Kids with different fathers

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by WaterCup on Thursday, October 31, 2013 and has 23 replies.
Do you judge women with kids by different men?
Do you have kids by different men?
I'll admit, I judge them! I judge those who have kid after kid with different men without being ever married to any of them. However, I'm not judgmental to those who had their 1st kid out of wedlock or whatever & then went on to have kids with the next guy that marries her. Life happens, people make mistakes...I understand that. What I don't & probably will never understand though is, 4 kids with 4 dads. Why? If it didn't work with the 1st or 2nd dad, why make 3 & 4? It baffles my mind.
Anyways, I have one kid of my own but I'm no longer with the father & I've made a conscious decision to never have any more kids because I do not want to have kids with different fathers. It just doesn't go with my beliefs.
good topic, I will come back to this Tongue
Posted by thebiggcarlos12345678910
my dumb aries sister is like that. got 4 kids and they all got different dads. *smh*.

What reason does she give, if any? IDK, I think behaviour like that is irresponsible & could create confusion to the children. involved
I try NOT to. But I think the max should be maybe 3.
BUT once these kids are fed, taken care of loved, and education is present....WHo are we to judge...
Id hope the fathers were invilved or at least settle with one willing to play the role...
I judge my sister... 3 kids with 3 different men
My sister has 3 kids with 3 different men but she had them really far apart in age. Oldest is 20, middle is 10, youngest is 4.
I only have 1 child with 1 man. I was married to him. But we are divorced. If I'm lucky, I can maybe pop another one out by the time I'm 40. So I'll have 2 with 2, potentially. Hopefully no one will judge me if that happens!
Posted by capgirl69
My sister has 3 kids with 3 different men but she had them really far apart in age. Oldest is 20, middle is 10, youngest is 4.
I only have 1 child with 1 man. I was married to him. But we are divorced. If I'm lucky, I can maybe pop another one out by the time I'm 40.So I'll have 2 with 2, potentially.Hopefully no one will judge me if that happens!

naa, that wouldn't be a good idea..unless you're ready to deal with this

*slaps damen*
Educate yourself!
I can't see the pic. Sad
Posted by lildol
*slaps damen*
Educate yourself!

what you think? i just say random things without it being backed up with statistical facts???

3. Higher risk of Down syndrome
At age 25: 1 in 1,250 births
At age 30: 1 in 1,000 births
At age 35: 1 in 400 births
At age 40: 1 in 100 births
At age 45: 1 in 30 births
At age 49: 1 in 10 births

Posted by capgirl69
I can't see the pic. Sad

Posted by thebiggcarlos12345678910
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by thebiggcarlos12345678910
my dumb aries sister is like that. got 4 kids and they all got different dads. *smh*.

What reason does she give, if any? IDK, I think behaviour like that is irresponsible & could create confusion to the children. involved

reason? reason for having 4 kids with 4 different men? shucks. i dunno. she being an aries don't think before she just up and do. i think she just wanted kids. no matter how many and from who. she just wanted kids. me, my woman, my gemini sister and our mom don't like the fact that she's with this dumb, lazy ass aries dude who ain't got no job, done been arrested all his life, from murder to drug smuggling.
click to expand

I ask because some do it with the thinking that it'll keep the guy around, like the kid is a glue or something. I know one girl with 6 or 7 kids by 6 or 7 different men & now she is regretting it. She had kids very early, before maturity set in or maybe the hard time she is having raising all those kids was a wake up call, idk...but she regrets everything now that she is 31.
As long as they take care of their children and provide for them, are responsible mothers in general I can't even think of judging. With whom they want to have kids and how many, that's up to their morals, beliefs, life style s = none of my bznz. They might differ to mine, but that doesn't make them wrong.
Posted by size zero superhero
Posted by cunninglinguist
Posted by DAMEN VI
Posted by lildol
*slaps damen*
Educate yourself!

what you think? i just say random things without it being backed up with statistical facts???

3. Higher risk of Down syndrome
At age 25: 1 in 1,250 births
At age 30: 1 in 1,000 births
At age 35: 1 in 400 births
At age 40: 1 in 100 births
At age 45: 1 in 30 births
At age 49: 1 in 10 births

Sucks that women have to breed so early in life. It doesn't give enough time to really achieve anything. At 25, people are just barely out of college.
When will evolution catch up? People live until they're 80 now. It doesn't make sense to restrict optimal breeding to an age where most people are barely even adults themselves.
Mother Nature is a stupid bitch.

What's far worse is kids are hitting puberty at astonishingly earlier rates than ever before--we're talking second & third grade boys/girls.
Damn. I was nowhere NEAR pubescence at 7-8 years old, none of my classmates back then had jr. boobs or babyface stubble. Now that age group is included within the "normal" range(medically & statistically speaking)for the onset of puberty.
Summary: kids are now able to reproduce well before completing elementary school. WTF

click to expand

This is messed up. Kids even seem to look older with every new generation. Not just physically older, but serious. None of that childish innocence. I've seen 14 year olds girls that could easily pass for 20. I've seen 17/18 year olds that look like grown ass women. Where's the rush?
Look at the statistics of welfare. I'm supporting these kids, while she's out there humping everything that moves without birth control or brains.
I have a right to judge, and so does everyone else paying for the free ride(s).
Sterilization should be a law after the 2nd act of stupidity imo
Posted by WaterCup

I ask because some do it with the thinking that it'll keep the guy around, like the kid is a glue or something. I know one girl with 6 or 7 kids by 6 or 7 different men & now she is regretting it. She had kids very early, before maturity set in or maybe the hard time she is having raising all those kids was a wake up call, idk...but she regrets everything now that she is 31.

Regrets? I feel sorry for the kids. It's clear where her priorities are.Sad
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Posted by maelstrom
heil hitler

Was that directed at me?
Posted by everevolvingepithet
oooohhhh, German people can be nice, play fair y'all!


Posted by LetltB
Posted by WaterCup

I ask because some do it with the thinking that it'll keep the guy around, like the kid is a glue or something. I know one girl with 6 or 7 kids by 6 or 7 different men & now she is regretting it. She had kids very early, before maturity set in or maybe the hard time she is having raising all those kids was a wake up call, idk...but she regrets everything now that she is 31.

Regrets? I feel sorry for the kids. It's clear where her priorities are.Sad

Yes she regrets it, she had to drop out of school when she got pregnant with her 1st kid & she never went back. She is now stuck with kids to raise & a Primary School education that won't get her any good paying job. She now lives off welfare but our govt only pays for up to 4 kids (not more) & the money is not much.
I agree with you on the other post, people shouldn't be making kids they can't afford. Birth Control is much cheaper than raising a kid, it's even free in some countries but people would rather make shallow excuses ie. it makes them fat, etc. LOL, like pregnancy makes you look like a runway model.
click to expand
Posted by LetltB
Look at the statistics of welfare. I'm supporting these kids, while she's out there humping everything that moves without birth control or brains.
I have a right to judge, and so does everyone else paying for the free ride(s).
Sterilization should be a law after the 2nd act of stupidity imo

it's harsh but it's the truth...
Ive learned to not give a hoot. But I do take men who have kids less serious as relationship potential.
I have no problem admitting that I have 2 children by two different fathers. First one I was in a LTR with (he beat the crap out of me, found out I was pregnant a month after I left). Second one I actually married, he wanted to personally give me an abortion... ah, yes, life has it's ups and downs. Grateful for my children! No regrets...
Just because someone has multiple children with multiple men does not mean they are somehow 'bad' or 'irresponsible' - most likely they believed that 'he' was the one, she ended up knocked up (go on with your bad self if you think birth control is 100% ), decided to keep the baby and he bounced. Life sucks. All you can do is make the best of it! Not everyone believes in getting 'fixed'.
Posted by WaterCup
Do you judge women with kids by different men?

No. As long as she keeps the count down to two.
If some bitch wants to have a baby with every man she screws, then I will judge hard and call her a selfish slut mom welfare beyotch.

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