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Jan 30, 2017Comments: 4555 · Posts: 7614 · Topics: 100
Ok, the backstory goes like this:
Me and my boy are still on the down-low phase. Being in any way with a man is new to him so he's pacing himself, no strings or definite attachments, just pure fun and on the outside we look like best friends. Of course, things are way more different than that behind closed doors.
I don't have an issue with that whatsoever, because having expectations and putting pressure on the other person is tiring and can cause friction. Only his mom knows I'm in love with him, but she doesn't know anything else. As far as I know none of his siblings know anything at all.
A couple weeks ago I asked his permission to tell his family how I feel about him, because I don't like having to pretend around them. The plan would be to do that at his brother's birthday on the weekend. He thought about and got back to me within a day: he wouldn't mind at all. I asked if I could just kiss him once in front of them as a gesture of honesty, and he's fine with it. They won't hear about anything else that's happened between us.
Now, yesterday, I met some of his classmates (he's 24, TAFE) and one of the girls - Nikita - could not drag her eyes away from me. Her eyes kept darting over at me but whenever I looked at her she could not hold my gaze for more than a few seconds. Jed would try to say something to me or her but she'd turn to talk to me instead. He did not appreciate being somewhat left out that way.
Today, they came over for lunch. I was at home all day studying, had several cases to go through (forensic psychology). Nikita was with them but this time Jed was ready for her lol. He sat next to me while we ate and tried to keep the convos flowing so that they didn't linger too long on one subject. Nikita asked me some generic questions, like if I'm seeing anyone and what my living arrangements are. I said I'm in love (while Jed kept a discreet eye on me with a little smirk on his face) but I made no mention of gender. She asked me if I'm trying to get together with "her", and I said "no it's complicated" and it's a "him", not "her". Her eyes comically bulged at that and Jed laughed. The conversation flowed to my studies and my so-called morbid curiosity with the criminal mind.
As they got up to leave, I thanked Jed for lunch and we shook hands (sticking with the friend charade), and he turned to leave. Everybody else was still inside. Suddenly he turns back to me, grabs me and kisses me in full view of his friends. Not a little peck, but a full-on french kiss. Then he bit my bottom lip again and said "complicated, where?", winked & out the door. The girls went into full on OMG mode and giggled hysterically. The two guys hilariously high-fived each other and cheered.
Now, I've got like 10 different scenarios cooking inside my head and he's not about to answer my question until he's ready, like at least a week later. I try not to jump to conclusions when it comes to Jed because this is anything but conventional or predictable and I've been dead wrong in the past. But I have a nagging suspicion he was making a point, maybe even being territorial & keeping Nikita off me. And with his bro's birthday on the weekend, I'm expecting fireworks.
If this happened to you, how would you handle it? What would you think this is?