I'm a Virgo , recently stopped seeing a 29 yr old Cancer man .. who declined to tell me he was married when we met .. I found out after I was already in love , we both were .. Or so I thought ..& I stayed around , believing his "separated" bullcrap .. he
I'm very interested in getting one. I've been researching their uses quite avidly as of late. Any suggestions or warnings? What's your stance on their use?
Ok so it could be that it's just not funny but I made a suggestive comment on text to guy/Fwb and he's not replied. Im now worried I've come across as vulgar !! i sent him a message saying I wish you lived nearer to me he asked why so I replied I need som
I've just read in this forum that if a Virgo guy likes you, he becomes cold/distant. What about a Virgo guy being distant after the first date? How this behaviour can be interpreted?
The three times I've been with the Cancer guy I am interested in, I get sick. As in, actually physically stomach sick. Not that long after we say goodbye, I get violently ill (TMI)... and it happens for days. I usually lose weight, have no appetit