Posted by AcutelyUnawareLithium? Are you bipolar?
Absolutely great. Last year I was a mess. 6-8 manic episodes then in late summer into the fall I had 3 psychotic episodes. Doc pulled out the big guns after that and put me on a new med that had stabilized the hell outta me.
Posted by borednbeautifulI was already on lithium. He put me on a 60 year old drug called fluphenazine. And I have bi polar type 1 with psychotic features.Posted by AcutelyUnaware
Absolutely great. Last year I was a mess. 6-8 manic episodes then in late summer into the fall I had 3 psychotic episodes. Doc pulled out the big guns after that and put me on a new med that had stabilized the hell outta me.
Lithium? Are you bipolar?click to expand
Posted by AcutelyUnawareI am glad you are doing better now 🙏Posted by borednbeautifulPosted by AcutelyUnaware
Absolutely great. Last year I was a mess. 6-8 manic episodes then in late summer into the fall I had 3 psychotic episodes. Doc pulled out the big guns after that and put me on a new med that had stabilized the hell outta me.
Lithium? Are you bipolar?
I was already on lithium. He put me on a 60 year old drug called fluphenazine. And I have bi polar type 1 with psychotic to expand
Posted by TXCowboyIt’s been wintertime here since September 15th 🥱
Doing great now that the Sun is shining down on us here in South Texas. 😁
Gloomy weather is nice in small doses only.
Posted by BumboklaatI did that and it worked!
I think you need to look into the source of your sorrows. Maybe from early life traumas, face yourself and get to know yourself instead of running away and trying to distract yourself.
Posted by MysteriousHeartI had a friend that was like that. She got depressed during summer because she felt there was so much pressure to do things when she was on vacation during summer whereas autumn was more accepting to stay home chilling.
It’s weird for me. Normally the winter months make people more depressed, but for me it’s the Spring and Summer months. I just tend to get more depressed then. It’s not that I don’t like sunny, warm weather. Idk….can’t really describe it. I just thrive more during the Fall and Winter and dark, gloomy days. So since it’s Spring time here now I have definitely felt the shift. I’m just feeling blah and honestly don’t know why. 😔
Posted by GeminiJimMaybe with a good psychotherapist.Posted by Bumboklaat
I think you need to look into the source of your sorrows. Maybe from early life traumas, face yourself and get to know yourself instead of running away and trying to distract yourself.
Do u think its likely to happen?click to expand
Posted by GeminiJimHahahha you know me too well!! 😅Posted by borednbeautifulPosted by GeminiJimPosted by Bumboklaat
I think you need to look into the source of your sorrows. Maybe from early life traumas, face yourself and get to know yourself instead of running away and trying to distract yourself.
Do u think its likely to happen?
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Maybe with a good psychotherapist.
I thought everyone was struggling. Maybe not.
If you had a psychotherapist you would start posting about how there is sexual tension and maybe you shouldnt go to therapy anymore 🤣click to expand
Posted by GeminiJimIf there is a strong enough trigger. Sometimes we need to hit rock bottom.Posted by Bumboklaat
I think you need to look into the source of your sorrows. Maybe from early life traumas, face yourself and get to know yourself instead of running away and trying to distract yourself.
Do u think its likely to happen?click to expand
Posted by MyStarsShineI think that is familiar territory to Scorpio energy. I saw how my mother (Gemini) and father (Aries) never really stopped to analyze, they were always looking for the next thing and favored momentum.Posted by Bumboklaat
I think you need to look into the source of your sorrows. Maybe from early life traumas, face yourself and get to know yourself instead of running away and trying to distract yourself.
I did that and it worked!click to expand
Posted by BumboklaatWas that difficult for your Scorp moon?Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by Bumboklaat
I think you need to look into the source of your sorrows. Maybe from early life traumas, face yourself and get to know yourself instead of running away and trying to distract yourself.
I did that and it worked!
click to expand
I think that is familiar territory to Scorpio energy. I saw how my mother (Gemini) and father (Aries) never really stopped to analyze, they were always looking for the next thing and favored to expand
Posted by TXCowboySend some Sun up here please. 😁 I need cold weather to go away now. 🙏
Doing great now that the Sun is shining down on us here in South Texas. 😁
Gloomy weather is nice in small doses only.
Posted by TXCowboyPosted by poppyflowerPosted by TXCowboy
Doing great now that the Sun is shining down on us here in South Texas. 😁
Gloomy weather is nice in small doses only.
Send some Sun up here please. 😁 I need cold weather to go away now. 🙏
How about I pay for a 4-day vacation in the Bahamas? ❤️click to expand
Posted by MyStarsShineDifficult at first but now I deal with emotions much more quickly, when you repress them even a little bit they become engrained and they cause much more trouble.Posted by BumboklaatPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by Bumboklaat
I think you need to look into the source of your sorrows. Maybe from early life traumas, face yourself and get to know yourself instead of running away and trying to distract yourself.
I did that and it worked!
click to expand
I think that is familiar territory to Scorpio energy. I saw how my mother (Gemini) and father (Aries) never really stopped to analyze, they were always looking for the next thing and favored momentum.
Was that difficult for your Scorp moon?
Yes familiar for Scorpios ~ diving deep
and transforming time and time again …click to expand
Posted by TXCowboyDo you need a sugar baby 🥂😆Posted by poppyflowerPosted by TXCowboy
Doing great now that the Sun is shining down on us here in South Texas. 😁
Gloomy weather is nice in small doses only.
Send some Sun up here please. 😁 I need cold weather to go away now. 🙏
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How about I pay for a 4-day vacation in the Bahamas? ❤️click to expand
Posted by MysteriousHeartThat makes sense. You're not alone. There's lots of people who loves that time of the year.Posted by TimonePosted by MysteriousHeart
It’s weird for me. Normally the winter months make people more depressed, but for me it’s the Spring and Summer months. I just tend to get more depressed then. It’s not that I don’t like sunny, warm weather. Idk….can’t really describe it. I just thrive more during the Fall and Winter and dark, gloomy days. So since it’s Spring time here now I have definitely felt the shift. I’m just feeling blah and honestly don’t know why. 😔
I had a friend that was like that. She got depressed during summer because she felt there was so much pressure to do things when she was on vacation during summer whereas autumn was more accepting to stay home chilling.
I'm the opposite. I get depressed during autumn and winter. I just feel more energized when I can feel the sun. 🌞
Glad to know I’m not the only one. I do enjoy the warmer months and have fun vacationing etc. it’s just….idk? I feel more energized and happy during Fall and Winter. More like myself if that makes any sense?click to expand
Posted by MysteriousHeartI love the Autumn …. There’s something enchanting about it for sure 🍁 🍂🍁
It’s weird for me. Normally the winter months make people more depressed, but for me it’s the Spring and Summer months. I just tend to get more depressed then. It’s not that I don’t like sunny, warm weather. Idk….can’t really describe it. I just thrive more during the Fall and Winter and dark, gloomy days. So since it’s Spring time here now I have definitely felt the shift. I’m just feeling blah and honestly don’t know why. 😔
Posted by StubbornSagI've felt that way before but it's been years. If it's that bad I wouldn't mind you hittin me up in my pm box for a private conversation about anything. But I think it's only fair to warn you I'm suck at back and forth conversations despite being a Gemini. You'll have to be the lead initiator cus I'm a man of very little words. That's of course if you do decide to go the pm message route.
Well, considering I haven't felt more miserable since 2009. it's pretty safe to say I'm as depressed as one can be. Pretty much at the point of not seeing the point of living and blaming myself for everything wrong in my life.
Posted by StubbornSagti si divna duša pa se drži ❤️Posted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by StubbornSag
Well, considering I haven't felt more miserable since 2009. it's pretty safe to say I'm as depressed as one can be. Pretty much at the point of not seeing the point of living and blaming myself for everything wrong in my life.
I've felt that way before but it's been years. If it's that bad I wouldn't mind you hittin me up in my pm box for a private conversation about anything. But I think it's only fair to warn you I'm suck at back and forth conversations despite being a Gemini. You'll have to be the lead initiator cus I'm a man of very little words. That's of course if you do decide to go the pm message route.
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Thank you for the support, it sounds really kind from someone to offer that and I really appreciate it ❤️ I'm trying to sort things out in my head and I just know this will all be in the past soon. There are better days ahead. I have positive things happening soon in my life and that's something I look forward to. Everything else I know can be worse and people go through worse stuff every day, so I'm trying to get out of depression by understanding that it's not all that bad as it may seem now and that it will all pass. Some days are just heavier than others, that's it. Having headache for 24h constantly also doesn't help in getting yourself to cheer up lolclick to expand
Posted by borednbeautiful
How is everyone’s mental health doing these days?
I am struggling with mild depression and anxiety lately.
I would say it’s prolonged winter, rain + major life changes.
What lifts you up when going gets tough?
Posted by StubbornSagmolim ❤️Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by StubbornSagPosted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by StubbornSag
Well, considering I haven't felt more miserable since 2009. it's pretty safe to say I'm as depressed as one can be. Pretty much at the point of not seeing the point of living and blaming myself for everything wrong in my life.
I've felt that way before but it's been years. If it's that bad I wouldn't mind you hittin me up in my pm box for a private conversation about anything. But I think it's only fair to warn you I'm suck at back and forth conversations despite being a Gemini. You'll have to be the lead initiator cus I'm a man of very little words. That's of course if you do decide to go the pm message route.
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Thank you for the support, it sounds really kind from someone to offer that and I really appreciate it ❤️ I'm trying to sort things out in my head and I just know this will all be in the past soon. There are better days ahead. I have positive things happening soon in my life and that's something I look forward to. Everything else I know can be worse and people go through worse stuff every day, so I'm trying to get out of depression by understanding that it's not all that bad as it may seem now and that it will all pass. Some days are just heavier than others, that's it. Having headache for 24h constantly also doesn't help in getting yourself to cheer up lol
ti si divna duša pa se drži ❤️
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Hvala, nadam se da ću ❤️click to expand
Posted by SassyKiwiDo you have a baby swing?
End of fall to all of winter usually would have me in that emoish mood. So having a baby during winter was tough. Everything was great up until postpartum. My hormones went wild, caused some health issues and I was also experiencing postpartum depression and anxiety for the first couple of months. All these things beyond my control on top of figuring out how to keep this tiny human alive and thriving. I’m grateful I had help (mostly my parents and husband were dealing with her the first 2 months). There was disconnect and foreignness I felt towards my baby in the beginning (which is completely normal btw). I didn’t realize the shift to parenthood would be so hard on me, I was (still am) mourning my previous identity and life.
3 months out I feel so much better, especially with the warmer weather. She was born so tiny but now I strain to hold her! I’m trying so hard to constantly be in the moment and soak up how little she is because even though some days are so tough, it breaks my heart how she will never be this small again. I don’t even know if I’ll be properly able to hold her in my arms in a few more months 😭
I often sit and wonder (especially when she’s so tired and sleepy but fights falling asleep multiple times a day for like an hour only to nap for 30 mins -_-) how most people put up with infants since the dawn of time… I really find it hard to believe the average person has enough patience to not eventually go ballistic. Like have ya met the average person these days… I mean we were all infants once and probably as annoying AF. I guess I’m very impressed at our survival after dealing with my own?
Posted by saggurl88Yeah we have a swing but she doesn’t like falling asleep in it, just likes to chill in it sometimes. She’s kind of hard to please. Such a cap 😒Posted by SassyKiwi
End of fall to all of winter usually would have me in that emoish mood. So having a baby during winter was tough. Everything was great up until postpartum. My hormones went wild, caused some health issues and I was also experiencing postpartum depression and anxiety for the first couple of months. All these things beyond my control on top of figuring out how to keep this tiny human alive and thriving. I’m grateful I had help (mostly my parents and husband were dealing with her the first 2 months). There was disconnect and foreignness I felt towards my baby in the beginning (which is completely normal btw). I didn’t realize the shift to parenthood would be so hard on me, I was (still am) mourning my previous identity and life.
3 months out I feel so much better, especially with the warmer weather. She was born so tiny but now I strain to hold her! I’m trying so hard to constantly be in the moment and soak up how little she is because even though some days are so tough, it breaks my heart how she will never be this small again. I don’t even know if I’ll be properly able to hold her in my arms in a few more months 😭
I often sit and wonder (especially when she’s so tired and sleepy but fights falling asleep multiple times a day for like an hour only to nap for 30 mins -_-) how most people put up with infants since the dawn of time… I really find it hard to believe the average person has enough patience to not eventually go ballistic. Like have ya met the average person these days… I mean we were all infants once and probably as annoying AF. I guess I’m very impressed at our survival after dealing with my own?
Do you have a baby swing?
This will be a lifesaver for the next 3-4 months, if so. You know they are safe and it will rock them to sleep automatically, while you take care of small things that need to be done. Best invention ever!
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