Kate in labour

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by sweethearts on Monday, July 22, 2013 and has 16 replies.
Looks like a Cancer/Leo cusp.
Bets on for the sex and name...hours in labour, will it have extremely BIG ears??
It's like she has been pregnant forever, maybe it's because of all the media talk. I personally don't care about them, but I do wish her a healthy baby. I hope we don't get to hear of this for months & months after the baby has been born. Some of us don't actually care, you know & the media should consider that. Kids are born everyday, big deal!
My prediction: it's going to be a boy.
Posted by taurusbag
this is the first time i've heard of her being prego i think. my news comes from astro forums.

where have you been? LOL! She was being compared to Kim K in almost every weekly magazine, talk show, etc. I think her pregnancy was announced within hours of conception or something cause it's been too long. That baby could be a teenager already as far as memory is concerned.
Posted by tiziani
I care. I will be tuned in all day.

Hah *laughs*
Why tiz, you are in London. Do you even have a choice?
Lucky you! I love new news I guess & everything overtalked joins history pretty fast. Well, her inlaws were worried that she wasnt eating enough or w/e & the world was busy comparing her weight or lack thereof to that of K.K, saying that at her trimester she should be weighing more. One talk show even had an episode about pregnant anorexic women & they showed her since it was leaked by a " royal source" that she was counting calories & the queen wasnt amused, etc. You get my drift? It was all over.
I shall place my bets, that they will have a Boy, however there is a 6% doubt within, that they may be in for a surprise and have a Girl.
Posted by tiziani
I had a choice not to turn on the BBC News feed yes smile still did so. I was out all morning, it's not as if there are people lined the streets or anything. Pretty calm here from what I can see.

I was being entirely sarcastic smile
Posted by tiziani
lol yeah WC that is overkill. I managed not to catch all that or I'd be tired of it too. I just want a healthy royal baby and the future of this country secured to the next generation. Then Gandalf and myself can quietly get rid of these politician types.

LOL! I wish them a happy baby too, but I hope the new arrival doesnt take up too much space from my favourite weekly magazines. OMG, IT'S EVEN ON BBS, I JUST CHECKED!! And there are hoards of people (I guess bored people without jobs) infront of St Mary Hospital & at Buckingham Palace.
I must be getting excited. LOL!
I'll put dibs on a Girl, Tuesday 4.42am smile
Posted by tiziani
That's the hospital where Libran legends are born Smug
I think she's holding out till after midday to go full Leo. fair play.

LOL @ "libran legends". Please! Are you one of them, Tiz? Tongue I hope she gets a leo, a true king.
The healthy baby shall be a Leo, ever radiant like the sun.
Born 16.24 London Time for anyone who don't know.
Posted by DonJohnson
what's his ascendant?

Scorpio so he's awesome. :-)
Posted by MilkySoft
His father was born on a cusp too, cool.
Moon representing Kate in Capricorn (her sun sign). Awesome.

Prince Charles is a scorpio which is the baby's ascendant. This is really cool.

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