he’s perfectly healthy. He said his weight is 155 lbs or 70.5 kilos. Didnt ask him his height but since he said he just weighed hinself 2 days ago then he probably already knows whether he’s underweight or normal

I waited for him to say that his weight is normal but he didnt mention it at all

What he only told me is that he’s “healthy” and “perfectly fine”

Another thing is that he argued “we” are just jealous coz we’re “fat”

Emphasis on those two words coz 1. Why didnt he refer to me as “you” instead he referred to me as “you guys” 2. That he thinks im fat shows he’s overly conscious of one’s weight and appearance. Last time i checked my weight is still normal so i couldnt possibly be fat

Also, he said he has many friends and relatives but not one of them told him he’s skinny. His friends even told him he’s looking great

But i notice he has a very good-looking built, he wears jackets all the time, he has a well-defined jawline, and he has a nice wavy long hair. Of course people will tell him he looks good!

But on his latest photo, his veins are already showing, his built looks as those he’s some hanger carrying a polo shirt and his hair very dry and frizzled

So something’s really wrong

I told him “you know better than i do because you’re a doctor but i hope you don’t rationalize things just because of your profession”

I really didn’t want to argue. Im just worried
I also told him

“I hope you don’t take offense but instead take into consideration other people’s observations”
Posted by thinktankPisces

Dont talk in public where many people see it or when hes working, the doctor need to keep face.

Just talk about it when hes not work and hes alone with you.
This is via PMs
Posted by firebunny


So I told him upfront

He said he’s perfectly healthy. He said his weight is 155 lbs or 70.5 kilos. Didnt ask him his height but since he said he just weighed hinself 2 days ago then he probably already knows whether he’s underweight or normal

I waited for him to say that his weight is normal but he didnt mention it at all

What he only told me is that he’s “healthy” and “perfectly fine”

But on his latest photo, his veins are already showing, his built looks as those he’s some hanger carrying a polo shirt and his hair very dry and frizzled

So something’s really wrong

he didn't mention height, now that's cheeky, anyway if he's under 6' them it is an acceptable weight, ofc he could lie, but who knows.

maybe it is just stress, that can have a lot of implication in one's look and health, I repeat, physician burnout is a very serious thing, medical workers should really take better care of themself.
I don't think he's healthy because a normal doctor would have just laughed in your face rather than getting into a catfight with you. Or did you just encounter the mirror-universe firebunny? Does he have a goatee?
He has been ignoring me since our argument

Looks like I lost another friend

He’s a doctor. He already knows.