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Apr 23, 2016Comments: 512 · Posts: 2343 · Topics: 199
i mean the stuff we do or encounter on a day to day basis:
- feeling of freshness after flossing
- young 20something laughing or singing a song
- waking up early snuggling in warm bedsheeds
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Jan 15, 2014Comments: 1643 · Posts: 2158 · Topics: 139
Noticing that the sun is getting brighter the closer it gets to summer.
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Jul 24, 2019Comments: 3596 · Posts: 7866 · Topics: 94
Just lazying around is all I can come up with. Now if thats not boring mundane stuff that gives me a good feeling I dont know what is.
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 287 · Posts: 30828 · Topics: 650
When I take the trash out the night before and the next day I hear the garbage truck roll by…
I’m like YES. Winning at adulting right now
Making breakfast for myself always feels like a win.
Easily picking up dirt with my Dustbuster makes me smile
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Mar 13, 2017Comments: 118 · Posts: 1442 · Topics: 1
- Waking up and realizing I still got 2 more hours of sleep.
- Breaking the car to let people cross on the crosswalk and having them thank me.
- Farming Karma on Reddit.
- Eating a meal that took me at least 1hour to cook\prepare (followed by a thought of "I could have done this better, it's not perfect" lol)
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36350 · Posts: 40820 · Topics: 321
Laying cosy in bed, listening to music whilst the rain lashes down on the roof
Reading - always reading, transports you into a different world
First cup of tea of the day and breakfast
Seeing people smile when I say hello to them
Laughing on the phone to our son and hearing all his news
Hearing the birds singing
Nothing is mundane in life to me
There’s a bit of ✨Magick✨ in all things
You just need to look for it…
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Nov 22, 2023Comments: 39 · Posts: 178 · Topics: 9
Cleaning the house
Running errands
completing my daily tasks
It's boring but It feels good when things on my list are all done and complete.
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Jan 16, 2024Comments: 2023 · Posts: 358 · Topics: 4
The smell of scented candles burning in a freshly cleaned house.
Listening to the rain as you drift off to sleep.
That first cool breeze on a crisp fall morning.
The smell of coffee brewing in the morning.
Listening to a crackling fire on a cold winters night.
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Jan 10, 2015Comments: 1936 · Posts: 17044 · Topics: 108
I honestly like spending 12 hours sleeping on occasion. After the first 8 hours I then wake up every half hour or so and remember the crazy dream I had. Then pass out again and have another dream.
Also this is a weird thing that brings me joy but I worked in many different houses over the years in my trade. I love when someone's house smells like a nostalgic memory from my past. I know some people will understand that feeling. It's like when you were young and somewhere like your grandparents, or aunt/ uncles house. When someone's house smells similar I get a good vibe from that.
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Nov 05, 2019Comments: 407 · Posts: 2800 · Topics: 27
Waking up to something worth waking up for.
Having things to look forward too. That simple.
I was and would be happy with that as my mundane baseline.
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Aug 07, 2013Comments: 14265 · Posts: 5321 · Topics: 61
Doing a handstand and cartwheel. Just because it feels good to. Pretty much every day lol
Cooking a meal that surprises myself in a good way
Feeling my body relaxed and comfy in bed before I get up (if I’ve slept well enough the feeling is outstanding)
Looking up at the sky
Singing to the babies for breakfast and dinner time
My day to day interactions I have at school are refreshing
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Nov 11, 2021Comments: 1196 · Posts: 1448 · Topics: 21
Listening to birds singing
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Mar 04, 2021Comments: 3163 · Posts: 1207 · Topics: 0
Turning off my alarms on a Friday night! 🔕
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Jul 08, 2019Comments: 13 · Posts: 423 · Topics: 13
Tidying up, fluffing up pillows, and lounging in silence.