Posted by andswhoI look whiter, dude.
I also found your twin
Contrary to popular belief it is not a Spanish dude
It is the average Han chinese male
Posted by andswhoDo you know that this doesn't have any relevance to what I said?Posted by firebunnyNope no one thinks you look white or mixed at all.Posted by andswhoI look whiter, dude.
I also found your twin
Contrary to popular belief it is not a Spanish dude
It is the average Han chinese male to expand
Posted by andswhoskin color. duh.Posted by firebunnyThen clarify your statementPosted by andswhoDo you know that this doesn't have any relevance to what I said?Posted by firebunnyNope no one thinks you look white or mixed at all.Posted by andswhoI look whiter, dude.
I also found your twin
Contrary to popular belief it is not a Spanish dude
It is the average Han chinese male
In what ways do you look "whiter" than average Han chinese dudeclick to expand
Posted by andswhoThat's not my mother.. Side-by-side comparisons please.Posted by firebunnyNope average Han chinese male would be lighter if a bit yellower undertone than youPosted by andswhoskin color. duh.Posted by firebunnyThen clarify your statementPosted by andswhoDo you know that this doesn't have any relevance to what I said?Posted by firebunnyNope no one thinks you look white or mixed at all.Posted by andswhoI look whiter, dude.
I also found your twin
Contrary to popular belief it is not a Spanish dude
It is the average Han chinese male
In what ways do you look "whiter" than average Han chinese dude
You walk around with a brown complexion of the average south east Asian
See a pic of you with your mama same brown/ tan complexion
click to expand
Here's the story...
I like Ands. Ands likes me. He thought we'll do something more than that. I rejected his advances though. He felt bad. He doesn't want to be friends with me anymore. So he bullies me, telling me that I'm ugly. I told him, you wanted to suck my cock. He was like, how can someone be attracted to a mere sidekick/support? And now he's trying to project his hurt feelings on me. I am like, "get real dude."
Posted by andswhoDude, why would I believe you? You are just an internet friend who got rejected and can't get over his hurt feelings.Posted by firebunnyNope. You are just weird and delusional.Here's the story...
I like Ands. Ands likes me. He thought we'll do something more than that. I rejected his advances though. He felt bad. He doesn't want to be friends with me anymore. So he bullies me, telling me that I'm ugly. I told him, you wanted to suck my cock. He was like, how can someone be attracted to a mere sidekick/support? And now he's trying to project his hurt feelings on me. I am like, "get real dude."
Thinks he is white.
Thinks he is attractive.
Thinks everybody is into him.
Everyone says otherwise but he won't accept.
/shrugclick to expand
Posted by -Roman-He's obsessed with me.Posted by andswhoSmh can't believe you took this from his Facebook profile!Posted by firebunnyNope average Han chinese male would be lighter if a bit yellower undertone than youPosted by andswhoskin color. duh.Posted by firebunnyThen clarify your statementPosted by andswhoDo you know that this doesn't have any relevance to what I said?Posted by firebunnyNope no one thinks you look white or mixed at all.Posted by andswhoI look whiter, dude.
I also found your twin
Contrary to popular belief it is not a Spanish dude
It is the average Han chinese male
In what ways do you look "whiter" than average Han chinese dude
You walk around with a brown complexion of the average south east Asian
See a pic of you with your mama same brown/ tan complexion
click to expand
Posted by andswhoYou still sound so hurt.. There, there, Ands. It's okay. You deserve someone better. Like DJ.Posted by firebunnyLOL you are going to be a 70 year old virgin closet homoPosted by -Roman-He's obsessed with me.Posted by andswhoSmh can't believe you took this from his Facebook profile!Posted by firebunnyNope average Han chinese male would be lighter if a bit yellower undertone than youPosted by andswhoskin color. duh.Posted by firebunnyThen clarify your statementPosted by andswhoDo you know that this doesn't have any relevance to what I said?Posted by firebunnyNope no one thinks you look white or mixed at all.Posted by andswhoI look whiter, dude.
I also found your twin
Contrary to popular belief it is not a Spanish dude
It is the average Han chinese male
In what ways do you look "whiter" than average Han chinese dude
You walk around with a brown complexion of the average south east Asian
See a pic of you with your mama same brown/ tan complexion
Stop talking about dating or being remotely of value to any sex
That is not your forteclick to expand
Posted by andswhoDJ's nose is flat. He's not a lawyer. He's not a cpa. He admits I am better-looking than him. Carry on, dude.Posted by firebunnyDJ is better than you and taller and better looking and doesn't wear 2nd hand clothes.Posted by andswhoYou still sound so hurt.. There, there, Ands. It's okay. You deserve someone better. Like DJ.Posted by firebunnyLOL you are going to be a 70 year old virgin closet homoPosted by -Roman-He's obsessed with me.Posted by andswhoSmh can't believe you took this from his Facebook profile!Posted by firebunnyNope average Han chinese male would be lighter if a bit yellower undertone than youPosted by andswhoskin color. duh.Posted by firebunnyThen clarify your statementPosted by andswhoDo you know that this doesn't have any relevance to what I said?Posted by firebunnyNope no one thinks you look white or mixed at all.Posted by andswhoI look whiter, dude.
I also found your twin
Contrary to popular belief it is not a Spanish dude
It is the average Han chinese male
In what ways do you look "whiter" than average Han chinese dude
You walk around with a brown complexion of the average south east Asian
See a pic of you with your mama same brown/ tan complexion
Stop talking about dating or being remotely of value to any sex
That is not your forteclick to expand
Posted by andswhoI am better-looking than you.Posted by firebunnyRight you just cope your way through lifePosted by andswhoDJ's nose is flat. He's not a lawyer. He's not a cpa. He admits I am better-looking than him. Carry on, dude.Posted by firebunnyDJ is better than you and taller and better looking and doesn't wear 2nd hand clothes.Posted by andswhoYou still sound so hurt.. There, there, Ands. It's okay. You deserve someone better. Like DJ.Posted by firebunnyLOL you are going to be a 70 year old virgin closet homoPosted by -Roman-He's obsessed with me.Posted by andswhoSmh can't believe you took this from his Facebook profile!Posted by firebunnyNope average Han chinese male would be lighter if a bit yellower undertone than youPosted by andswhoskin color. duh.Posted by firebunnyThen clarify your statementPosted by andswhoDo you know that this doesn't have any relevance to what I said?Posted by firebunnyNope no one thinks you look white or mixed at all.Posted by andswhoI look whiter, dude.
I also found your twin
Contrary to popular belief it is not a Spanish dude
It is the average Han chinese male
In what ways do you look "whiter" than average Han chinese dude
You walk around with a brown complexion of the average south east Asian
See a pic of you with your mama same brown/ tan complexion
Stop talking about dating or being remotely of value to any sex
That is not your forte
He doesn't live with his parents
Did he now? Pls quote him because you are not better looking than anyone on dxp except maybe black Indianclick to expand