I will never ever going to stop looking for you, ever.
Posted by aquapiscescusp
We can solve this
Posted by duchessedenemours
My guess.... she cheated on hubby. Hubby found out, he's probably got Cancer which made him kill her in a fit of cray cray, will blame it on the gardener if they find a body and say he got mad that she wouldn't leave the hubby.
Posted by WynterPosted by duchessedenemours
My guess.... she cheated on hubby. Hubby found out, he's probably got Cancer which made him kill her in a fit of cray cray, will blame it on the gardener if they find a body and say he got mad that she wouldn't leave the hubby.
Well, she is (or was) a Virgo.click to expand
Posted by enfant_terrible
So many man-haters on DXP!
Posted by duchessedenemoursPosted by enfant_terrible
So many man-haters on DXP!
It's not man-hating. Murders are usually committed by the closest people. Family and partners. If a man went missing, the wife would be the first suspect as well.click to expand
Posted by Wynter
To me, this is the perfect life. I hope he finds her.
Posted by aquapiscescuspPosted by enfant_terrible
So many man-haters on DXP!
Why are you saying that?click to expand
Posted by duchessedenemours
If she ran off, she'd have to get fake IDs to not have been traced by now.
They would look at if she is using her credit card or had withdrawn a lot of cash before hand.
They can trace passports because it's computerized now.
Posted by Montgomery
I think it's weird that she left for "a stroll" in a neighborhood she didn't know well, without her cell phone.
Sorry, I don't mean to take away from the OP-- it's just -- weird!
(She looks older than 33.. js)
But foul play aside-- it's entirely possible that she ran off with Apu, her lover from Bangalore.. who knows?!
Posted by Wynter
To me, this is the perfect life. I hope he finds her.
Yeah-- SagLife!
I'd love the opportunity, but would have to go home eventually *gets homesick*.
Hope he finds her, of course-- this is just a sad story, all around.click to expand
Posted by enfant_terriblePosted by aquapiscescuspPosted by enfant_terrible
So many man-haters on DXP!
Why are you saying that?
'Cause everyone assumes he killed her. Had Portia de Rossi disappeared without a trace no one would have assumed Ellen DeGenerate did it!
Oh I'm just creating some tension here, is all...click to expand
Posted by duchessedenemoursPosted by aquapiscescusp
The fact that she left the house with telling her husband where she was going is weird.
Don't people always tell each other where they are going?
I don't know. Not always? She could have said she was going for a walk or something.click to expand
Posted by aquapiscescuspPosted by duchessedenemoursPosted by aquapiscescusp
The fact that she left the house with telling her husband where she was going is weird.
Don't people always tell each other where they are going?
I don't know. Not always? She could have said she was going for a walk or something.
I always say, I am going for a walk, will be back soon or something like that. I don't just leave and without giving some type of info??_ is it just me?
I don't think she said she was going for a walk though? I might be wrong.click to expand
Posted by Wynter
So Apu whisked her off in his private jet, and now they are sitting on some beach in St. Maartens sipping Mai Tais.
Ahhh...what a life.
Posted by Wynter
World traveler Leanne Bearden killed herself, autopsy indicates
When the new of this came out, all I could think of was....why.
I still look at their travel photos, with a little bit of sadness now
Such a tragedy.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Damn Depression is no joke.
Posted by DamnataPosted by Wynter
World traveler Leanne Bearden killed herself, autopsy indicates
When the new of this came out, all I could think of was....why.
I still look at their travel photos, with a little bit of sadness now
Such a tragedy.
Virgo chick right?
I am going to agree with whomever said settling down must have crushed her spirit. She looks like she battled with depression a lot in her life.click to expand
Posted by CreepyPants
i wanna know why her family thinks she committed suicide.
so sad though.
Posted by Damnata
I am not blaming her husband. She crushed her own spirit I think.
Posted by Wynter
And I know it's old news. But I felt this thread needed an ending.
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