Membering things

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Stensco21 on Thursday, June 1, 2017 and has 5 replies.
Sitting here and membering my past. It's like all the memories start flooding my frontal lobe at once! And all I can think of is my moms childhood pie she made me when I was a kidster! I miss being a kidster when all I had to worry about is if momma was gonna beat my ass that day if I looked her sideways. Now I gotta worry about billZ.
I member one time my momma beat me cuz I took off with the family food stamp card and delighted the whole neighborhood block w an after school snack on her dime.

She never did get over it and always watched me like a hawk around her purse.

But the way I figured she was getting money off my back for being her kid from the gov and the way I seen it is I could by the whole brat pack a Doritos or sody pop if I obliged it.
But ever since that day she always been side eyeing me about stealing that damn card.

I never once acted like I was sorry for it cuz the way I see it I shouldn't have to be!

But anywho!
I grew up on the dirty streets and I ain't never forgot where I came from
What yalls two cents on this issue