Did you ever say "i love you" to someone just to get into her/his pants? Or did you ever say it to someone that you're ONLY sexually attracted to? Or does it something really special that there has to be a real emotional feeling for you to say it to
I have a regular normal question: Why do I feel that Capricorn people are the most egoistic people ever? Or it just appears that they are egoistic but inside they are a sweetener? If you guys are really very very sweet, then why do you like to appear
Wonderful reading. Sample: Yes, your man misses you, but not in the same way you miss him. https://www.keen.com/CommunityServer/UserBlogPosts/Alternative_Information/quot-Does-he-miss-me-quot/688111.aspx
Hello all I joined this forum today for advice. I've been dating gemini guy for about 9 months. I'm a scorpio and he's actually on the Gemini/Taurus cusp. We met and was highly attracted to one another went on a few dates then stopped seeing each other.
I'm a Aries women in love for 2 years with a Scorpio man.unfortunately I don't think he felt the same way.If he did he showed me in very mean ways.I finally ended it by moving.he didn't think I could let him go I never wanted to leave him.I fought for hi