If there is anyone interested

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by HouseCleaning on Friday, April 1, 2016 and has 40 replies.
Some user by the name @Taureye deleted. He was the dude who always had those spiderman gifs
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adios sucka
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428

probably has something to do with transits
Why delete when you can just leave when you want to, then come back when you feel like it? Deleting seems so... overdramatic.
Posted by littlemegabytes
Posted by letterbox10
Why delete when you can just leave when you want to, then come back when you feel like it? Deleting seems so... overdramatic.

To erase most of the personal information that you posted on this site.
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Yes I can see this being the case if you've posted a lot of personal info here.

Still, there's a certain amount of anonymity here, is there not? One of many reasons I never post my real face on here or give out any info that I think can be easily traced in the "real life" that can then be connected to the "real me" smile

Oh well, so he's deleted. Will be dearly missed.

I do hope he comes back. As it is there are not that many Taurus men on here that could help the poor souls who come to lament about their "disappearing Taurus" and/or seek advice on how to win back their Taurus...

Posted by trollbait
Posted by letterbox10
Why delete when you can just leave when you want to, then come back when you feel like it? Deleting seems so... overdramatic.

I think it has something to do with not being able to change your name when you want. So there is a choice between being stuck with a name/persona that you're extremely bored with, or deleting.
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This I've actually seen quite a bit here. There's one in particular who deletes and comes back with a different name, like every 2 months or so? Big Grin
I like to imagine he's working out ways to FedEx me the perfect Turkey sammich.

Or it's cyberdust... Wat evs
Whaaaa... Noooo! :O Sad
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Hope he comes back! Sad
Posted by tiziani
In remembrance of Taureye, he knew a lot about healthcare.

He also loved him some Fixed sign women.

shit who doesn't? Don't know which is the best.
pretty sure he's re-logged as admiral
plus all his other alt accounts
Posted by xXxAliciaXxX
He has a life outside of DXP people. That's why he deleted. He will be back.


unlike you
That's too bad Sad
maybe april's fool???
say it isn't so ...
Posted by xXxAliciaXxX
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by xXxAliciaXxX
He has a life outside of DXP people. That's why he deleted. He will be back.


unlike you

Bitch, unlike you. Who's been here longer, me or you? I'll wait.

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you're not new... you can stop the act now lol
Posted by xXxAliciaXxX
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by xXxAliciaXxX
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by xXxAliciaXxX
He has a life outside of DXP people. That's why he deleted. He will be back.


unlike you

Bitch, unlike you. Who's been here longer, me or you? I'll wait.

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you're not new... you can stop the act now lol

You keep telling yourself that. Whatever helps you feel better about DXP being your entire life because no one fucks with you outside of here.
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Big Grin
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remember what taurpoolman would of wanted as his legacy. happy thoughts

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ahh, whatever, you will be deleting soon... Winking
mass taurus exodus
What a shame.
He looked nice and had a job.

Maybe that thread about people not having a life here really caught onto him
Posted by trollbait
Posted by whatthecrab
Posted by PV&Jellay
Posted by whatthecrab
He tagged me somewhere and then left. So nasty, disgusting and rude!

He did the same to me.

Aww Taureye. Damn! Taurus male disappearing act and shit. Sad

I think they only do that when they feel misunderstood/wronged.

who hurt you TAUREYEEEE!!!?

No one. He says he has major projects coming up. Dxp was too distracting so he deleted.

He says he'll be back though, once those projects are over.
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well you don't have to delete -- in that case

you just don't log in

Posted by whatthecrab
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by trollbait
Posted by whatthecrab
Posted by PV&Jellay
Posted by whatthecrab
He tagged me somewhere and then left. So nasty, disgusting and rude!

He did the same to me.

Aww Taureye. Damn! Taurus male disappearing act and shit. Sad

I think they only do that when they feel misunderstood/wronged.

who hurt you TAUREYEEEE!!!?

No one. He says he has major projects coming up. Dxp was too distracting so he deleted.

He says he'll be back though, once those projects are over.

well you don't have to delete -- in that case

you just don't log in

And who are you to decide how people deal with whatever they want to do?

Get over your narcisstic, bullying self. Your negative energy is getting tired. zzZzZZz snoozefest

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why do you care so much lol
NEWS FLASH *********

I can comment as I please if you don't like it, shove it.

Big Grin
Posted by xXxAliciaXxX
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by whatthecrab
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by trollbait
Posted by whatthecrab
Posted by PV&Jellay
Posted by whatthecrab
He tagged me somewhere and then left. So nasty, disgusting and rude!

He did the same to me.

Aww Taureye. Damn! Taurus male disappearing act and shit. Sad

I think they only do that when they feel misunderstood/wronged.

who hurt you TAUREYEEEE!!!?

No one. He says he has major projects coming up. Dxp was too distracting so he deleted.

He says he'll be back though, once those projects are over.

well you don't have to delete -- in that case

you just don't log in

And who are you to decide how people deal with whatever they want to do?

Get over your narcisstic, bullying self. Your negative energy is getting tired. zzZzZZz snoozefest

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why do you care so much lol

Cuz corny bitches are annoying to normal people. Doesn't matter if they're talking to you or not.

You're a corny ass bitch for real.
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keep spewing your hate hon
I thought you were leaving... lol
Posted by Finbuff
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by trollbait
Posted by whatthecrab
Posted by PV&Jellay
Posted by whatthecrab
He tagged me somewhere and then left. So nasty, disgusting and rude!

He did the same to me.

Aww Taureye. Damn! Taurus male disappearing act and shit. Sad

I think they only do that when they feel misunderstood/wronged.

who hurt you TAUREYEEEE!!!?

No one. He says he has major projects coming up. Dxp was too distracting so he deleted.

He says he'll be back though, once those projects are over.

well you don't have to delete -- in that case

you just don't log in

Ya - no kidding heh! WTF?
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yah but idiots don't understand that... what can you do
oh, was he your boyfriend Alicia?
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Posted by SensitiveBlues
Taureye seems like a cool chill person so it's funny to be that he would be corresponding with Alicia...she's a psycho.

i bet she chases him lol

Aqua why don't you just block her, why do you even deal with her. She's absolutely nuts.

you're right...
I Love Fuller House 2 ! Smug Kimmy Is Still Amazing ! DJ Acting Like her dad i like it! Stephanie How Rude, i mean she looking so good ! this thread is not good for talk Winking User Submitted Image

DJ seriously looks amazing, but I honestly miss curly headed baby Stephanie. Her comedic timing as a child was quite brilliant. This new one doesn't have the same feel; everyone is much too polished or something. 😞
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↑ for those two cuspers who are fighting their mutual attraction

Posted by HouseCleaning
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he was funny.

hope he returns.
Posted by hydorah
pretty sure he's re-logged as admiral
plus all his other alt accounts

Nahh, Admiral is another user who recently deleted as well.