life after death

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by XXMR2NICEXX on Saturday, November 5, 2011 and has 16 replies.
Is there life after death?
Hope so. smile
Life after death can neither be proved nor disproved. This is because one would have to undergo physical death in order to prove or disprove it (and by its very nature, disproving it would not be possible). This is in contrast to something like astrology where one could undertake a study of people born at the same time and evaluate their personality traits and life outcomes at a later time to see if there is any correlation with time of birth.
Yep, its called divorce.
Posted by DazedScorp
If you believe that life = energy...then yes.
There is life after death, for energy cannot be destroyed.

A fart is energy. Farts never really go away.
Posted by wgamador2
Yep, its called divorce.

LMAO *cuffing your shoulder*
Is there life after death?

i dont know after all im agnostic.

i will live my life the best way i can by being positive.
a friend who has 'died' twice on the operating table assures me theres is. She said it was nice but she wasn't ready to "go" just yet, but it is all good when the time comes.
Posted by ReallyNiceAriesPerson
a friend who has 'died' twice on the operating table assures me theres is. She said it was nice but she wasn't ready to "go" just yet, but it is all good when the time comes.

my mom's friend also died on the operating table...she was dead for nearly 6 minutes.
She says there's life after as well and it seemed like she was there a lot longer than she was actually dead
Ok, another story which I don't like sharing often because I get emotional...
My cousin died when she was 8 (seems like forever ago)...she had gotten a virus from a mosquito bite and the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. It was really scary...she'd be fine for a few days and then start blacking out and acting really strange...she always had a went on for over a month before her brain started swelling and she passed. They only figured out the cause after she died. Very traumatizing for our entire family. She was a twin. Sad
But anyways...literally the day before she died she woke up from a nap and told my grandma, who was watching her, that she saw Jesus and an Angel and they told her it was okay and not to be scared.

We had no idea at the time that she was THAT sick that she would die the next day.
No one thought anything of it until later... Sad

Do you think she came back to tell you all it was going to be all right? So you didn't worry?
Posted by ReallyNiceAriesPerson
Do you think she came back to tell you all it was going to be all right? So you didn't worry?

Idk we never really thought about it because we honestly had not even the slightest clue she was gonna die.
We weren't that worried. :/ I know that sounds bad...but it just seemed like she had a cold or something.
We didn't know it was that serious. So at the time, we didn't take it as God or an Angel comforting her so she could tell us and give us peace about it. Only afterwards did we think about it like that. But we were so traumatized still it really didn't bring us peace :/
Yes Fay there is life after death
I to was dead on the table
I went down the tunnel of light
at the end there were many lines of people
I got in line
a man in a turban came by
he told me to get out of the holly cow line and get into the holly goat line
I came back
Posted by brianafay
Ok, another story which I don't like sharing often because I get emotional...
My cousin died when she was 8 (seems like forever ago)...she had gotten a virus from a mosquito bite and the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. It was really scary...she'd be fine for a few days and then start blacking out and acting really strange...she always had a went on for over a month before her brain started swelling and she passed. They only figured out the cause after she died. Very traumatizing for our entire family. She was a twin. Sad
But anyways...literally the day before she died she woke up from a nap and told my grandma, who was watching her, that she saw Jesus and an Angel and they told her it was okay and not to be scared.

We had no idea at the time that she was THAT sick that she would die the next day.
No one thought anything of it until later... Sad

Im so sorry to hear about your loss.
May I ask a question....
Did your cousin know about Jesus ? Cause If she had no idea about Jesus or religion and all of that, then it would validate a lot of things that I no longer believe in.
Posted by wgamador2
Posted by brianafay
Ok, another story which I don't like sharing often because I get emotional...
My cousin died when she was 8 (seems like forever ago)...she had gotten a virus from a mosquito bite and the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. It was really scary...she'd be fine for a few days and then start blacking out and acting really strange...she always had a went on for over a month before her brain started swelling and she passed. They only figured out the cause after she died. Very traumatizing for our entire family. She was a twin. Sad
But anyways...literally the day before she died she woke up from a nap and told my grandma, who was watching her, that she saw Jesus and an Angel and they told her it was okay and not to be scared.

We had no idea at the time that she was THAT sick that she would die the next day.
No one thought anything of it until later... Sad

Im so sorry to hear about your loss.
May I ask a question....
Did your cousin know about Jesus ? Cause If she had no idea about Jesus or religion and all of that, then it would validate a lot of things that I no longer believe in.
click to expand

Yeah, she did. She was in Sunday school as a small child