Ladies, those of you who have been pregnant

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by rockyroadicecream on Thursday, September 15, 2016 and has 57 replies.
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Six months? How are you feeling about then? Still okay? Still relatively capable of doing your job and all that, yeah?

This is a mini rant of sorts because I am so fucking irritated with the whiny, entitled, pregnant bitches. I've worked around a lot of pregnant women and there are two types. Type 1- "Yeah, I'm pregnant. I gotta work and make monies before I go on leave." Type 2- " Waaah, I'm pregnant. I deserve special treatment! Everyone lick the ground I walk on and cater to me and my laziness!" I've worked with a few of the type 2 and I cannot stand working with them.

This type is the one I have an issue with currently (who's about 6 months along at this point). ...she's lazy. She's always lazy, pregnant or not. She doesn't help, would rather sit around and socialise and talk about marriage and babies. She's got a pretty bad reputation around there and people wonder why the hell she still works if she hates it so much.

I was scheduled to be first cut for the day (go home first). I knew she was going to pull some shit and that's exactly what she did. When I politely told her "no" about letting her go first (she's the last on, mind you, thus making her shift about 4 hours), she starts whining around about how I won't let her go first and nobody will stay for her and waaah.

Had she not been the lazy individual that she is as well as maybe, you know, MORE pregnant than she was, I would have had no issue doing so. But partly because I had my thing after work as well as principle with her entitled ass always getting her way because she uses pregnancy as an excuse (she did it with her last one as well), I fucking declined the courtesy.

Cue to today, and her ass is STILL going on about shit and painting me to be awful because omg of what she's done for me before (WHAT have you done for me before??), and oh when my mom died, she wanted to get a bake sale going for me, etc. (orly? this is the first I've heard about this 2 years later)

A tiny part of me feels bad based on general principle, but given all the other shit and who it is, I really don't. It seriously chaps my ass when bitches like this use pregnancy as a free pass to be a lazy fucking leech. I'm sorry, it's not MY problem you let your dude splooge into you, and look, a baby! Your expecting the world to cater to you is bs and nobody's problem but your own.

I'm all for accommodating when necessary, but god damn. Is 6 months REALLY that bad on you where you no longer can handle your normal work load??

I've been tempted to talk to management about it but I'm not sure if it'd matter or not on the grand scale of things. :/

I didn't/wont read all that.. but, every pregnancy is different. Some women have outrageous nausea or heartburn part or all of the time and some have a wonderful time and enjoy the whole pregnancy. Typically the 2nd trimester is the easiest, so like 4ish-6ish months, but again, everyone is different.

If she's always lazy, pregnancy is likely not the issue. lol
if you became pregnant you can also get special treatment. i just so happen to have the tools necessary to provide such service
She's just lazy period. To hell with thst.
Posted by cheekyfaerie
Thankfully, I had two healthy pregnancies. With the second, at 6mths, I was working two jobs. Three days a week at a desk and four days a week as a server. I've also known women who weren't so lucky and were on bed rest by then or women who had morning sickness for their whole pregnancies and constantly fought dehydration. Every woman is different.

This woman just sounds like a lazy cunt.
We had one who was done by 5 months I think, but she had twins and that pregnancy kicked her ass.

I just threw this out there because it's like okay, it's not just me, right? She's obviously not on bed rest, she's moving around okay, she just keeps slinging around "I'M PREGNANT" as a reason to get her way and it makes me gag.

I dunno, I just work with some real gems and the second they find out they're pregnant, they whip out the special treatment card despite what stage of pregnancy they're in. :/

Like I said, I do feel a teeny bit bad because she is pregnant, but overall, not all that much because wtf. :/

Hahaha. For some reason pregnancy makes you feel lazy and iritated sometime. Other likes to sleep. Others don't want to smell any fragrance. Etc. Etc. So maybe you need to understand them.
Posted by kissmygrits
She's just lazy period. To hell with thst.
I'm mostly pissed she has the fucking nerve to go around, slandering me to everyone else. It's just stupid shit that was annoying the fuck out of me today.

I usually just ignore the "Real Housewives" of the workplace because most are just stupid bitches.

Posted by Librasaurusrex
I didn't/wont read all that.. but, every pregnancy is different. Some women have outrageous nausea or heartburn part or all of the time and some have a wonderful time and enjoy the whole pregnancy. Typically the 2nd trimester is the easiest, so like 4ish-6ish months, but again, everyone is different.

If she's always lazy, pregnancy is likely not the issue. lol
Yeah, I know. But it's like god damn, six months isn't THAT terrible is it? JFC. She just needs to quit and become the kept woman she wants to be. I have no idea why she still has a job there, tbh.

Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by Librasaurusrex
I didn't/wont read all that.. but, every pregnancy is different. Some women have outrageous nausea or heartburn part or all of the time and some have a wonderful time and enjoy the whole pregnancy. Typically the 2nd trimester is the easiest, so like 4ish-6ish months, but again, everyone is different.

If she's always lazy, pregnancy is likely not the issue. lol
Yeah, I know. But it's like god damn, six months isn't THAT terrible is it? JFC. She just needs to quit and become the kept woman she wants to be. I have no idea why she still has a job there, tbh.

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Maybe she's trying to get fired to claim unemployment?
Do you have kids Rocky?
Posted by Arielle83
Tell her to harden up.

Your life shouldn't be affected by her decision to breed.

Just like all those useless bytches using babies as an excuse to be a drain on society.

Is she single mother or getting assistance?

Or in a legitimate relationship not based on opportunity?
No. She's married and the guy she's married to used to work there.

You know it's telling that when she came back from her previous pregnancy that nobody seemed to care and just kept asking where he was (he quit to work full time at his other job).

In fact, I felt bad for her because I personally hadn't had that many problems with her at the time and made it a point to welcome her back and ask how mommyhood was and how the baby was.


However, a lot of us are shocked he married her. He is the nicest freaking dude haha.

Posted by Librasaurusrex

Maybe she's trying to get fired to claim unemployment?
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If she is, it won't happen. I think our management is well aware of her tendencies. She got sent home one day because they were sick of her standing around and doing nothing and she was like 4 months along then.
Posted by TheLibraMudra
I worked until my 7th month and then got put on bed rest lol. I was just sillier and laughed even more than I do now. It felt like being baked all the time. I still worked just as hard and that's probably why I got put on bed rest lol. I have issues with just sitting around at work. Always have to be busy.

But damn I had killer heart burn lol. Even drinking water. Had to take a lot of bathroom puke breaks from 5-6 months that drove ppl nuts. Constantly gagging on air LOL. Everyone is different. I will admit I miss everyone moving the eff outta my way, though lol.
Haha aww. No bueno. Situations like that wouldn't even bother me and I'm totally understanding of that. Like I said, we have two types- the ones who act like normal human beings and the rest who turned into entitled princesses. I cannot stand the latter and just don't really tolerate their shit.

The former, I have no problem being understanding and way more accommodating. But they also freaking act like normal human beings and don't have these grand expectations of special treatment.

A "head's up, this pregnancy is kicking my ass. Bear with me please, kthx" is way more doable than, "WAH I'M PREGNANT WITH THE CHRIST CHILD, CATER TO MY PRINCESS WHIMS!"


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Posted by Librasaurusrex

Maybe she's trying to get fired to claim unemployment?
If she is, it won't happen. I think our management is well aware of her tendencies. She got sent home one day because they were sick of her standing around and doing nothing and she was like 4 months along then.

I've worked jobs where the management was adamantly against firing simply to avoid unemployment claims. It would suck for the coworkers who had to pick up the slack because the lazy person would just endlessly get away with whatever they felt like doing (not doing.)
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by kissmygrits
She's just lazy period. To hell with thst.
I'm mostly pissed she has the fucking nerve to go around, slandering me to everyone else. It's just stupid shit that was annoying the fuck out of me today.

I usually just ignore the "Real Housewives" of the workplace because most are just stupid bitches.


Think you hurt that twice failed "real housewife" Aries bludgers feelings.

She's trying to tear down that you actually make your own MONEY!

These wannabe alpha ho's.

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I have no idea what her low IQ ass was rambling on about. She's probably off her meds again.

Let her take digs at my job. I probably make more hourly than she does and I DON'T pawn off my vagina in order to do so.

Posted by Arielle83
Worked with this Taurus chick at the hotel two summers ago while she was preggers.

Best chic to work with. Her belly was out and she was lifting things and didn't want anyone treating her like a weakling.

She got sassier and her irritability was cheeky.

Love that bytch.

I made her tie dyed baby clothes for her baby shower.

She cried when I showed her all the little socks and one pieces I made.

Hard bytch but soft heart.

She works in real estate now.
Haha. It's amazing that in 2016 we still have women (and men) out there who think women should be treated like frail flowers when they're pregnant. The poor chicks who have rough pregnancies and all that are one thing, but generally, women have been doing this for ages and will be fine. They'd be out working in the fields and doing the usual every day stuff back in the day.

I guess I'm a bit critical too because one thing we're taught when it comes to exercise prescription is that we have to address specific risk populations, such as pregnant women. It's a no no to start a routine after you're pregnant because it raises risk of miscarriage and complications. However, if a woman has been working out/exercising prior, she can continue to do so up until like 7-8 months of pregnancy. The body is really resilient and getting pregnant does NOT mean you have to stop living life and doing what you were doing prior.

One example that's always awesome to use is the women's national soccer team here- the pioneers with Mia Hamm, Brandy Chastain, etc- there were a few women on the team that wanted to have their families but still play and they were TRAINING up until their 7th-8th month until doc told them no more.

They had their time off and were back out there training again like it was no big deal.
Posted by cheekyfaerie
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by cheekyfaerie
Thankfully, I had two healthy pregnancies. With the second, at 6mths, I was working two jobs. Three days a week at a desk and four days a week as a server. I've also known women who weren't so lucky and were on bed rest by then or women who had morning sickness for their whole pregnancies and constantly fought dehydration. Every woman is different.

This woman just sounds like a lazy cunt.
We had one who was done by 5 months I think, but she had twins and that pregnancy kicked her ass.

I just threw this out there because it's like okay, it's not just me, right? She's obviously not on bed rest, she's moving around okay, she just keeps slinging around "I'M PREGNANT" as a reason to get her way and it makes me gag.

I dunno, I just work with some real gems and the second they find out they're pregnant, they whip out the special treatment card despite what stage of pregnancy they're in. :/

Like I said, I do feel a teeny bit bad because she is pregnant, but overall, not all that much because wtf. :/

Feel bad for her kid, if that's the kind of work ethic she plans to instill in it.
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I hope not. Her dad is cool as fuck. I hope he balances that shit out haha.

Fuck if I remember the sign of this chick, tbh. I wanna say she's either a Gem or a Cancer, or maybe even a Scorp...? *shrugs*
lol this arieslove chick is a sad bitch.

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Posted by AriesLove
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by kissmygrits
She's just lazy period. To hell with thst.
I'm mostly pissed she has the fucking nerve to go around, slandering me to everyone else. It's just stupid shit that was annoying the fuck out of me today.

I usually just ignore the "Real Housewives" of the workplace because most are just stupid bitches.


Think you hurt that twice failed "real housewife" Aries bludgers feelings.

She's trying to tear down that you actually make your own MONEY!

These wannabe alpha ho's.

I have no idea what her low IQ ass was rambling on about. She's probably off her meds again.

Let her take digs at my job. I probably make more hourly than she does and I DON'T pawn off my vagina in order to do so.

Dumb bitch you're a waitress probably not making more than 2.00 an hour you're depending on your tips. Which means the more ass you lick the more money you make. That ex stripper Arielle knows about them tips. Bust it wide open bitch. Try getting a job where you're on a salary. Probably can't though due to lack of education. Poor people problems I guess.

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where did that come from
Pregnancy can totally kick your ass. Plesse dont judge unless youve been through it. Just like with most everything else in life...
Posted by Pisco
I worked two jobs until I was 6 months pregnant. Went down to one job at 7 months pregnant. I felt great, sure my feet hurt like hell at the end of my day, but honestly, I feel like the MORE active you are while pregnant, the better pregnancy you will have. I felt like crap for the first 3 months, all day nausea, and then I was so tired the last month, but that didn't stop me from going. Just like everyone else has stated, she started off lazy, it's just because this woman is lazy. I feel like if I could work two jobs while throwing up every hour, this woman can work her shift. Don't feel bad, rocky.

So glad you understood the purpose of my post.

I can relate a tad to the morning sickness bit. You kind of go through it when you first go on birth control because you're basically tricking the body into thinking you're pregnant.

I felt like ass for a month while my body adjusted. I was like man, if this even a tidbit of what morning sickness is like, fuck that ish haha.

I even got a taste of what contractions are like when I had my IUD put in. "YEP, going on a fuckton of meds. I don't give a shit what the hippies say. DRUGS."
Posted by boxcarmirnta
Pregnancy can totally kick your ass. Plesse dont judge unless youve been through it. Just like with most everything else in life...
....Don't you have boys to go make jealous or something?

Posted by TheLibraMudra

lol I know what ya mean.

This doesn't have much to do with your situation but a couple weeks ago I felt so bad for this chick I was training at work. She's 8 months pregnant and they put her to train in the NICU LOL. That day we had 3 babies admitted at the same time. 1 from the ED, 1 direct ground transport from another hospital and 1 airlifted. They came at the same time so everyone was frantic. The air lift baby coded right Infront of the doors of the unit before they could even make it into the room. Being pregnant and emotional, she burst out into to tears saying "I don't know how you people can do this! I can't do this! Oh my god!" And I stopped. Looked at her. Handed her a box of tissue and her water bottle. "Girl, I don't have time for this right now. Go sit in that conference room because I have to get sh it done" She was traumatized. I had to talk to my bosses like "what the actual feck do you think you're doing putting her in the ICUs right now? Wait til after her maternity leave."

Plus, this is a waste of my time!! How dumb. Not even fair for her or her baby.


That's kinda how this work day in particular was. There was four of us food running and one was this lazy chick and the other was a very pregnant, very done with her pregnancy chick. We're all going wtf are you thinking management?? One's physically DONE and the other is just a lazy ass who wants people to treat her specially and we have to share tips with these two? WHY DO YOU HATE US? Sad

Fortunately, someone swapped out with the really pregnant one and we were just left with this chick.
Posted by TheLibraMudra

lol really pregnant one!!

Yea, it was like... Yes, it's sad. Really feckin sad, ok? But you have to push it aside and cry at home or on your lunch or something. Not Infront of all of these families coming to you. On top of the NICU, we have to coordinate all the ICU post OP updates from the OR to families via pager/phones. Getting surgeons and interpreters to meet with families, etc. can get really crazy and I can't have your ass sobbing lol. And there's just no way when you're pregnant sometimes. I cried at goddamn dog pound commercials on tv so I get it. But wtf dude
She was! I'd talked to her the weekend before and she was just totally done and was due in 3 weeks. I told her I call that the "fuck it phase" I've seen so often with pregnant coworkers. They hit a point where it's like "I'M DONE GET IT OUT NOW. FUCK IT."

In your situation, haha poor thing sounds overwhelmed. Them hormones, along with new job jitters/adjusting to the training and so on. Makes it much harder to suck it up.
Posted by PotHeadVirgo27
I wouldn't even allow my gf to work if she was pregnant. I wonder how the husband or bf feels about it.

Nonetheless, if I had something planned after work, that wouldn't come to a halt because she's prego, so I can understand that. She shouldn't even be there. Hopefully there's a bf or husband. Most of the time there isn't Sad


This reads as really controlling. Some people really enjoy their careers.

Posted by PotHeadVirgo27
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by PotHeadVirgo27
I wouldn't even allow my gf to work if she was pregnant. I wonder how the husband or bf feels about it.

Nonetheless, if I had something planned after work, that wouldn't come to a halt because she's prego, so I can understand that. She shouldn't even be there. Hopefully there's a bf or husband. Most of the time there isn't Sad


This reads as really controlling. Some people really enjoy their careers.

I really don't give a fuck. She can enjoy her career after she has our baby. That shit ain't safe.

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How so? Unless she's a construction worker being pregnant won't effect her ability to work. What's so unsafe about sitting behind a desk 9-5 as opposed to sitting at home...

Posted by Arielle83

Well some women use their "femininity" to get ahead passive aggressively. Being weak can mean others will help you. Men will take care of you and ppl will feel sorry for u.

It makes no sense long term because the reputation you're creating can create a low level appearance, especially in the work place.

Sometimes women aren't hired in a male dominated industry for fear they will become pregnant and get a maternity leave or use their pregnancy as a reason to flake on work.

Those are the women that ruin it for the women with integrity.

YUP. That's why these bitches piss me off. There are plenty of women who are like yeah okay, I'll be gone for a bit in 9 months so wtf ever.

But these sad bitches who use it as leverage to be lazy, fuck them for setting back the women's movement several decades each time they flap their jaw. Gawd.
Posted by rockyroadicecream

I was scheduled to be first cut for the day (go home first).

(she's the last on, mind you, thus making her shift about 4 hours)


So, let me get this straight ... you are trashing someone else about being lazy and not having good work ethics, mostly about being lazy ... when you don't even work full time.

If she has to stay the longest and it only amounts to 4 hours, while you're first to go .. what's your shit .. 30 minutes?

Seriously, you work less than 4 hours and you're running off at the mouth about other people being lazy?

I'm all for accommodating when necessary, but god damn. Is 6 months REALLY that bad on you where you no longer can handle your normal work load??

I've been tempted to talk to management about it but I'm not sure if it'd matter or not on the grand scale of things. :/

You're venting (which is good...that's why we're here for you). PFT! I've been pregnant three times and the first two I HAD to stand in line to register for my college courses, stand in line to pick up my books, AND stand in line again, if I messed up my schedule and/or took too many courses and had to "drop" one. In this GENERATION ya'll have it MADE IN THE SHADE! You register on line, take courses online, etc! All my babies were born "naturally" and I went back to school after giving birth to my first born after two weeks! (she was born before Thanksgiving; so I had those days to recoup and attended after the holiday)...LAZY! Yes, she IS LAZY! BTW, I am a DoD civilian (work for the Army) and after my maternity leave I went back to work, no if's, and's, or butt's about it! Yeah, the people (guys) were nice to me, opening doors for me, picking things I dropped on the floor when I was PG, but I NEVER took advantage of it, whined, or was LAZY! I EVEN worked when I was sick with allergies while I was PG...this generation? L-A-Z-Y and "You do for me, you wait for me, everything is me, me, me, me, me!". I'd talk to management about it.

Hug cyber hugs!



Posted by EvatheDiva
I'm all for accommodating when necessary, but god damn. Is 6 months REALLY that bad on you where you no longer can handle your normal work load??

I've been tempted to talk to management about it but I'm not sure if it'd matter or not on the grand scale of things. :/

You're venting (which is good...that's why we're here for you). PFT! I've been pregnant three times and the first two I HAD to stand in line to register for my college courses, stand in line to pick up my books, AND stand in line again, if I messed up my schedule and/or took too many courses and had to "drop" one. In this GENERATION ya'll have it MADE IN THE SHADE! You register on line, take courses online, etc! All my babies were born "naturally" (vaginal) and I went back to school after giving birth to my first born after two weeks! (she was born before Thanksgiving; so I had those days to recoup and attended college/school after the holiday)...LAZY! Yes, she IS LAZY! BTW, I am a DoD civilian (work for the Army) and after my maternity leave I went back to work, no if's, and's, or butt's about it! Yeah, the people (guys) were nice to me, opening doors for me, picking things I dropped on the floor when I was PG, but I NEVER took advantage of it, whined, or was LAZY! I EVEN worked when I was sick with allergies while I was PG...this generation? L-A-Z-Y and "You do for me, you wait for me, everything is me, me, me, me, me!". I'd talk to management about it.

Hug cyber hugs!



Posted by Alieness
"I can relate a tad to the morning sickness bit. You kind of go through it when you first go on birth control because you're basically tricking the body into thinking you're pregnant.

I felt like ass for a month while my body adjusted. I was like man, if this even a tidbit of what morning sickness is like, treetrunk that ish haha.

I even got a taste of what contractions are like when I had my IUD put in. "YEP, going on a treetrunkton of meds. I don't give a butter what the hippies say. DRUGS."

C'mon she does have some experience in pregnancy department gaiiisss rofl
Your lack of intelligence is astounding. How do you manage to even get on the internet?
Posted by AriesLove
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by AriesLove
This is what happens when you flip burgers and toss fries yak mouth bitch.

At least she works and doesn't spread her legs for a free meal.

Go press start on your microwave.

Eat them hot pockets.
Ooh bitch try again. Different day old shit. You're spreading your legs and riding the bus. Tell that pussy man you're with to help you get 4 wheels or at least two.

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Severe nausea

Extreme exhaustion


Sore breasts


Intense heartburn which kept me awake most of the night

In the later stages, feeling like an elephant

But more annoying than that is meeting women who are clueless to how it feels to be pregnant and the challenges it can bring

It would be like me saying, i know how it feels to be a man

I try not to judge. Pregnancy is absolutely brutal most of the time, from what I hear.

And when you're pregnant, you can't even take any painkillers except Tylenol I think, which doesn't do jack shit. You can't take ibuprofen (which is what works for me).

One of the many many reasons I'd rather adopt.
My mother says I was a terrible terrible fetus, lmao.

Horrible morning sickness to the point where she had all the signs of severe bulimia

Debilitating heartburn and back pain

Extreme fatigue where she could barely walk (despite being very slim and fit beforehand)

The WORST mood swings to where she cried herself to sleep because she saw an ant that was all alone (lol)

I kicked non-stop

And she needed C-section because I was a month late and a massive 10 pounds.

She couldn't work, nor would my dad let her. Plus her whole life style had to change regardless. Pregnancy really got in the way of her life style .

Apparently my older brother wasn't quite as bad, but she still couldn't work continuously during that pregnancy.
Posted by Arielle83
She was prob scheduled to be first cut, cuz she was first to start.

4 hours is not a biggie though.

That's not how it works in the restaurant business.

The goal is to get the customers in and out as fast and as efficient as possible .. therefore when it gets slow and they let people go for the day - they keep the good people, and send the bad ones home.

They aren't going to send home a good employee to keep the bad one. According to the bullshit presented here, the bullshitter is attempting to tell us that they kept the lousy employee and sent the good one home.

Futhermore, the lazy person is the one that goes home. If you go home, you're NOT working. The one NOT working is the lazy one.

That's how it works in the restaurant business.

Furthermore, she tried to make herself sound all big by saying she probably makes more an hour than the pregnant woman ... when wait staff only makes like 2.35 an hour. so, if she makes more an hour then it's only a couple of cents. so, making .02 more an hour is what she is bragging about.

Servers make their money on tips. Since she's so eager to go home and refuses to stay to make more tips, while the pregnant lady is actually working to make more tips ... then the pregnant lady makes more money than she does.

Every person in the restaurant business knows that the servers who go home, rather than work ... are the lazy employees who don't want to work.

The servers who stay the duration of their shift, are the good employees who make the money.

So, basically, this stupid person is in here attempting to convince others that because she went home, rather than actually work to make her money in tips, that it makes her a better employee.

She is proudly claiming that she willingly went home, rather than work. A good employee who isn't lazy and who wants to make a living to support themselves will work every table they can get.

this stupid one here raises her hand to be first one out .... but, not to worry, she'll get $ 2.35 for those couple hours she worked. Keeping in mind that the pregnant lady will probably make 50 or 60 bucks in those hours she worked, because she will get tips from the tables.

stupid is as stupid says ..... and here is the fool saying it for all to see, too dumb to realize that some of us know how the restaurant business works, and knows that if you're sent home .. then you suck at your job
My son was in restaurant management his whole adult life, until several years ago when we bought him a store, a franchise.

And I'm telling you ...... if you're on a list to be first cut when the store slows down, then you're the worst employee on that shift. If you're the last to be cut, then you're the best on that shift.

So, the likely truth here is .... the pregnant lady is better at her job then the Rancid Raccoon here and she just can't handle the truth in that she sucks that bad.
Posted by LiveAndLove
You should talk to the managers. I'm a server too and worked during all my pregnancies up until the 8th month. I've been lucky and never had a difficult one. But if she was lazy before, pregnancy will only enhance that behavior. They should change her to being a hostess for the time being. It doesn't help anyone including the place you work at for a server to act like they can't do there job.
Better yet- rolling silverware.
Posted by SensitiveBlues
Posted by Librasaurusrex
Posted by Librasaurusrex

Maybe she's trying to get fired to claim unemployment?
If she is, it won't happen. I think our management is well aware of her tendencies. She got sent home one day because they were sick of her standing around and doing nothing and she was like 4 months along then.
I've worked jobs where the management was adamantly against firing simply to avoid unemployment claims. It would suck for the coworkers who had to pick up the slack because the lazy person would just endlessly get away with whatever they felt like doing (not doing.)
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You don't need to get fired to get unemployment!

Maybe it differs state to state..? In my state you can't just quit your job and claim it.
Posted by AriesLove
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by AriesLove
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by AriesLove
This is what happens when you flip burgers and toss fries yak mouth bitch.

At least she works and doesn't spread her legs for a free meal.

Go press start on your microwave.

Eat them hot pockets.
Ooh bitch try again. Different day old shit. You're spreading your legs and riding the bus. Tell that pussy man you're with to help you get 4 wheels or at least two.

Really? I ride the bus when I go party, or uber.

Sorry no I don't take my range rover out when I drink.

I'm not a ghetto ass single mom like you, hun.

Cops everywhere breathslyzing on the weekends. I get a DUI I can't travel.

This is Straya mate.

You mad hoe. I see you back from yesterday lol. You don't have to flex bitch you already told on yourself. Your broke ass rides public transportation everyday to get that little paycheck. What did you say you work 3 days out the week?!

Claiming to be independent but married to a bumb. I know he's a bumb I can look at a man's shoes and tell he's a bumb. You had to travel the world to find him because you're the town hoe who used to work in the "sex industry". Which one? Stripper or

Prostitue. Probably prostitue you don't have the body for a stripper. Bitch looks like a 12 year old boy. What are you a 34AA. Bitch trying to flex with a training bra.

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Ewwww, lawd, tearz...

I'm following for the LOLs

Posted by LiveAndLove
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by LiveAndLove
You should talk to the managers. I'm a server too and worked during all my pregnancies up until the 8th month. I've been lucky and never had a difficult one. But if she was lazy before, pregnancy will only enhance that behavior. They should change her to being a hostess for the time being. It doesn't help anyone including the place you work at for a server to act like they can't do there job.
Better yet- rolling silverware.
Yes! The best part of the job haha.

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User Submitted Image

Or where I work, folding linens is also an option. Fortunately, we don't have to do that as sidework haha. But since she's just oh so desperate to be lazy, we can give her a job where she can sit... and fold linens or roll silverware!
Okay, for all you "well pregnancy affects everyone differently" dumb cunts, drop it. Seriously. I'm well aware of this and this chick is only 6 months along and does NOT have complicated pregnancies.

I was mostly curious how women generally felt around their 6th month because it's pretty fucking obvious this chick isn't "suffering" from anything other than being an entitled princess. "Let me do whatever I want because I'm pregnant!" does not equate "aw poor thing is having a rough pregnancy." The amount of enabling pussies on this site is truly disgusting.

Posted by ovaries
wow this was a read! much better than any tv series i must say lol

anyway, I'm sure the OP knows to give some slack to "pregnant entitled princesses" when she sees one after this episode. I dont know where you work rockyroad, but somewhere along the way purely guessed it must have been in the restaurant biz and I must say dealing with people is the same no matter where we work - your task being harder because you have to deal with a lot of people everyday - I would die and go to hell than talk to people, not because i dont like but because i'm more than weird around people. I did work at a restaurant initially but couldnt handle the heat as a waitress so begged to be the phone guy to take orders. Didnt care if the pay was lesser or that if I missed the tips, I just couldnt make it work during weekend nights that were the busiest - most of my orders were either messed up or cold and i was always left behind by angry customers - I was happy when that came to an end, but didnt realise i was walking into bigger shit trying to get a salaried job.

As for pregnant co-workers, I've worked with two people at two seperate jobs and both were great to work with. As a team, we always forgot they were actually pregnant until they stood up (mine was a desk job), the last one was my manager and I would always wonder how she managed everything!

As for P-Angel, she remains the never-challenged boss-guy around these parts lol

I have her schizo ass blocked. Someone told me about her little insight to restaurants and it was laughable. She has no fucking idea what she's talking about, as usual.

I'm not giving slack to any fucking entitled princesses. There are people at my job who I wouldn't have an issue doing anything for, pregnant or not. This chick is so used to whining to get her way and I just put my foot down and said fuck no. She hated that and started spreading bullshit about me around the workplace, which was my biggest issue with her. She's just so gross that she thinks she can manipulate her pregnancy to work for her to further help with her lazy fuck ways. Had it been anyone else, I wouldn't have had an issue staying for them.

We've had FOURTEEN pregnant ladies in the last YEAR (seriously, we're all wtf about this haha). ....three are like this- expecting special treatment the second they became pregnant. The rest just worked like nothing changed, which is how it should be. One had a really bad pregnancy (twins) and she checked out and went on leave at like 5-6 months. Any of those ladies, I would have gladly stayed for because they aren't assholes.
From a man perspective it's indeed correct that some women take advantage from the fact of being pregnant, i've seen that with my own eyes.

There are many women who get pregnant just because. Some women get paranoid if everyone around is having babies except them. Hence they need to start the process ASAP. Without thinking about the future consequences or not even being prepared for it, both financially and mentally. It's called social influence. With the information we have access nowadays there is no excuse to not prepare / plan a pregnancy. I know some people will throw stones at me for saying that because some pregnancies were not planned and everything went well, but i'm not generalising, just saying that making babies is not the same as making sandwiches.

Where i live a lot of women keep having babies just to get more benefits from the government.

I treat pregnant women the same way as non pregnant, the only diference is that i give them priority over me for siting in case they are standing. That's the only exceptional rule.

Worst case scenario:

- Please sit here.

- Thanks but i'm not pregnant, just fat.

Final thought - I love babies and i wish to have one or two someday, and we always should help pregnant women when they have difficulties doing an action which they are not capable of dong it due to that event, but some woman need to realise that being pregnant doesn't translate into being the Queen of Planet Earth.

Until next time, take care of yourselves — and each other.

Posted by Arielle83
It's funny this goes back to "aesthetics vs. Racism". Sad faceless user attempts to put down another females appearance.

Actually she's done this multiple times. Hiding behind an avatar.

Yet I've been called racist for saying "ghetto".

When faceless user admits to living off of men.

So she can willingly tear down appearance but I can't say "ghetto" when I don't even know what this user looks like?

More sad hypocritical women digging deep to feel good about their sad pathetic lives.

She's not faceless. She's posted a picture. She's nothing to write home about.

Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Arisaturn2
Posted by Arielle83
It's funny this goes back to "aesthetics vs. Racism". Sad faceless user attempts to put down another females appearance.

Actually she's done this multiple times. Hiding behind an avatar.

Yet I've been called racist for saying "ghetto".

When faceless user admits to living off of men.

So she can willingly tear down appearance but I can't say "ghetto" when I don't even know what this user looks like?

More sad hypocritical women digging deep to feel good about their sad pathetic lives.

She's not faceless. She's posted a picture. She's nothing to write home about.

To me she is cuz I've never seen it.

I don't investigate ppl that hate on me for there own weird reason.
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She's just combative as some Aries can be. I've had my rows with her too but then I saw her picture and just felt bad

Posted by Arisaturn2
Posted by Arielle83
It's funny this goes back to "aesthetics vs. Racism". Sad faceless user attempts to put down another females appearance.

Actually she's done this multiple times. Hiding behind an avatar.

Yet I've been called racist for saying "ghetto".

When faceless user admits to living off of men.

So she can willingly tear down appearance but I can't say "ghetto" when I don't even know what this user looks like?

More sad hypocritical women digging deep to feel good about their sad pathetic lives.

She's not faceless. She's posted a picture. She's nothing to write home about.

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Where's this pic at?

Posted by AriesLove
Posted by Arielle83
P.s. Gold digging lady

I'm 34C if you're so interested in my cup size. Thanks for checking me out.

And I was a headline dancer. If you've ever seen flash dance you'd get it.

Stage shows and nightclubs.

I had a weekly spot at Guvernment in Toronto as well as headlining in the odd strip club.

Headliners don't use a pole or get near your gross assed husbands.

The club pays to draw in cuz we actually dance.

Not Twerk like you do for free at the clubs. Or that ghey ass single mom "pole aerobics" shizz you try to do to reinvent your lame love life.

Which clearly failed twice.

Maybe quit begging for dinners and work on not hating every chick that doesn't gag for a man's wallet. You've been clear many times you dislike women and you prefer men.

Too much competition for your alpha wannabe a.s.s.

Jazz contemporary

Hip hop


Maybe you should learn belly dancing.

It's a good ab workout.
Of course you think a man courting a woman is a gold digger because you're tacky slut.

Old ass bitch in your middle 30's with no fucking kids because you can't afford them or clearly your ovaries have been mutilated from your prostitution days.

Dumb pathetic old hag still club hopping like you're in your 20's. Trying to stay relevant around single people because you know your ass is bored playing housewife with that broke faggot.

Bitch you're mad, trying to explain your shitty life to somebody who doesn't give a fuck.

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So in your mind those are the only two reasons why she doesn't have kids? Your tripping.

Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Arisaturn2
Posted by Arielle83
It's funny this goes back to "aesthetics vs. Racism". Sad faceless user attempts to put down another females appearance.

Actually she's done this multiple times. Hiding behind an avatar.

Yet I've been called racist for saying "ghetto".

When faceless user admits to living off of men.

So she can willingly tear down appearance but I can't say "ghetto" when I don't even know what this user looks like?

More sad hypocritical women digging deep to feel good about their sad pathetic lives.

She's not faceless. She's posted a picture. She's nothing to write home about.

Where's this pic at?

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She hid it quick but I seent it. She puts me in the mind frame of the singer Ciara...if Ciara was on welfare and did a short prison stint. She looked to be in decent shape physically-like the lanky boyish type of Aries who has no curves and the masculine facial features. Nothing soft about her appearance. The type you'd question whether or not she's tucking a dick. I wouldn't talk shit to her on the street...she's def the type who would want a physical altercation because her IQ is too low to come up with any other retorts besides bitch and cunt.

Posted by AriesLove
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by AriesLove
Posted by Arielle83
P.s. Gold digging lady

I'm 34C if you're so interested in my cup size. Thanks for checking me out.

And I was a headline dancer. If you've ever seen flash dance you'd get it.

Stage shows and nightclubs.

I had a weekly spot at Guvernment in Toronto as well as headlining in the odd strip club.

Headliners don't use a pole or get near your gross assed husbands.

The club pays to draw in cuz we actually dance.

Not Twerk like you do for free at the clubs. Or that ghey ass single mom "pole aerobics" shizz you try to do to reinvent your lame love life.

Which clearly failed twice.

Maybe quit begging for dinners and work on not hating every chick that doesn't gag for a man's wallet. You've been clear many times you dislike women and you prefer men.

Too much competition for your alpha wannabe a.s.s.

Jazz contemporary

Hip hop


Maybe you should learn belly dancing.

It's a good ab workout.
Of course you think a man courting a woman is a gold digger because you're tacky slut.

Old ass bitch in your middle 30's with no fucking kids because you can't afford them or clearly your ovaries have been mutilated from your prostitution days.

Dumb pathetic old hag still club hopping like you're in your 20's. Trying to stay relevant around single people because you know your ass is bored playing housewife with that broke faggot.

Bitch you're mad, trying to explain your shitty life to somebody who doesn't give a fuck.

So in your mind those are the only two reasons why she doesn't have kids? Your tripping.

No, I forgot being a drunk slore who wants to club hop and catch uber every night because her miserable ass gets slizzard to unconsciousness.

Bitch don't quote me because you got offended. Like seriously do you hoes have a life.

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Ever night is a stretch on your part. She works hard and when the weekend comes parties harder. I get that.

Don't be salty.

Posted by Arielle83
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by AriesLove
Posted by Arielle83
P.s. Gold digging lady

I'm 34C if you're so interested in my cup size. Thanks for checking me out.

And I was a headline dancer. If you've ever seen flash dance you'd get it.

Stage shows and nightclubs.

I had a weekly spot at Guvernment in Toronto as well as headlining in the odd strip club.

Headliners don't use a pole or get near your gross assed husbands.

The club pays to draw in cuz we actually dance.

Not Twerk like you do for free at the clubs. Or that ghey ass single mom "pole aerobics" shizz you try to do to reinvent your lame love life.

Which clearly failed twice.

Maybe quit begging for dinners and work on not hating every chick that doesn't gag for a man's wallet. You've been clear many times you dislike women and you prefer men.

Too much competition for your alpha wannabe a.s.s.

Jazz contemporary

Hip hop


Maybe you should learn belly dancing.

It's a good ab workout.
Of course you think a man courting a woman is a gold digger because you're tacky slut.

Old ass bitch in your middle 30's with no fucking kids because you can't afford them or clearly your ovaries have been mutilated from your prostitution days.

Dumb pathetic old hag still club hopping like you're in your 20's. Trying to stay relevant around single people because you know your ass is bored playing housewife with that broke faggot.

Bitch you're mad, trying to explain your shitty life to somebody who doesn't give a fuck.

So in your mind those are the only two reasons why she doesn't have kids? Your tripping.

Omg now I'm a prostitute and broke?

This chick can't read.

She makes up your life story to fell good about herself.

Think she called me a bored housewife once.

Isn't that what you have to be to collect alimony??


And her escort dates are clearly ho'ing.

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It's all those hot pokets she's shoving down her throat. Processed food makes her all kinds of confused.
