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May 21, 2013Comments: 819 · Posts: 28237 · Topics: 174
I shall try and hand out roles tomorrow around 6pm EST
As of now Day 1 will take place between 7 pm and 11 pm est tomorrow but subject to change
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Jun 25, 2012Comments: 19 · Posts: 19733 · Topics: 48
Oh lawd, they're gonna slaughter me on day one......
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May 21, 2013Comments: 819 · Posts: 28237 · Topics: 174
btw if anyone wants to be reminded of their special character powers they should PM me within the next couple hours
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May 21, 2013Comments: 819 · Posts: 28237 · Topics: 174
One of Fantastic Four’s greatest enemies are on the loose. Along with Ant Man can the Fantastic Four they defeat The Skrulls?
-All Skrull’s have the ability to shapeshift into other people. Tho most cannot take on the powers of those other people. Every night each Skrull will pick someone to visit. Then if that skrull is ever killed, when they die, it will read they were the role of the person they visited the night before. Thus an update of the townie or mafia numbers will never be revealed throughout the game. No skrull can visit the same person 2 nights in a row.
-Every night mafia also must choose someone to kill
Skrull #1
-Every night can visit someone and shapeshift into that person.
Skrull #2
-Every night can visit someone and shapeshift into that person
Super Skrull #1
-Every night can visit someone and shapeshift into that person BUT ALSO if that person has any powers, will be able to have that person’s powers for one night and the following day period
Super Skrull #2
-Every night can visit someone and shapeshift into that person
-TWICE per game can choose to control someone’s mind. Will control that persons mind for the period they choose to control their mind in. Will control that persons vote unbeknownst to them. If that person has a weapon, Super Skrull #2 will be alerted and be able to choose who the person uses the weapon on.
[Mafia wins if Fantastic Four & Ant Man are dead and the mafia numbers are even or more than the townies]
-Can contort your body into a weapon. TWICE per game can contort yourself into a bullet an eliminate someone unless they have a vest or other special protection.
-Also created a gun that can be used TWICE originally. This gun is to be used on someone after they die to find out if that person was a Skrull or not. This result will be made public. If the gun is correct at finding a skrull another time it can be used will be added.
-THREE times during the game can render herself invisible. If used at night, protects from any night attack. If used in the day protects from any day attack including a lynch, but only for approximately 2 hours in a day period.
-If Mister Fantastic is eliminated while shots are still left in his special gun, the gun goes to Invisible Woman.
-Immune to guns or bombs
-TWICE per game can burn someone to death
-Immune to ALL day attacks. Even if lynched, will not die the first time.
-Shrinks self at night so cannot die at night. Every night chooses someone to visit and see where that person went or if anyone visited that person. Cannot choose the same person back to back.
-Every night can give a gun that last the next day to someone. Cannot give it to same person 2 nights in a row.
-Every night can give a vest that lasts the next day to someone which will protect from ONE gun/knife/Mister Fantastic attack.
6 Normal Townies
[Townies win if All 4 mafia members are dead]
*Gun (Must be used in 1 day. Kills like every other gun)
*A knife (Must be used in 1 day. Kills someone without protection or a vest)
*Bomb (This weapon lasts until used. This is a time bomb. Once you set it to explode on a person there will be a countdown until it explodes)
*Sniper rifle (This weapon lasts until used. This weapon makes you able to shoot someone from a distance which means it will not state who did the shooting)
*Poison (Must be used in 1 day. Poison takes 2 hours to kill someone)
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May 21, 2013Comments: 819 · Posts: 28237 · Topics: 174
I will PM everyone that they are a townie first but the second PM you get is your real role
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Nov 03, 2013Comments: 6649 · Posts: 25219 · Topics: 78
You sadistic leeb moon.
"Then if that skrull is ever killed, when they die, it will read they were the role of the person they visited the night before. Thus an update of the townie or mafia numbers will never be revealed throughout the game."
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Jun 25, 2012Comments: 19 · Posts: 19733 · Topics: 48
And here I wanted an Insane Asylum themed Mafia where you never quite know who is good or bad. ..This is worse.
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Dec 14, 2016Comments: 7399 · Posts: 18799 · Topics: 84
I'm pretty sure, with the level of assholery that Deldo puts us through, he is the personification of Satan.
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Dec 14, 2016Comments: 7399 · Posts: 18799 · Topics: 84
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Jun 25, 2012Comments: 19 · Posts: 19733 · Topics: 48
Okay, we start at 7pm right? I'm hungry.