I'm graduating

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Candeh15 on Monday, November 7, 2011 and has 19 replies.
college that is. I just learned that I'll be graduating in the spring and with a high GPA.
Woah, my life just went by way to fast. Jesus take the wheel.
I'm estactic, nervous, and ready. Established adults, tell me what to do.
Celebrate with the people that matter most. Try not to let your nerves make you sick up. Look forward to the future.
My first suggestion would be to button your shirt .. so you get a job for your worth, rather than your tits.
Unless of course, you are seeking having control utilizing that edge.
Posted by Candeh15
college that is. I just learned that I'll be graduating in the spring and with a high GPA.
Woah, my life just went by way to fast. Jesus take the wheel.
I'm estactic, nervous, and ready. Established adults, tell me what to do.

congrats on finishing college. what is your major n? what do u want to do with yourself?
the economy is alot different when i graduated. there were actually jobs.
Posted by P-Angel
My first suggestion would be to button your shirt .. so you get a job for your worth, rather than your tits.

Lol duly noted. I just enjoy Halloween. But yes most of my pictures are with my shirt buttoned.
Posted by DMV
Posted by Candeh15
college that is. I just learned that I'll be graduating in the spring and with a high GPA.
Woah, my life just went by way to fast. Jesus take the wheel.
I'm estactic, nervous, and ready. Established adults, tell me what to do.

congrats on finishing college. what is your major n? what do u want to do with yourself?
the economy is alot different when i graduated. there were actually jobs.
click to expand

Thank so much! I am getting my B.S. in psychology and I plan to get my masters in either clinical forensic psychology or in organisational psychology. The latter is basically HR and what I am leaning more towards now... It is more job secure and really interesting since it uses a lot of social psychology, which is whay I really want to focus on.
Big Grin
Posted by P-Angel
My first suggestion would be to button your shirt .. so you get a job for your worth, rather than your tits.

Congrats smile Btw I love your monroe, I REALLY want to get one but I can't because of my profession Sad
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Congrats ! Go nuts in Summer before reality bites ! Big Grin

Good Job!!! Are you headed straight into grad school? Some great opportunities out there with funding!!!
Thank you so much everyone!! The support really helps. I'm nervous as hell; I still haven't done my "apply to graduate" yet because it seems so final. Once I do it, it's like permanent; can't sign up for anymore undergraduate classes and you can't really un-apply lol.
Posted by lildol
Good Job!!! Are you headed straight into grad school? Some great opportunities out there with funding!!!

Thank you! I'm debating whether I want to take a semester off to get myself together. I am going to study for and take the GREs in the summer most likely. I already have my grad schools picked out, so I'm going to apply in the summer or beginning of fall, see if I get in, and pack on up. I want the little time to work a little and figure it all out (grad school, which program to do) right before I go.
Posted by Candeh15
Posted by lildol
Good Job!!! Are you headed straight into grad school? Some great opportunities out there with funding!!!

Thank you! I'm debating whether I want to take a semester off to get myself together. I am going to study for and take the GREs in the summer most likely. I already have my grad schools picked out, so I'm going to apply in the summer or beginning of fall, see if I get in, and pack on up. I want the little time to work a little and figure it all out (grad school, which program to do) right before I go.
click to expand

Keep in mind, a lot of schools prefer their incoming grad students to start in the fall and be full time (especially if you are seeking an assistantship - which you definitely should!). Aps are usually accepted into March or April. Also, many people who decided to "take time off" from school, don't ever go back. I'm not saying that you would be one of them, but people get caught up in their own lives and careers and those things do make it more difficult to go back for multiple reasons unique to each individual. Part of getting your education is exploring your options... just because you choose one area of emphasis for a grad program doesn't mean you have to stick with it - you'll most likely comp in multiple areas anyway. I was sociology comping in stats and criminal justice (or deviance, I never did decide, and now am basically ABD, short a comp - I was bored at that point and wanted a job instead). As for your GREs, I wouldn't fret those, I never had to take SATs so I had no clue what testing like that was like, but I thought the GREs were a breeze and I never really studied for them - granted, I did do a couple practice tests with some software beforehand, but that was it.
congrats! smile
Great work Ms C!!!!!!!
Posted by oldskoolflavor
don't act ghetto during interviews

LMAO... congrats Candehsmile Let loose for one night, then it's off to job interview....