If it makes you angry...does it mean it's true?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by iceredrobot on Tuesday, November 8, 2011 and has 20 replies.
Big Grin
otherwise why get upset?
If I feel passionately about something I'll whip into a froth over it. Not anger, it's a like a burning torch in the dark mentally. LOL At other times it's a night light bulb.
< width="560" height="315" ="http:
If your angry then you must be upset.
This video makes me angry.
< width="420" height="315" ="http:
intensity/a strong reaction doesn't always mean you've hit a nerve. some people passionately defend their position...or get annoyed when someone tells them they've made them angry...no...you think you're right, you're not. it's annoying. Big Grin
Posted by venusianbull
If I feel passionately about something I'll whip into a froth over it. Not anger, it's a like a burning torch in the dark mentally. LOL At other times it's a night light bulb.

Never get angry
always get even
Keep on trucking.
^5, YEP. Can you count the number of times someone has said to you "Calm down"? I am calm, like glassy water I'm that at ease. If someone truly sees PO'd it's pretty spec-tac-u-lar.
Posted by ellessque
Posted by venusianbull
If I feel passionately about something I'll whip into a froth over it. Not anger, it's a like a burning torch in the dark mentally. LOL At other times it's a night light bulb.

aries moon high five ^^^^^^
sometimes our "passion" is misconceived as anger.
click to expand

Maybe that is a sign you should spend a little more effort into giving the right impression about your emotions Winking rather than expecting everyone to read them the right way and therefore accepting them. Which is funny, cause..if its really a lot of people that "misinterpret" them, do you really think that many people are actually wrong and you're right? Tongue seems a bit unlikely.
Some food for thought there..
Yeah come to think of it they both are different.
How about 'take me as I am' rather than trying to tongue kiss someones sphincter so they can "like me". Which renders the whole process moot once they trip onto the fact that I'm not like that at all. No sense in pushing forward something you are not to pamper someone elses perception.
Its not about being something you are not. That conclusion has more to do with your own emotional defense mechanism Tongue
When THAT many people are taking an emotional reaction by you a certain way it can only lead to you asking yourself whether your reaction was in proportion to the situation at hand. We are not static beings, and we're most definately not emotionally static beings, nobody stays the same way they were born character-wise, we all change, we all adapt, that's how we survive, that is the reality of life. So to imply you're entitled to stay a certan way just because thats the way you are at a certain moment in time, is simply not an excuse and it is definitely not part of reality.
And what emotional reaction do I illicit sir? I state things plainly, even underscore it in mental hot pink highlighter.
"Maybe that is a sign you should spend a little more effort into giving the right impression about your emotions"
Must it be broken down in dull crayon?
You're thinking in extremes smile
I think I remember Nights telling you the same thing on a different thread Winking
Nights tells me many things. LOL
Posted by BoomShakalakaBoom
You're thinking in extremes smile
I think I remember Nights telling you the same thing on a different thread Winking

The man has zero issue holding that mirror up to me. I appreciate it very much, even if initial reaction is offense. Here my stubborn ass stands. *rubbing Aries Merc* See there? No misunderstanding.
You have got to be kidding me??? My thread got deleted? Who flagged it Tongue

I mean sure I flag threads all the time but it's not meant to happen to meeeeee. ugh brb
Flame on. smile

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