This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by WaterCup on Thursday, November 7, 2013 and has 27 replies.
If you were to win the lottery, who would you tell?
What about dating, would you be comfortable dating just anybody if you were rich? Or would you suspect that they're after your money?
Posted by Prince_Pisces
I don't think i'd have time to tell anyone, i'd be too busy out spending it LOL!

Hahaha. But surely you'll need a rest & have to talk to somebody though, who would it be?
Just curious PP, would you keep your current bf if you had a lot of cash? I see most people changing after a windfall, I'm just curious how many would stick with the company they already have.
Posted by CluelessCancer
I'd claim it as a llc, a business, and not my name, than id buy all my siblings homes (for investment purposes) and brand new cars (well not brand new, but less than a year old, enough to have depreciated, but still running excellent). i would put away half a mill for my parents to retire on. than i would buy an apartment in new york city and live there half the time.
i would help one or two people that deserve it, and the rest i'd invest it in real estate, emerging economies, maybe some venture capitalism type of stuff.
yes i've thought this through, funny enough i never play the lottery, lol so nice fantasy

Very clever, CC. What about men though, would you trust any of them? See, sometimes I watch these rich celebrities & wonder how they're able to trust & get involved with not so rich people. Personally, I'd think they are after my money & I think I'd keep my wealth a secret for that reason. Meaning, I'd live a normal life just incase some gigolo had ulterior motives.
If I chose to live a life of wealth, then I don't think I'd date. Too risky.
Posted by Prince_Pisces
Probably. I don't see a reason to trade him in just yet smile LOL!

LOL, would you tell him about the money though? It's funny how people get all business minded all of a sudden after finding out that someone they know have some cash. I was watching this show about a girl who lost her mother in an accident at work, the father sued the Co. & won a few millions. He then split the money with his daughter & went on to marry another woman...leaving the daughter alone with a whole lot of money. She made new friends & most came up with sob stories, business ventures, etc & she helped them all. Even buying a fellow classmate a brand new Mercedece. He friends killed her in the end. I forgot her name by the surname is Hartwell from Texas. They wrote a book about her called, Wasted. Cruel world.
Posted by robyn808
I'd tell everyone its a sign from god and finally start my cult

LOL, you'll be god for sure.
Posted by sandynads
I easily passed of illegal gains before i'm sure i can do legal ones.

That's because you had money. I think it would be different for someone who never had any in the beginning.
Regina Hartwell is the name of the girl. Her story makes me believe to never trust or even tell people how much you're worth...even a lover.
Nah don't think I'd tell anyone.
Just leave a wad of cash for the fam and probably disappear.
I think it depends on the amount for me, one mil- keep it to myself for sure... Up,to five I'd share with close family and friends... Above ten million I'd probably blow half of it and then try and be smart with what's left.
I wouldn't welcome ANY newcomers though. Male or female.
Posted by aquasnoz
Nah don't think I'd tell anyone.
Just leave a wad of cash for the fam and probably disappear.

Aww that's so sweet, the part about family. I wouldn't give even one rand to any of my family members, none deserves it. I'd give some to someone though if I only knew his name or where he lives...A BUS DRIVER. My bags were stolen in a train from my hometown to the city where I live & I was left folding my arms. It was about 5 am & it was his 1st shift. After telling him what happened, he told me to get in & he dropped me at my front door...I never forgot that.
I wouldn't give him my phone # or anything though lol, I don't want a pest now.
Posted by wagtail
I think it depends on the amount for me, one mil- keep it to myself for sure... Up,to five I'd share with close family and friends... Above ten million I'd probably blow half of it and then try and be smart with what's left.
I wouldn't welcome ANY newcomers though. Male or female.

+1 @ no newcomers. LOL @ you'd keep a million to yourself but would tell if it were more.
haha not as sweet as you think WC Tongue
My family's very money oriented and never got along. It's purely out of obligation seeing that put me in this world and allowed me to survive just adequately. Best I can do is provide them with the proper retirement funds.
Posted by sandynads
No new friends!

Not even a few busty redheads to add to your harem smile?
Posted by aquasnoz
haha not as sweet as you think WC Tongue
My family's very money oriented and never got along. It's purely out of obligation seeing that put me in this world and allowed me to survive just adequately. Best I can do is provide them with the proper retirement funds.

Gotcha. Where would you disappeare to? More money really is more problems Tongue...you have to protect yourself & your paper at the same time.
That would be telling now Winking If I were to disappear then no one could find me and so my paper would be safe! I hear Berlin's pretty nice this time of year!
What about you WC! if you won say like... 20mil. That's a lot of dosh.
Last year I won $ 3800 in lotto smile
I gave $ 500 each to 2 of my children and to my partner at the time and spent $ 3000 on something I wanted for the house. After considering what to do with it, I believed it was a windfall (easy come easy go) and I wanted others to share in it with me. We all needed or wanted something...
Posted by sweethearts
Last year I won $ 3800 in lotto smile
I gave $ 500 each to 2 of my children and to my partner at the time and spent $ 3000 on something I wanted for the house. After considering what to do with it, I believed it was a windfall (easy come easy go) and I wanted others to share in it with me. We all needed or wanted something...

aw that's cool.

I remember talking about the lottery/winnings in the Pisces forum, and my answer still the same:
we'd give money to our very close family, then probably live out an existence in the countryside.
Posted by aquasnoz
What about you WC! if you won say like... 20mil. That's a lot of dosh.

Ooh I really don't know what I'd do, but buying a huge house somewhere would probably be the 1st thing I'd do. I think I'd get myself a few nips & tucks as well Tongue
BTW I read an article about this lady who went to get her fanny tightened by a surgeon & he fell inlove with her on the spot & decided to "redo" her whole body, head to toe. She looked AMAZING. He created the image he had of a "perfect woman" in her & then married her after he was done. I wonder if she loves him though or just married him as a "favour".
Posted by sweethearts
Last year I won $ 3800 in lotto smile
I gave $ 500 each to 2 of my children and to my partner at the time and spent $ 3000 on something I wanted for the house. After considering what to do with it, I believed it was a windfall (easy come easy go) and I wanted others to share in it with me. We all needed or wanted something...

The "partner" would get nothing from me. I really cannot mix love & money.
I have a friend that plays the lottery 2 times a week & she says if she gets it, she'll buy her husband a shop of his own. He currently works for somebody else & is quite useless as a provider tbh. Her own mum helps her out financially every month. So when she tells me she'd buy him a shop I really don't get it. I'd leave.
The pot was $ 70 mil!! Couldn't believe I got 6 straight numbers or the fact the bloody lotto has 7 numbers!
I did daydream a little about the big one and I know I would help a few friends out as well as look after my family.
What gets me is you can't gift away fortunes, the tax man has to have his say in this country. Imagine the tax bill on 70 million? I wonder if they even give it in a lump sum??
Posted by CluelessCancer
I'd claim it as a llc, a business, and not my name, than id buy all my siblings homes (for investment purposes) and brand new cars (well not brand new, but less than a year old, enough to have depreciated, but still running excellent). i would put away half a mill for my parents to retire on. than i would buy an apartment in new york city and live there half the time.
i would help one or two people that deserve it, and the rest i'd invest it in real estate, emerging economies, maybe some venture capitalism type of stuff.
yes i've thought this through, funny enough i never play the lottery, lol so nice fantasy

Now that's scary. I have also thought about an LLC .
Depending on the amount, immediately half would be shunted into offshore investments.
I would buy out some people on this nice piece of remote property, buid a place on it like I was planning to survive a zombie apocalypse. Since its way north, I'd have a winter place somewhere in the Carolinas.
I'd set up trusts for immediate family, make some large anonymous donaations to a couple of charities and educational institutions.
Then, I'd travell to the places on my bucket list.
After that, stay low profie. Pick up ladies in dive bars, with the occasional egregious display of wealth in front of the shallow gold diggers like a person dangles a fuzzy toy just outside of a cat's reach...
Well I have watched that lottery cursed show on tv. I'm not telling. People will kidnap your family for ransom !
Posted by WaterCup
If you were to win the lottery, who would you tell?
What about dating, would you be comfortable dating just anybody if you were rich? Or would you suspect that they're after your money?

I would only tell the people I'd already pre-planned to help. There'd be no way for me to help them w/o them knowing that something is up lol
If I was already in a relationship, I would reflect like HELL to see if I truly believe that the person is in it for me & for all the right reasons. If I felt like he would start to change or act even a little funny, I'd let him go b/c it's a lost cause when money becomes the motive in a relationship.
If I was truly single around the time I won the lottery, I wouldn't date for a few years. And if I did, it would be someone half across the country...someone who wouldn't know that I was a lottery winner lol
I would never tell a soul about it and begin to funnel the money into an offshore tax shelter as soon as I got it. Some would get invested into precious metals, namely gold. And then I would sit around and wait for our president to say something stupid so I could use the rest to hit another arms trade spike. Tongue
No one will ever know exactly how much of what I have until my will is cracked open post-mortem.
Posted by TMV
I would never tell a soul about it and begin to funnel the money into an offshore tax shelter as soon as I got it. Some would get invested into precious metals, namely gold. And then I would sit around and wait for our president to say something stupid so I could use the rest to hit another arms trade spike. Tongue
No one will ever know exactly how much of what I have until my will is cracked open post-mortem.

Dang. I was only going to move half.
Then again, I can use the half onshore to quietly buy politicians..
Posted by TMV
I would never tell a soul about it and begin to funnel the money into an offshore tax shelter as soon as I got it. Some would get invested into precious metals, namely gold. And then I would sit around and wait for our president to say something stupid so I could use the rest to hit another arms trade spike. Tongue
No one will ever know exactly how much of what I have until my will is cracked open post-mortem.

I like the way you think....