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Sep 17, 2018Comments: 0 · Posts: 101 · Topics: 65
I don’t know if I’m the only one but I’m starting to hate technology. I agree that it’s useful sometimes but it feels like humans are going to become useless in the future. I feel bad for those poor millennials who didn’t experience life without the internet.
I live in the USA and today I went to Burger King to get a meal and the lady told me to just use the machine (kiosk) to order. Now you order your food through a computer screen! I’ve seen these a lot of fast food restaurants and they’re becoming very popular but I feel like it’s becoming too much. Why invent a kiosk when I can just tell someone that I want a burger? Is it too hard? Are humans not capable of taking orders anymore that now we have to use technology? I just feel like it’s a waste and I want to talk/communicate with humans the way it should be.
I’m also taking therapy because I went through a really bad breakup and when I was looking for a therapist all of them were “online” only. Why? Maybe when Covid was a thing but the pandemic is over. I agree that it’s still around but not to the point of isolation. But all these therapists prefer to do appointments through Zoom and I feel so uncomfortable talking about my personal problems through a computer screen or my phone. Again, what happened to human interaction? It’s becoming less and less as technology advances.
Oh and let’s not forget about the invention of electric cars. All these modern Tesla cars come with a computer thing inside that does everything for you. Literally I just want to drive like normal and forget about the internet for a moment. Is that even possible? I stare at my phone all day. I don’t want to be staring at a screen while I’m driving too. Gosh.
I was born in 1987. I felt more useful back in those years when all these apps, social media and weird things didn’t even exist. I was able to use the radio instead of telling “Alexa” to play a song for me.
Do you think technology will make the world and mankind better? Do you think some of these new inventions are a waste and useless?
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Aug 15, 2024Comments: 187 · Posts: 34 · Topics: 1
I think there are several advantages with technology, but I agree there are certain services/activities that technology can not substitute
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Nov 16, 2023Comments: 751 · Posts: 591 · Topics: 10
I have more to complain about than you do. I was born in '79.
Thank God I'm able to do things by hand the old-fashioned way and do things with technology. Take away a calculator/computer from somebody nowadays, and they fall apart quickly.
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Jan 10, 2015Comments: 1921 · Posts: 16994 · Topics: 108
No. Anyone that thinks technology makes humans worse is a stupid fucking obvious moron. Because the fact is humans are in control of technology,and it does nothing more then progress us further and make life easier. I can't even imagine the type of stupid fuck that would say no to this topic. They must be truly brain dead to say technology doesn't make humans better.
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Jan 15, 2014Comments: 1625 · Posts: 2151 · Topics: 139
I only care about the cultural enrichment of the youth today. Not everything has to be a trend. I feel bad because I don't think kids will have even the same oratory skills of people of the past. There will be no more great speeches, no eloquence, nothing. It'll all be like, "you're literally going to literally pass a bill that will literally prevent the literal progression of progress." At least I hope it doesn't get to that point.
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Mar 24, 2019Comments: 5032 · Posts: 10515 · Topics: 281
i'm personally more comfortable not speaking to anyone just to get food lol sorry.
but with the therapist thing yeah that's kinda annoying, one time i almost booked once accidentally coz thought it was an in-person thing only for it to NOT be so.... nope but hey it's easier to actually find their physical clinics and look up reviews or gossip about them so i know if i should seek or avoid some establishment.
also i don't like how everything is subscription-based like i wanna pay for something like one time and own it FOREVER then find it in my dusty attic when i'm trying to show off my vintage 2000s stuff to my future grandkids.
i think there could be some resistance to these stuff simply coz of lack of interest or curiosity. there are people who are perfectly happy never learning anything new. and should something break down, there's always someone to fix it for them kinda mentality which i understand coz sometimes I feel this fatigue with like new games and i kinda seek out like really old games now.
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Aug 23, 2021Comments: 3236 · Posts: 1589 · Topics: 1
I've lived both ways, ultra modern and ultra basic.
Main thing I've derived this far.
We need to stop shitting on solar energy.
Its a Tool / potential double-edged sword.
Morphine is Also a tool.
To be Used, when/if needed.
But if iT - starts using You...
You = Fucked.
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Jul 24, 2019Comments: 3567 · Posts: 7804 · Topics: 92
We didn't have all these technologies when I was coming up. Yeah I know, I'm old. So we made do without it and live normal lives without technology just fine. Today's youths couldn't do it. But anyway it's only useful to me because well.... Google is my friend.
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Apr 26, 2013Comments: 4925 · Posts: 19272 · Topics: 148
The whole human experience is promethean in nature.
You don't like singularity-creating tech? I guess you should abandon AI. Don't forget to also abandon smartphones, computers, motorized travel, mathematics, writing, cities, language, agriculture, husbandry, houses and clothing. Maybe you'll be at your intended place at the bottom of the ocean, living off deep photosynthesis. In your lane and moisturized.
Moden tech is nothing serious next to the revolutionary disruption brought about when humans started putting the wild animals inside fences for example.
The nature of tech is not the question, the question is your sacred fire and how you use it to improve your freedom.
The OP is right to be worried, but she should be worried about everything else other than AI. All that's used against your sacred fire.
I saw personal computers go from being inexistant to being omnipresent and solely used to control and enslave the population with authorizations and priviledges. Of course you can turn the sword around and use the tool for your own benefit, but you have to be smart and not lazy.
The powers that be are trying to turn their sheepish populations into absolute cattle. Prepare to download QR-codes and virtual passports to go anywhere. Prepare to be defined by interdictions rather than freedoms. Prepare to be eternally indebted. In debt for school, for having a temporary roof on your head, for ukraine and israel, for the climate scam, for LGBT. Prepare to be a-gendered and neutered. You won't have a family to care about but you'll still be worried about repaying the bank for something. Every job will be replaced by an automaton and you will have a hard time buying a fresh tomato. No doctors to see you and no medicine but you'll still be paying health insurance somehow. Those who will put up with that will be particularly stupid, but you know who they'll be, dragging you down into the dust. Kick them away.
Maybe some people will eventually organize to cheat the automatons and create their own economy on the side. Stop living on the screens and look outside at all that is yours. Burn your ID card and become a refugee in your own country. Squat a building and don't pay land tax. Become a warrior tribe and cull the weak.
The real humans will be those that will break free from the tyranny. The sheep will fear everything and they should just lie down and die. The human experience is reserved to those who brandish the fires.
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Apr 04, 2024Comments: 1143 · Posts: 400 · Topics: 1
I still listen to am/fm radio lol. I don’t even have an Alexa.
I work alongside people of a religion who don’t use any technology. They may use cell phones occasionally for work. They have their babies at home. They dig wells for their water supply. You can still forego technology if it upsets you that much. My guess is most people prefer the convenience.