Is personality more important than physical appearance in relationships?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Chloe1243 on Sunday, April 1, 2018 and has 3 replies.
Hi. There's a guy I like but I think he likes my personality and not my physical appearance. I get along so well with him and he enjoys spending time with me because he's always the initiator when we start talking. For some reason he never asked me out and I thought he was shy but I just discovered that he likes black girls. He follows them on Instagram and one of our friends told me that his ex was also black.

I know everyone has a different taste when it comes to liking people but I'm white!!!! Actually a little pale so I'm far from being his type physically. Do you think I still have a chance or should I move on? We still hang out and he seems to like my personality but I feel sad for not being HOT in his eyes. 👀

Guys have you ever fallen for a girl you didn't like physically?
Maybe he hasn’t got over his ex, and the pictures remind him of her.

You must notice if he likes you physically. Guys don’t hide it that well 😄
Actually I have to admit that I do started feeling insecure when I found out about his taste in women. Honestly he's a great guy with a good heart but I don't want to make a fool out of myself trying to get his attention. I already noticed he likes being with me but is not taking that extra step and it's for a reason. Maybe it's better to just see him as a good friends and see where this goes.