I Finally Did It, But Im Scared...

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by slowdive80 on Monday, December 21, 2020 and has 9 replies.
This past Friday, I finally gave notice at my job from hell. I work as a representative for an Oxygen Supply Company BTW. Here's why − We had 2 temp to hires walk off the job. All week before they were complaining about the way my manager and the trainer were teaching them.

One day another trainer wasn't going to be there, but would be there the next day. Even though they had an instant messenger to msg other managers for help. They were panicking saying even though they were just in supply order call areas, they didn't feel ready. Even though they had been taking calls already and were in 3rd wk of training.

They kept saying it was bs and that the style of training wasn't helping. Next thing I know, they went to lunch and never came back.

I asked the remaining temp where they were and she said they were pissed about the way training was going and had enough. My manager got pretty upset and she reached out to the temp agency for feedback. About two days later i called into a private one on one meeting with her.

She said the feedback from the temp agency was that i was being aggressive with customers in my tone of voice and making the temps feel scared. Some background here − Our company gets the most nasty and aggressive callers you will ever hear. I'm talking high pitched screaming, threats, you name it. A majority of the time I tune them out as I am working to resolve the issue.

But sometimes I resolve the issue within 10 mins and they're still going on their primal scream therapy and wont let you get a word in edgewise. Our metrics require us not to have too many 1 hr calls as our call volume is high due to lots of reps quitting or getting fired. Due to that, I have had to politely interrupt a few different times to take control of the call.

I try telling them there is a solution for their problem but they still scream and want to argue. Unfortunately due to having a deep voice, my tone can unintentially go higher without me being upset. Due to the fact I have to interrupt them repeatedly saying I have a solution or problem was fixed.

Well one day I had 8 psycho calls in a row. I was having to do this technique several times of saying I took care of the issue. Because of that, I think that is what the temps were complaining about. I even went to them when they were working and told them if i am doing anything on the calls to make them feel tense, to let me know and I will do better about it. The temps said no that it wasnt a issue and that they were not happy about training and stressed due to that.

Now my mgr is telling me that im the reason they walked off. And that our department cant be infected by a cancer referring to me destroying it. And needed my behavior corrected immediately. I agreed to it but did mention the temps saying they werent happy with training. She then only said she would follow up in another 2 weeks. I talk to the remaining temp that was still working and she said all she ever heard from the other temps away from me is that they werent satisifed with the training process.

She ended up letting go of the other temp 2 weeks later after my coworker nicely corrected her on a mistake. And made a threat she may not come back from lunch even though she did. While all this had been going on, Im dealing with the fact I may need to depart the company in january due to an ongoing legal issue in regards to my recently deceased grandfather that requires my presence out of state for an undetermined length of time.

On the day I was going to give my month notice my mgr called me in for another one on one. She then proceeded to scold me for the amount of outbound calls I was making even though I took roughly 45 to 50 calls a day. She said the outbound calls had no answer or msg left on vm. I then politely reminded her of the 3 callback attempt for patients throughout the day policy meaning we cant leave voicemails until the 3rd attempt.

She then said that policy had changed even though I was not told. She also mentioned the outbound calls to a medical supply company I left on terminal hold without dialing any buttons to access further. I had been doing that, but only because if we placed ourselves in casework mode, it hurt our adherence metrics. We are required to have a 94 percent adherence rate almost every day. And if we had too many low adherence rates we would be counseled and threatened about it. I was getting calls where I had to do a lot of paperwork in regards to correcting other reps mistakes made on orders that patients called to complain about. I had to do the outbound terminal hold calls to preserve my metrics due to correcting other reps mistakes

I was and still am getting up to 5 cleaning up other reps mistakes calls a day. The work takes up to 25 mins each time given what I have to do. I explained her that is why I called the other company and let myself be put on terminal hold. As casework mode through out the day hurts our adherence rate and I didnt feel my adherence should be punished since Im correcting peoples mistakes

She just weakly countered with i should have placed myself in casework mode as those calls were dishonest to the company and misrepresenting what I was doing. She had started this investigation into my call history herself btw without any prompting from upper management since the temps walked off. She said I lied and broke her trust in me. And in most cases this was ground for dismissal by the company.

She said I would have to stop that immediately but she is still investigating and would follow up next week with me. That put the scare into me and then I decided I would give her notice next tuesday. But when talking to trusted friends and colleagues, they said I had to do it the next day otherwise I could face potential firing.

And they suggested I email her boss and human resources and not include her in my letter of resignation as that would give her time to trash talk me to her boss and HR and give her a chance to fire me fast. With that in mind, this past friday I did send the email saying 01.15.21 would be my last day there. Her boss didnt respond, but HR did saying they were sad to see me ago and if there was anything they could do to help keep me there. All I said was the family legal situation had an undetermined timetable and that I had to leave.

They asked me if my supervisor knew. Ironically the day I submitted my notice online she was working from home. I told HR that I didnt know my boss wasnt going to be in today and I felt uncomfortable letting her know by email. HR responded that was fine but to let my mgr know and they will make my last day official on the calendar.

So tomorrow I am talking to my boss but Im a little scared as I think she may try to fire me on the spot. Should I talk to her before my shift starts or after it does about this?
@creamypv -

Shes a scorpio

@dopeh - As much as I appreciate the sentiment, unfortunately you are wrong , They have work arounds for screwing people out of unemployment. Ive seen them do it with other employees.

My advice came from ex employees as well as a buddy that runs a company.

BTW my boss hasnt mentioned anything yet to me. She is acting like everything is normal. I was told by buddy that runs a company to be careful not to engage her directly unless she prompts it.

And that if I dont hear from her by end of day about my resignation, to email her my letter and cc HR and her boss on it That way she cant deny receiving it

I am going to do this end of day today so we will see what happens

she's a terrible manager and since you are leaving I wouldn't give a shit what she says - you were trying to do a good job and all you got was grief and if she doesn't recognize that then she's worthless

put your time in and get the hell out of there; I would have left them fire me and fought for unemployment since that your right and screw them trying to fudge things up

you seem worthy of so much of a better job and I hope you get it once you take care of your family concerns; oxygen supply companies are on the lower end of the human spectrum companies and of course they most always have bad management

and as far as people calling and screaming at you; transfer them to your freaking boss next time and tell her that the company should have a policy against customers being totally unreasonable over the phone - if your company is making that many mistakes; again, shitty management makes for shitty companies/service to the public

good riddance; go find some peace !


Thanks for your kind words. I cant let them fire me because Ive been there for 2 and a half years and I need that reference.

Me giving notice was to preserve that reference. After 2 and a half years of complete hell, Im hoping that I get an upgrade for my next gig.

I was going to email her around 4 pm today with my notice. But the stupid bi $ ## had to go and do some undercover micromanaging. She tried to trap me by seeing if I did an refund order with out authorization. But she was asking nicely. i showed her the proof i didnt do itand she shut up quick.

After that, I immediately decided to be ruthless. I went ahead and waited till after she left at 430 pm today and decided to send her a copy of my email saying i am resigning with the head HR lady CCed on it.

I am emailing the HR head to verify she saw the email and if she did I will now have zero fks left to give. Its not my issue if my manager decides not to read her remaining email of that day after she left.

Im not responsible for her to actually look at her emails even if they are sent very late in the day.

Well see what happens tomorrow if she doesnt say anything, Im not saying anything to her at this point about it. Now if she tries to fire me when we have our meeting thursday, I will gently remind her that I already emailed HR and her supervisor my notice last friday.

Man tomorrow will be a tense day to say the least....
Posted by slowdive80


Thanks for your kind words. I cant let them fire me because Ive been there for 2 and a half years and I need that reference.

Me giving notice was to preserve that reference. After 2 and a half years of complete hell, Im hoping that I get an upgrade for my next gig.

I was going to email her around 4 pm today with my notice. But the stupid bi $ ## had to go and do some undercover micromanaging. She tried to trap me by seeing if I did an refund order with out authorization. But she was asking nicely. i showed her the proof i didnt do itand she shut up quick.

After that, I immediately decided to be ruthless. I went ahead and waited till after she left at 430 pm today and decided to send her a copy of my email saying i am resigning with the head HR lady CCed on it.

I am emailing the HR head to verify she saw the email and if she did I will now have zero fks left to give. Its not my issue if my manager decides not to read her remaining email of that day after she left.

Im not responsible for her to actually look at her emails even if they are sent very late in the day.

Well see what happens tomorrow if she doesnt say anything, Im not saying anything to her at this point about it. Now if she tries to fire me when we have our meeting thursday, I will gently remind her that I already emailed HR and her supervisor my notice last friday.

Man tomorrow will be a tense day to say the least....
the stress will be over soon - hang in there
IT'S ON!!!! I emailed HR confirming they received the email i sent the manager after she left for the day of my notice that I CC'ed them on

Exit interview date is confirmed. All she will do now is make my life at work a living hell for the next month but I'll be ok knowing Im out the door January 15th!!

If she fires me, it will be retaliatory on her end. I fully expect her to get mean and aggressive with me once she finds out and requests a meeting one on one
Posted by slowdive80

This past Friday, I finally gave notice at my job from hell. I work as a representative for an Oxygen Supply Company BTW. Here's why − We had 2 temp to hires walk off the job. All week before they were complaining about the way my manager and the trainer were teaching them.

One day another trainer wasn't going to be there, but would be there the next day. Even though they had an instant messenger to msg other managers for help. They were panicking saying even though they were just in supply order call areas, they didn't feel ready. Even though they had been taking calls already and were in 3rd wk of training.

They kept saying it was bs and that the style of training wasn't helping. Next thing I know, they went to lunch and never came back.

I asked the remaining temp where they were and she said they were pissed about the way training was going and had enough. My manager got pretty upset and she reached out to the temp agency for feedback. About two days later i called into a private one on one meeting with her.

She said the feedback from the temp agency was that i was being aggressive with customers in my tone of voice and making the temps feel scared. Some background here − Our company gets the most nasty and aggressive callers you will ever hear. I'm talking high pitched screaming, threats, you name it. A majority of the time I tune them out as I am working to resolve the issue.

But sometimes I resolve the issue within 10 mins and they're still going on their primal scream therapy and wont let you get a word in edgewise. Our metrics require us not to have too many 1 hr calls as our call volume is high due to lots of reps quitting or getting fired. Due to that, I have had to politely interrupt a few different times to take control of the call.

I try telling them there is a solution for their problem but they still scream and want to argue. Unfortunately due to having a deep voice, my tone can unintentially go higher without me being upset. Due to the fact I have to interrupt them repeatedly saying I have a solution or problem was fixed.

Well one day I had 8 psycho calls in a row. I was having to do this technique several times of saying I took care of the issue. Because of that, I think that is what the temps were complaining about. I even went to them when they were working and told them if i am doing anything on the calls to make them feel tense, to let me know and I will do better about it. The temps said no that it wasnt a issue and that they were not happy about training and stressed due to that.

Now my mgr is telling me that im the reason they walked off. And that our department cant be infected by a cancer referring to me destroying it. And needed my behavior corrected immediately. I agreed to it but did mention the temps saying they werent happy with training. She then only said she would follow up in another 2 weeks. I talk to the remaining temp that was still working and she said all she ever heard from the other temps away from me is that they werent satisifed with the training process.

She ended up letting go of the other temp 2 weeks later after my coworker nicely corrected her on a mistake. And made a threat she may not come back from lunch even though she did. While all this had been going on, Im dealing with the fact I may need to depart the company in january due to an ongoing legal issue in regards to my recently deceased grandfather that requires my presence out of state for an undetermined length of time.

On the day I was going to give my month notice my mgr called me in for another one on one. She then proceeded to scold me for the amount of outbound calls I was making even though I took roughly 45 to 50 calls a day. She said the outbound calls had no answer or msg left on vm. I then politely reminded her of the 3 callback attempt for patients throughout the day policy meaning we cant leave voicemails until the 3rd attempt.

She then said that policy had changed even though I was not told. She also mentioned the outbound calls to a medical supply company I left on terminal hold without dialing any buttons to access further. I had been doing that, but only because if we placed ourselves in casework mode, it hurt our adherence metrics. We are required to have a 94 percent adherence rate almost every day. And if we had too many low adherence rates we would be counseled and threatened about it. I was getting calls where I had to do a lot of paperwork in regards to correcting other reps mistakes made on orders that patients called to complain about. I had to do the outbound terminal hold calls to preserve my metrics due to correcting other reps mistakes

I was and still am getting up to 5 cleaning up other reps mistakes calls a day. The work takes up to 25 mins each time given what I have to do. I explained her that is why I called the other company and let myself be put on terminal hold. As casework mode through out the day hurts our adherence rate and I didnt feel my adherence should be punished since Im correcting peoples mistakes

She just weakly countered with i should have placed myself in casework mode as those calls were dishonest to the company and misrepresenting what I was doing. She had started this investigation into my call history herself btw without any prompting from upper management since the temps walked off. She said I lied and broke her trust in me. And in most cases this was ground for dismissal by the company.

She said I would have to stop that immediately but she is still investigating and would follow up next week with me. That put the scare into me and then I decided I would give her notice next tuesday. But when talking to trusted friends and colleagues, they said I had to do it the next day otherwise I could face potential firing.

And they suggested I email her boss and human resources and not include her in my letter of resignation as that would give her time to trash talk me to her boss and HR and give her a chance to fire me fast. With that in mind, this past friday I did send the email saying 01.15.21 would be my last day there. Her boss didnt respond, but HR did saying they were sad to see me ago and if there was anything they could do to help keep me there. All I said was the family legal situation had an undetermined timetable and that I had to leave.

They asked me if my supervisor knew. Ironically the day I submitted my notice online she was working from home. I told HR that I didnt know my boss wasnt going to be in today and I felt uncomfortable letting her know by email. HR responded that was fine but to let my mgr know and they will make my last day official on the calendar.

So tomorrow I am talking to my boss but Im a little scared as I think she may try to fire me on the spot. Should I talk to her before my shift starts or after it does about this?
You really do have complaints and excuses for everything. I'd be annoyed as your supervisor too. It sounds like you leaving is for the best. I hope you find a job better suited for you and sorry to hear about your grandfather.
UPDATE - Manager acknowledged my resignation email. She was strangely cool about it, but i have a feeing she was coached by hr and her manager to handle it that way.

@dazed - thanks for the kind thoughts even if they are backhanded. I would love to hear you say that to my co-workers lol Because they will back up the hell we are constantly put through by the company and the patients here. its like working in a prison camp except instead of labor intensive, its stress intensive.

Back to back Karen aggression all day every day. Its psychologically draining, so yes Im going to complain especially when half the problem is corporate not caring that they are causing the problems aside from bat---t crazy patients