This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by divinesurrender on Sunday, April 3, 2016 and has 8 replies.
I wish to make my life all over again.Burying the past and everything associated with it which includes my career field. I have been lost for a while as im unable to make up my mind on which field to go for. How to choose whats right for me. I do not want to regret my choice later as im already reaching 30 and cannot afford to waste anymore time. I have been in the health and healing field till now working in a clinical setup. I dont know where to begin now. There r a number of options in my mind but im unable to put my finger on one. The more i think..more im looking at the other side. I need help in making a decision. Plz help. Thanks.
I can't help you with the actual decision making, but I do want to tell you that it's never too late to change career or direction...
You can be well into your 40's and decide to do something completely different with your life.
So don't stress too much okay?
Posted by TheLibraMudra
Start stripping

Hahah..u must be kidding. But well i have visualized myself there although i know i will never choose it as a career option. Lets say i want to do something where my dignity remains intact..lol
Posted by BG2

Nice.. But i wish i was at the stage where i hv only two options to choose between. Maybe ill save this for that stage. Right now im no where..
Posted by Heart
Posted by divinesurrender
I wish to make my life all over again.Burying the past and everything associated with it which includes my career field. I have been lost for a while as im unable to make up my mind on which field to go for. How to choose whats right for me. I do not want to regret my choice later as im already reaching 30 and cannot afford to waste anymore time. I have been in the health and healing field till now working in a clinical setup. I dont know where to begin now. There r a number of options in my mind but im unable to put my finger on one. The more i think..more im looking at the other side. I need help in making a decision. Plz help. Thanks.

Mediate. It will change your life forever. I wish I were joking. You'll discover parts of yourself that have been repressed by society and will find what career is the real one for you.

click to expand

Thanks. It was a good read. I think it belonged to my other thread "state of my mind". But well it could belong amywhere. In many places, the article hit the bulls eye. I'd like to apply it i'm not sure how though .I wonder if i am already doing so. Since i'm mostly all about the present right now as.. well.. I have no other choice. I'm living on the edge right now so there is nothing much to fear. How do you practice meditation?
Posted by wagtail
I can't help you with the actual decision making, but I do want to tell you that it's never too late to change career or direction...
You can be well into your 40's and decide to do something completely different with your life.
So don't stress too much okay?

Okay •_•
Posted by idk
makes sense that you don't want to regret a choice later on....
i wouldn't want to presume to know what the best choice for you is
did you try writing down your choices and associated careers?

Yes i did...i keep on adding when i discover somthng that fascinates me. To begin with i want to do something that doesn't have to necessarily make big money but it allows me a lot of flexibility and freedom of choice. I dont want to work for someone. And least of all, do anything that will cause any harm to another being directly oe indirectly, sooner or later. If u see what most industries r doing, they r causing imbalance in the ecosystem. I don't want to be involved in such careers. Creative fields i am considering.
Posted by Heart
Posted by divinesurrender
Posted by Heart
Posted by divinesurrender
I wish to make my life all over again.Burying the past and everything associated with it which includes my career field. I have been lost for a while as im unable to make up my mind on which field to go for. How to choose whats right for me. I do not want to regret my choice later as im already reaching 30 and cannot afford to waste anymore time. I have been in the health and healing field till now working in a clinical setup. I dont know where to begin now. There r a number of options in my mind but im unable to put my finger on one. The more i think..more im looking at the other side. I need help in making a decision. Plz help. Thanks.

Mediate. It will change your life forever. I wish I were joking. You'll discover parts of yourself that have been repressed by society and will find what career is the real one for you.


Thanks. It was a good read. I think it belonged to my other thread "state of my mind". But well it could belong amywhere. In many places, the article hit the bulls eye. I'd like to apply it i'm not sure how though .I wonder if i am already doing so. Since i'm mostly all about the present right now as.. well.. I have no other choice. I'm living on the edge right now so there is nothing much to fear. How do you practice meditation?

I get about 20 minutes per day either in the morning or before going to sleep. I recommend starting at five minutes and to keep a journal in case you see anything or get insight. A lot of my poetry happens during meditation. It can be used either for two things: to quiet the mind, or for visualization when you have a said goal you want to see happen. Watch for synchronicities in your everyday life, too. Seeing a certain type of animal often can also show you what you need to do next.
click to expand

Thanks.. Ill start the visualisation.. In fact i hv been doing that for most part of the day since that is all im worried about. But i guess i need to calm myself and focus is it? Could you elaborate on synchronicities for me.. Thanks.