It’s been a while...

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Hemispheres on Friday, September 7, 2018 and has 22 replies.
Literally got banned 2 years ago.

Who alls still here? I think Ands is firebunny and the only other person I remember was shashkay and Don Johnson.

I’m assuming this place is still 90% trolling and sock accounts?
And also when did we start getting porn/ED advertisements...
DJ left dxp more than a year ago.
Atleast here’s still here, between him and DJ this place had me rolling like a mofo.
Posted by Ram416

DJ left dxp more than a year ago.
Left or got permabanned? 🤦‍♂️
Posted by Hemispheres

Posted by Ram416

DJ left dxp more than a year ago.
Left or got permabanned? 🤦‍♂️
click to expand
Left I think. He had a kid or something.
All of them died.
Wow. I know he was dating a 16 year old and made a thread about he nutted in her a few days after she started her birth control.....

Hope that was all a troll gimmick
Posted by Soul

All of them died.

Posted by Soul

All of them died.
Have we found the DXP serial killer yet?
Posted by Hemispheres

Posted by Soul

All of them died.
Have we found the DXP serial killer yet?
click to expand
Ummm, yea...

*Natural* causes.
I didn’t post anything bestiality related, I did however post the beheading GIFs. And if I remember correctly I got banned cause some libtard got mad at me for trolling the shit out of the Stanford rape case thread so I recited a line from Beauty Through Order 🤷‍♂️
Just google los zetas chainsaw beheading 😉
Posted by Hemispheres

Wow. I know he was dating a 16 year old and made a thread about he nutted in her a few days after she started her birth control.....

Hope that was all a troll gimmick
It wasn't. She had the first kid at 16, so she was 15 or early 16 when he did that in his early 30s.
Nope, I had no clue what happened to Aquaboy the first time.

I got into it with some cancer dude a few weeks before the beheading gifs, so I posted a pic of MJ butt ass nekkid on the coroners table and made like 15 enemies with 1 post.

Samcancer I believe
Posted by nikkistar

Posted by Hemispheres

Wow. I know he was dating a 16 year old and made a thread about he nutted in her a few days after she started her birth control.....

Hope that was all a troll gimmick
It wasn't. She had the first kid at 16, so she was 15 or early 16 when he did that in his early 30s

Lol damn, my gramps did that shit but was 10 years younger than DJ, barely skirted around the magistrate.
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Posted by Hemispheres

Posted by nikkistar

Posted by Hemispheres

Wow. I know he was dating a 16 year old and made a thread about he nutted in her a few days after she started her birth control.....

Hope that was all a troll gimmick
It wasn't. She had the first kid at 16, so she was 15 or early 16 when he did that in his early 30s

Lol damn, my gramps did that shit but was 10 years younger than DJ, barely skirted around the magistrate.
click to expand
Catalog model gotta get them young to "teach em" right.

Worth my 10 day ban to expose him. Lol
I was cheekyfaerie. Part of the reason I don’t really post anymore is because I don’t know anyone’s new aliases.
Also, you’re back bragging about what a dick you were? Cool...?
I’m mostly a dick. I’ve gotten so lax with it I walk away from a convo and minutes or days later I realize something I said came across as highly dickish and smug. 🤷‍♂️
Posted by Hemispheres

Wow. I know he was dating a 16 year old and made a thread about he nutted in her a few days after she started her birth control.....

Hope that was all a troll gimmick
That lucky bastard....I mean it's just disgusting! Angry

Those 16 year old women can trap you anytime into marriage.
Nope, I remember that poo though. Felt like Stan Marsh afterwards.

Danka btw.