Let us hear your Vocaroo

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by TheLadyScorpio on Monday, February 27, 2017 and has 585 replies.
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Do not be shy or embarrassed, enjoy yourself and create a vocaroo to share with us all.Laughing

If I could put myself out there as entertainment, to kickstart the momentum, ... so could you. Smug

Hopefully, you lot will find this thread amusing. Do not take it all in as seriously as so, it is all in good humour and fun. Devil
And Vagi.......erm, Vageenka will start singing kumbaya any minute.

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Posted by Vageenka
LadyScorpio sounds like a hot secretary who is all covered up but oozes sex appeal and knows how to suck a mean cock.

CanBull is such a funny, interesting character. Sometimes he's raging, then laughing, good sense of humor and now suddenly he's singing a full on pop song. So unpredictable. lol.

Hah Vageenka, thank you ... perhaps if I share a clip of my singing it may change your thoughts otherwise.Laughing

What of you ?

Share a Vocaroo of your singing, or anything at all.



Hear it while it lasts, cause I will remove it eventually. lol
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
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Yeah I think that maybe be DXPers breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Hah, Nights. Ah, if only we could have you as our game host, but with each post done as a Vocaroo instead.Laughing

Posted by aquanib
Posted by TheLadyScorpio

Seductive little minx LOL.

Are you really from the UK? Your accent sounds manufactured, like i'd be doing it!

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It is not manufactuered per se aquanib, I merely sound funny when I am both thinking and talking at the same time.

My words come out far slower than I would like, it is a terrible habit which I have tried to quit.Laughing

Posted by Aliensusedourbogroll
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by aquanib
Posted by TheLadyScorpio

Seductive little minx LOL.

Are you really from the UK? Your accent sounds manufactured, like i'd be doing it!

It is not manufactuered per se aquanib, I merely sound funny when I am both thinking and talking at the same time.

My words come out far slower than I would like, it is a terrible habit which I have tried to quit.Laughing

Your Americaness has been exposed!

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Ah bogroll, I am afraid I would have to disappoint but not an American. Devil

@TheLadyScorpio is really Dita Von Teese
I wonder why Alicia hid hersConfused. I still yet to hear who all I really want to hear on the low.
Posted by aquanib
Posted by Ram416
@TheLadyScorpio is really Dita Von Teese
Titta Von Deese!

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Titties Von Dick

(Pretty sure there's already a porn star with that name lol)
Posted by P6X58DE
You would never know what a Crabapple would do, that would surprise you.Laughing

Canbull, that was such lovely singing.

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
And Vagi.......erm, Vageenka will start singing kumbaya any minute.

User Submitted Image
Care to delight us with a Vocaroo ?

Posted by nikkistar


Hear it while it lasts, cause I will remove it eventually. lol
nikki, what a great choice of song, I am glad we all got to hear it before you took it down.

A DXP Goddess indeed.

@aquanib @aliensusedourbogroll

Come now, join in the madness, dive on in and share a Vocaroo clip with us all. Devil

Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by nikkistar


Hear it while it lasts, cause I will remove it eventually. lol
nikki, what a great choice of song, I am glad we all got to hear it before you took it down.

A DXP Goddess indeed.

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Shit, I forgot about this. lol
Posted by Ram416
@TheLadyScorpio is really Dita Von Teese
Hah Ram416, now would that be a surprise ?Laughing

Posted by IanTiering
Posted by Ram416
@TheLadyScorpio is really Dita Von Teese
That was kitten la rouge
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In the end, did she turn out to be a catfish ?Laughing

LaughingI have to plug in my headset for most of you. I almost got embarrass listening to one persons voice around everybody.
Posted by VirgoGent
OMG swoon, you have a Southern accent.
Posted by IanTiering
Posted by Aliensusedourbogroll
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by aquanib
Posted by TheLadyScorpio

Seductive little minx LOL.

Are you really from the UK? Your accent sounds manufactured, like i'd be doing it!

It is not manufactuered per se aquanib, I merely sound funny when I am both thinking and talking at the same time.

My words come out far slower than I would like, it is a terrible habit which I have tried to quit.Laughing

Your Americaness has been exposed!

Lady Scorpio= Bridget Jones
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ands, how dare you spill my secret like so ... how did you know I was a blonde ? Smug

Posted by Neno2
Posted by TheLadyScorpio

Do not be shy or embarrassed, enjoy yourself and create a vocaroo to share with us all.Laughing

Hopefully, you lot will find this thread both entertaining and amusing. Devil
u have so a lovely voice?

i better dont even try?dont want to embarrass myself?

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If I could put myself out there and embarrass myself, surely you could do so as well (well, not quite the embarrass yourself part but the sharing indeed).Laughing

Neno2, we would love to hear a Vocaroo from you. It could of anything in which you would care to share. smile
I want to hear @Virgogent read a book.

Cat in a Hat works. lol




We are still awaiting your voices, delight us with something, anything.Laughing
Posted by TheLadyScorpio




We are still awaiting your voices, delight us with something, anything.Laughing
I'd like to hear Ands say #looksmaxing lol


If I ever do have a need to resurrect myself here on DXPnet, I may return as one of those suggestions.Laughing
Posted by TheLadyScorpio




We are still awaiting your voices, delight us with something, anything.Laughing

TheLadyScorpio if I knew how to do that I would play my guitar rather than talk. I let my guitar do the talking for me.

Posted by Aliensusedourbogroll
Posted by IanTiering
Posted by Aliensusedourbogroll
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by aquanib
Posted by TheLadyScorpio

Seductive little minx LOL.

Are you really from the UK? Your accent sounds manufactured, like i'd be doing it!

It is not manufactuered per se aquanib, I merely sound funny when I am both thinking and talking at the same time.

My words come out far slower than I would like, it is a terrible habit which I have tried to quit.Laughing

Your Americaness has been exposed!

Lady Scorpio= Bridget Jones


Who do you like better? Daniel Cleaver or Mr Darcy?

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Regarding your former question, I am a conglomerate, therefore it would a complex question to answer. Devil

In regards to the latter, I would prefer Mr. Darcy. However, to make me choose between a Virgent and a Virgent, is a rather difficult task. Given the two, without a doubt Colin Firth ... his rendition of Mr. Darcy (a different Darcy as to Bridget Jones) by the lake is still rather memorable.Laughing

Posted by P6X58DE
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by P6X58DE
You would never know what a Crabapple would do, that would surprise you.Laughing

Canbull, that was such lovely singing.

I love to sing, but because i don't regularly do it it takes a while to get my real voice out lol i don't always sound like that.

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The shower singers, why Crabapple do join the group, I am one myself as well.Laughing

We hardly ever have our voices open, until our skin is but a prune. I understand, completely so. Smug

Posted by Gob_Shite

Thank you Gobs for the PSA, I have never had a doubt that we are all mental, to one degree or another.

I am been one of the first to call this place a mental asylum of an astrology forum.

Nothing new there at all.

What else were you expecting, sanity ?Laughing

Posted by P6X58DE
For the lulz

Where are you taking us to ... with all that anticipation, leaving us all hanging ?Laughing
Posted by VirgoGent
The instant orgasm vocaroo ?

I really could listen to you speak all. Day. Long.

Posted by VirgoGent
My oh my, what a lovely voice you have there, VirgoGent.

Would you kindly do us all a generous public service, and create all of your posts in the form of Vocaroos from here onwards. I would thank you on behalf of all the women on here.Laughing

Posted by Pisco
I sound like a small child, so I think I'll pass. Lol.
Pisco, that would hardly be true, with that beautiful face of yours, there must be an equally stunning voice to match.

Do kindly share with us all, I still remember having heard it before and it was wonderful.

Posted by VivaciousScorpio
TLS you are forcing the accent, but doing it on purpose. Sounds like you're taking the piss.

Never knew you had it in you to be fun ?
Quite obviously so VS, I am indeed taking the piss. Glad you noticed, and it had not gone to waste.

However, it seemed to have gone over quite a few individual's heads and they mistook it for self importance / narcissism.Laughing

Let us have a Vocaroo from you as well. I vaguely remember having heard your voice before, but I am not sure if I had mistaken it for another.

Posted by VirgoGent
Posted by nikkistar
I want to hear @Virgogent read a book.

Cat in a Hat works. lol

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Oh man, I can't deal with your voice. ?????
Posted by Anarchi
this is me singing adele!

We should all pack our bags and leave now.Laughing


Anarchi, you have an incredible voice, what lovely singing. Hopefully, you would delight us with more Vocaroos to come.
Posted by nikkistar
I want to hear @Virgogent read a book.

Cat in a Hat works. lol
I would like to +1 in regards to this request.

Posted by nikkistar
Posted by TheLadyScorpio




We are still awaiting your voices, delight us with something, anything.Laughing
I'd like to hear Ands say #looksmaxing lol
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Did ands ever share a spoken Vocaroo before ?
Posted by Panela
Posted by TheLadyScorpio




We are still awaiting your voices, delight us with something, anything.Laughing

TheLadyScorpio if I knew how to do that I would play my guitar rather than talk. I let my guitar do the talking for me.

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Then kindly share that with us, if you would may. We would love to hear your guitar playing as well.
Posted by -Flo-

Flo, you sound rather sweet, rather than young. Lovely, nonetheless.

Thank you for sharing. smile

Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by TheLadyScorpio

Hmph.... smile

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Hah, PR.

Now, what was that 'hmph' meant to be as ?

Even with my Stinger translation device and my cup of tea is hardly helping here.Laughing

Posted by ChoXtsy
These are always fun to listen too
Indeed, ChoXtsy. Join in our madness, post a Vocaroo.

We would never discriminate. smile

Posted by halalbabe
A vocaroo thread without @DickButt's animal sounds is meaningless
Now that, I have never heard before.

Why, he must share it now after having be told so.Laughing

Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by nikkistar
I want to hear @Virgogent read a book.

Cat in a Hat works. lol
I would like to +1 in regards to this request.

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Plus 3
