We are friends (not so close) but always flirted and stared each other.. he kissed me even once, but right away I learned that he made a relationship.
One day, we were together and talked about all night.. then he kissed me but I stopped him. I asked h
I have most of the placements that get a bad wrap on this board 🤣
3rd decan scorpio sun
3rd decan pisces rising
Capricorn venus and mars
Venus square saturn Venus conjunction mars?
Is this a good combo and what is yours?
Hello everyone I’m not here. I have a lot on my mind but I’ll try to keep it short. 2 weeks ago my now ex ( Libra) told me he needed space. It wasn’t what I wanted, but after a lot of tears I decided the best thing was to leave him alone with his thought
I've never met someone whom I felt intimidated by or scared like that before. It's not physical intimidation. But, almost like your aura is very strong, unknown, mysterious, and just hard to read... intimidating... Although personality wise, she seems ver
I've never met someone whom I felt intimidated by or scared like that before. It's not physical intimidation. But, almost like your aura is very strong, unknown, mysterious, and just hard to read... intimidating... Although personality wise, she seems ver
I've never met someone whom I felt intimidated by or scared like that before. It's not physical intimidation. But, almost like your aura is very strong, unknown, mysterious, and just intimidating... Her facial features also compliments it. Skinny, pointed
I've never met someone whom I felt intimidated by or scared like that before. It's not physical intimidation. But, almost like your aura is very strong, unknown, mysterious, and just intimidating... Her facial features also compliments it. Skinny, pointed