Love Style by Sign

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by tubbyscubby on Friday, July 30, 2010 and has 13 replies.
Aries: Impulsive Lover
As fearless lovers, Aries love to try new things in the bedroom. They love to conquer new territory. For Aries it's all about "the chase". Aries are aggressive in love and, ultimately, sex is about getting their needs met.
Leo: Dramatic Lover
Sex with a Leo is often a theatrical experience as they have big emotions and love to be the focus of attention. Leos will spoil you as much as seduce you - they love to play in bed.
Sagittarius: Adventurous Lover
Sagittarius are fun-loving, flirtatious and adventurous in the bedroom - and they want their partner to be the same. Sagittarius have a notorious fear of commitment and are't always comfortable with emotions and expressing feelings.

Taurus: Sensual Lover
Taurus like sex - and lots of it. Sex with a Taurus is a long and lingering, often lasting throughout the entire night. Taurus are very determined in bed and can even be stubborn. Taurus are physical and tacticle, which makes them very aware of all the five senses during sex.
Virgo: Discerning Lover
Virgos often get a bad rap for being uptight and critical, but in bed a more sensual side comes out. Once they are comfortable with their lover, Virgos are highly sexual people. Virgos like to please their partners and will not tolerate infidelity.
Capricorn: Serious Lover
Capricorns are down-to-business in bed. They do not enjoy flattery and are not interested in emotions. Spontaneity and romance are not their forte, but they make very sensual, passionate lovers.
Gemini: Fickle Lover
Gemini are experimental - they're up for trying anything in the bedroom. But Gemini can bore easily and often have trouble committing to one person. Gemini are intrigued and fascinated by the body and the mind, which makes for an entertaining time in bed!
Libra: Graceful Lover
Very romantic and refined, Libras enjoy being "courted". Sex is an exquisite experience with a Libra, as they view seduction as an art. Libras are happiest when they're in a relationship and are always on the hunt for their perfect soul mate.
Aquarius: Elusive Lover
Aquarius love to shake things up in the bedroom. They are eccentric and innovative between the sheets. Aquarius are adventurous and playful in bed, but can also be sexually distant - it depends on their mood. Intimacy is not Aquarius' forte.

Cancer: The Nurturing Lover
Cancer can be bossy and possessive in relationships. They like the security of a committed relationship and are generally not into one-night stands. After lovemaking, Cancers's ideal night is watchign movies in bed with their partner.
Scorpio: The Mysterious Lover
Sex with a Scorpion is primal, all-consuming and intense with desire. Their's no pretense to the bedroom - they dont hold back and wont expect you to either. Scorpios enjoy long-term, monogamous relationships. They like to be in control and can sometimes be territorial and jealous.
Pisces: The Intuitive Lover
Because of their highly creative side, Pisces love to live out their fantasies in the bedroom (and have big imaginations!). Sex with a Pisces is a transcendent experience - physical, emotional and spiritual.
whoadathunk. ^those are excerpts from this...
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I can see by the post you have never been beded by a capricorn go back to the drewing board Tubby ASS
Tubby finally posted a pic of herself!
Tate, I'm thinking that those descriptions might be better suited for Mars, not Sun signs! More accurate along those lines...
Oh no, myself and my Cappie male friend (both of us w/ Mars in Scorp) VERY primal, all consuming and intense w/ desire!!! He's not all that attractive either... we just, IDK, we get close to each other and you can feel it! We have an uncanny connection anyway...
yes we are passionate and we are not very emotional but we do care we don't just not care about who we bed believe it or not we do turn some down.
I wouldn't know, never been with a Cap.
Lovlyscrop you sure your not a capricorn?
Truth for the Saggies as usual. Sex is always fun for us, it's better than Disney World, imvho smile
HOWEVER I don't think expressing emotions is really as hard for us as they say, I'll tell you all about how I feel and why & it could last an hour or more... Tongue I think it's dealing with other people's emotions that make us uncomfortable.
nope smile
Capricorn: Serious Lover
Capricorns are down-to-business in bed. They do not enjoy flattery and are not interested in emotions. Spontaneity and romance are not their forte, but they make very sensual, passionate lovers.
Why wouldn't someone enjoy flattery???Not interested in emotions??wat a load of, oops i mean that is absoulutely not true!!lol!well,not in my case anyways. What would be the whole point of it if there were no emotions involved???
im a hopeless romantic. in every way sayin too much ey?but seriously,that statement is wrong,wrong,WRONG!!
ooohh!!!Tubby that is a kewl pic!!!awesome.