Im not voting

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Aquistorm on Tuesday, September 27, 2016 and has 12 replies.
Why should I? I don't like ether presidential candidate. If it's between those two and you don't like them, there's always a third choice. Who else isn't voting?
Everybody wants to get rid of Obama. But frankly he'd be a better choice then those two. You're talking about an Americanized Hitler vs Queen from Hell.
All the candidates were rather stupid choices. However I believe Jeb Bush tbh I think he would been a better candidate then Trump for the Republican side. I'd vote for him instead of Trump. Only reason they didn't decide on Jeb Bush because he is a Bush.
I haven't decided. I know I dont like either candidate yet again. My vote, Bernie, got shoved out bc he's a decent human being and we all know we can't be having THAT in office. we got close with Obama but I've just lost faith in the USA. while I may not have agreed with everything Obama did in office, I do believe he is a good man. that's all I want is someone I can believe in. i just get this awful creepy crawly feeling when anything about Hillary or Trump comes up... I don't trust either and I feel a hidden agenda. it's not backed up with empirical evidence, just an eery feeling that they are up to something, that our best interests AREN'T at heart... really I just have never felt like i belong in this society... such different core beliefs and priorities...
Posted by TheLibraMudra
I'm not. Don't even turn the news on. It's poison. It's all fucking stupid.

Everyone should go sit on top of a mountain and think about their lives and get back to what's right.

Murica don't care about the independent or libertarian parties as much as they do with republicans or democrats. I could vote for the independent candidate as I have been for past years. But it doesn't do much for them as people mainstream for repukes and demons.
Gary Johnson from the Libertarian side. - President Candidate

Bill Weld from Libertarian - Vice President Candidate

I figured this. With ether candidate wins and destroy the country I can say they destroyed the country. Not me.
Posted by Aquistorm
I figured this. With ether candidate wins and destroy the country I can say they destroyed the country. Not me.
Even then they still can point fingers at you because you didn't do a thing on your part to stop it. Damn if you do and damn if you don't.
Posted by Solesan
Posted by Aquistorm
I figured this. With ether candidate wins and destroy the country I can say they destroyed the country. Not me.
Even then they still can point fingers at you because you didn't do a thing on your part to stop it. Damn if you do and damn if you don't.
click to expand
People in crisis are always quick to put the blame on someone else.
By not voting you're giving all the power to those who do support those 2 psychopaths. Only those who vote will be counted.

If you show up to the voting booth and vote 3rd party or even write in "NONE OF THE ABOVE", your vote is being registered as someone who is NOT satisfied with the 2 main candidates, and is officially counted as a vote TAKEN AWAY *from* them.

By not voting, you are only helping both Donald and Hillary.

Bruh, the electoral college system is so complicated that a single person's vote can weigh 0.83 or 2.05 depending on what state you're in. I wanted to vote because it'll be my first time but I'll probably end up voting for Gary Johnson or Buddy the Elf (he's a real candidate!)