
This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by HeavyEntertainmentShow on Saturday, July 22, 2017 and has 15 replies.
being on your way home in the evening and getting approached by an old fart at least in his 60s, who says he specializes in full nude body massages and night-long rim jobs, who then proceeds to insist you must have his cell number so you can send him late-nite nudies of you (preferably with a hardon included if you're male).

Oh, and he wants to keep your used underwear.

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Posted by The_Ands
Cool story bro IS more action than you've gotten in the last 20 years lol. So you gotta thank me for that cheap thrill.
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Gay men are hyper sexual would think well That's what being gay is like
Ands might go for it because it's the only action he can get in his life......but I got standards.
Posted by 5TwentyOne
I just threw up in my mouth.
He kept following me, trying to find out where I live but I went the long way around beyond the rail tracks near my place and he lost me lol. But I had lost my appetite for the day, couldn't even enjoy icecream.
Posted by m200991
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
being on your way home in the evening and getting approached by an old fart at least in his 60s, who says he specializes in full nude body massages and night-long rim jobs, who then proceeds to insist you must have his cell number so you can send him late-nite nudies of you (preferably with a hardon included if you're male).

Oh, and he wants to keep your used underwear.

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Charge him for the undies, take the money and his number, never use it, buy some beer. I'd call that a win.
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That would've required him to either come back to my place for the used undies OR me taking off the ones I had on right there and then. I call that a fucking LOSS! Besides, I hate beer, it tastes worse than it smells AND giving in to the whims of sickos like him only encourages them and bolsters their confidence. He would've come back for more.
Posted by 5TwentyOne
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
Posted by 5TwentyOne
I just threw up in my mouth.
He kept following me, trying to find out where I live but I went the long way around beyond the rail tracks near my place and he lost me lol. But I had lost my appetite for the day, couldn't even enjoy icecream.
No doubt, bro.

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What part grossed you out the most?

I'm asking because I hope the visual gets etched to your memory. If I have to live with it, then so must other people.
Posted by einpisces
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
being on your way home in the evening and getting approached by an old fart at least in his 60s, who says he specializes in full nude body massages and night-long rim jobs, who then proceeds to insist you must have his cell number so you can send him late-nite nudies of you (preferably with a hardon included if you're male).

Oh, and he wants to keep your used underwear.

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Your horror movie story scare me Sad
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Try living it.

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Posted by 5TwentyOne
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
Posted by 5TwentyOne
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
Posted by 5TwentyOne
I just threw up in my mouth.
He kept following me, trying to find out where I live but I went the long way around beyond the rail tracks near my place and he lost me lol. But I had lost my appetite for the day, couldn't even enjoy icecream.
No doubt, bro.

What part grossed you out the most?

I'm asking because I hope the visual gets etched to your memory. If I have to live with it, then so must other people. know...that one part.

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Too bad I only shared tidbits.

You probably mean the part where he said he bets I have a nice sensitive tender hole that he wants to polish clean with his tongue and eat off it.

But we need to make this astrologically relevant so I'll go out on a limb and assume he's either a Gem, Scorp or Aqua.
Posted by Neno2
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
being on your way home in the evening and getting approached by an old fart at least in his 60s, who says he specializes in full nude body massages and night-long rim jobs, who then proceeds to insist you must have his cell number so you can send him late-nite nudies of you (preferably with a hardon included if you're male).

Oh, and he wants to keep your used underwear.

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U should have agreed?
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Well I'm glad you're up for it. Leave your name, # & photo by the door and I'll pass it on next time.
Posted by Happy_Aqua
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
being on your way home in the evening and getting approached by an old fart at least in his 60s, who says he specializes in full nude body massages and night-long rim jobs, who then proceeds to insist you must have his cell number so you can send him late-nite nudies of you (preferably with a hardon included if you're male).

Oh, and he wants to keep your used underwear.

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Never a dull moment in your life Big Grin

Nooooo... he's NO Aqua....we're kinky behind closed doors...right? And we would let you keep your underwear. Wash it even.

The persuasion, kinkyness.....

I'm guessing Scorpio with a kinky Cap Mars or Aries Mars Big Grin
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He can be whatever the hell he wants. Uglies do NOT get to touch me or my underwear. What the fuck would he want with it anyway?
Posted by AneemA08
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
being on your way home in the evening and getting approached by an old fart at least in his 60s, who says he specializes in full nude body massages and night-long rim jobs, who then proceeds to insist you must have his cell number so you can send him late-nite nudies of you (preferably with a hardon included if you're male).

Oh, and he wants to keep your used underwear.

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Oh! You want me to imagine that?

I'm a woman.

Who are you talking about?

Edit: used underwear?? Ew!! Wut?
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It was a true story presented as a hypothetical one. Just wanted to spread the misery......and the sick feeling in my gut.
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
Posted by 5TwentyOne
I just threw up in my mouth.
He kept following me, trying to find out where I live but I went the long way around beyond the rail tracks near my place and he lost me lol. But I had lost my appetite for the day, couldn't even enjoy icecream.
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So old man can walk as fast as you could?

It mustbhad been Jed...

And try ice cream in an'll enjoy it...
Posted by The_Ands
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Srsly underrated.
Posted by Koniuchaa
Did Jed ever make his way to DXP?
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Posted by CrimsonGirl
Lmao... so did this dude just jump out in front of your car and proceed to share this info with you?
No, I don't drive - I have a fear of driving. I was walking after I got off the train. I had to calculate a mental map of the area real quick so I could lose him.

Jed laughed like a girl when I told him, and I specifically warned him not to. I see another spanking in his future.