If you saw this at the bathroom of the girl you just slept with?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by saggurl88 on Tuesday, January 21, 2020 and has 33 replies.
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What would your reaction be?
Posted by GC10


I was thinking about making this thread after my post in grand hairs thread, glad someone did!

Big Grin Tongue
Posted by AnotherTaurusGuyReturns

Play with the kitties.
Now that's a great answer!Laughing

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could we place it a bit higher on the front of the cabinet
Posted by notreally

could we place it a bit higher on the front of the cabinet

Remember what happened last time! Tsk, Tsk!

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Posted by Vicktoria

Does it squirt soap? 😬
Nope but it does help with singing in the shower! Big Grin

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Posted by saggurl88
Posted by notreally

could we place it a bit higher on the front of the cabinet

Remember what happened last time! Tsk, Tsk!

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I can't see the image lol but I shared that with you in confidence lololol
Posted by notreally
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by notreally

could we place it a bit higher on the front of the cabinet

Remember what happened last time! Tsk, Tsk!

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I can't see the image lol but I shared that with you in confidence lololol
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AWWWW Damn! lol

It's a dildo that was used and broke off a section of the wall!Laughing
Posted by Black-Mamba

if a guy gets in his knees and starts sucking it

well now you know

Wait, do the cats have to be involved or is it just the dildo.

Asking for a friend.
depending on total number of cats owned, and if I see tarot cards, crystals, or marked-up synastry charts lying around, probably will steal her phone later to search for her dxp account...
Posted by GuardianAnu

Wait, do the cats have to be involved or is it just the dildo.

Asking for a friend.
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Posted by Dreamy88

Ask if she wants to try double pen with the dildo and my chingaling dingaling 😋
Oo ee oo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang
Posted by Metatron

depending on total number of cats owned, and if I see tarot cards, crystals, or marked-up synastry charts lying around, probably will steal her phone later to search for her dxp account...

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Posted by saggurl88
Posted by GuardianAnu

Wait, do the cats have to be involved or is it just the dildo.

Asking for a friend.

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I'm strictly into men, so this doesn't apply, but I had to ask because this bothers me.
Posted by GuardianAnu
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by GuardianAnu

Wait, do the cats have to be involved or is it just the dildo.

Asking for a friend.

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I'm strictly into men, so this doesn't apply, but I had to ask because this bothers me.
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It's just a fun troll, no beastiality included.

"No animals were harmed in the making of this gif, only humans"

Posted by Dreamy88
Posted by Mesquite
Posted by Dreamy88

Ask if she wants to try double pen with the dildo and my chingaling dingaling 😋

Dude Eiffel Tower time! 🇫🇷

My hands get sweaty but it doubles up as lube lol
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Posted by Dreamy88
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by Dreamy88
Posted by Mesquite
Posted by Dreamy88

Ask if she wants to try double pen with the dildo and my chingaling dingaling 😋

Dude Eiffel Tower time! 🇫🇷

My hands get sweaty but it doubles up as lube lol


It’s a blessing and a curse 😌
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Life must be so hard for you! Tongue

@Neno2! Where the hell have you been?
Posted by Dreamy88

Ask if she wants to try double pen with the dildo and my chingaling dingaling 😋

but can yours do this?

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Posted by Neno2
Posted by saggurl88

@Neno2! Where the hell have you been?


I mistyped my reply to your thread

I said its normal to have cats😃

As for u question i say i was dead,now i am resurrected
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I saw what it said, I was wondering where you've been though.

I already know it's normal for DXP ladies to have cats! Big Grin

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Posted by Neno2
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by Neno2
Posted by saggurl88

@Neno2! Where the hell have you been?


I mistyped my reply to your thread

I said its normal to have cats😃

As for u question i say i was dead,now i am resurrected

I saw what it said, I was wondering where you've been though.

I already know it's normal for DXP ladies to have cats! Big Grin

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Seriously u should send me nudes as welcome back gift
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They wouldn’t be interesting 😅
My first reaction

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Second reaction

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Posted by LentoBull91

My first reaction

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Second reaction

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LaughingWhat about this reaction?

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Posted by GODZ

i ask her if she want to be my gf
Posted by SlipperySlope

Hang it from the roof where her short ass can't reach.
Then she will need to jump and get it with her teeth!

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If you want my honest opinion I would think she could sense my humor and put it there on purpose to shock me. Which would make me even more attracted to her. Latter I would sit and think no one can really sense me that well, and it was probably left their by accident. I would think to myself "If that was truly left their by accident, how does she do it? Does she grab the handles of the door and force it open and closed? I took a sock and put a rubber glove in it, then funcked my couch once. So I guess fucking a dresser is logical. That dirty little whoooore. I probably will never trust her, but I'll fuck her a few more times and see how this goes."

That the logic of my Leo sun Scorpio moon. The cats should have been the first red flag, but they weren't lmao!
I have two hanging in my shower right now...I call them my towel rack 😂😂😂

I don't even try to hide them either...I probably should but then I think...this is my bathroom and if someone wants to look behind my curtain ....well, thats on them lol.
Posted by LostinmyMind11

I have two hanging in my shower right now...I call them my towel rack 😂😂😂

I don't even try to hide them either...I probably should but then I think...this is my bathroom and if someone wants to look behind my curtain ....well, thats on them lol.
Posted by AnotherTaurusGuyReturns
Posted by LostinmyMind11

I have two hanging in my shower right now...I call them my towel rack 😂😂😂

I don't even try to hide them either...I probably should but then I think...this is my bathroom and if someone wants to look behind my curtain ....well, thats on them lol.

Imagine if you die and someone has to tidy away your personal effects! That’s why I got rid of my own male toys 😂😂
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Then I'll live on in the stories they tell..."dude, I remember this one time...had to clean out a chicks apartment and she had all her dildos suctioned cupped to her shower wall....it made a smiley face. Not gonna lie....I took one home as souvenir" 😂
Posted by SlipperySlope
Posted by notreally

could we place it a bit higher on the front of the cabinet

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but it's too low for me to reach lol
Posted by poeticseraphim
Posted by AnotherTaurusGuyReturns

Play with the kitties.

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I'm glad you agree! smile