My car was declared totaled. Which one of these vehicles do you like more?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by heliumfiasco on Saturday, December 29, 2018 and has 13 replies.
I have to get a new car. My Acura was rear ended and declared totaled. I'm looking at these two. This Volvo or this BMW?! Experience with either brand?! Both 2017, white, AWD sedans with roughly same expert ratings.

This one I love but unsure of interior leather color. Thoughts? cars-for-sale searchresults.xhtml% 3Fzip% 3D02860% 26listingTypes% 3DUSED% 26startYear% 3D2017% 26sortBy% 3Drelevance% 26maxPrice% 3D27000% 26vehicle style Codes% 3DSEDAN% 26incremental% 3Dall% 26firstRecord% 3D0% 26marketExtension% 3Don% 26endYear% 3D2019% 26makeCodeList% 3DVOLVO% 26searchRadius% 3D50&listingTypes=USED&startYear=2017&numRecords=25&maxPrice=27000&vehicle style Codes=SEDAN&firstRecord=0&endYear=2019&makeCodeList=VOLVO&searchRadius=50&makeCode1=VOLVO&modelCode1=S60&clickType=listing

Or this one. cars-for-sale searchresults.xhtml% 3Fzip% 3D02860% 26listingTypes% 3DUSED% 26startYear% 3D2017% 26sortBy% 3Drelevance% 26maxPrice% 3D27000% 26vehicle style Codes% 3DSEDAN% 26incremental% 3Dall% 26firstRecord% 3D0% 26marketExtension% 3Don% 26endYear% 3D2019% 26makeCodeList% 3DBMW% 26searchRadius% 3D50&listingTypes=USED&startYear=2017&numRecords=25&maxPrice=27000&vehicle style Codes=SEDAN&firstRecord=0&endYear=2019&makeCodeList=BMW&searchRadius=50&makeCode1=BMW&modelCode1=320IXD&digitalRetail=true&clickType=listing
Lesser than money will buy you, you need to proceed.
Sorry about your car. Are you okay? Did it fuck up your neck?
Posted by brianafay

Sorry about your car. Are you okay? Did it fuck up your neck?

My neck was bad. Concussion and whiplash...have had bad tension headaches. Sucks. Thank you for asking!

To other comments.

Both vehicles are well within my budget and can be repaired without stress. I would never buy outside my price range... it would give me anxiety.
Posted by AnotherTaurusGuyReturns

Please don’t get a white car 😁

They are both solid cars, I imagine the BMW will hold its value slightly better. Both ‘quality’ manufacturers so servicing and parts will be $ $ $ .

Why not white?!?! haha I think white looks crisp!
I like white cars

I had a volvo back in the day and it was awesome.

(Let's try this again lmao). You can't go wrong with either but I like the styling and lines of the BMW better plus German engineering is hard to beat.
Posted by ScorpioTruth

I have an older BMW SUV, I love mine.. the only downside is replacing parts and maintenance can be expensive.

I’ve never driven a Volvo.

That's a valid consideration. My last vehicle was a Land Rover and I swear every time I took it in it was close to 2G for repairs (mostly suspension issues).
Posted by ScorpioTruth

Posted by Nightcap-

Posted by ScorpioTruth

I have an older BMW SUV, I love mine.. the only downside is replacing parts and maintenance can be expensive.

I’ve never driven a Volvo.

That's a valid consideration. My last vehicle was a Land Rover and I swear every time I took it in it was close to 2G for repairs (mostly suspension issues).
My SUV is a 2002 so I call her my “old bitty” but she rides so smooth and so much better than my 2016 work car (Ford). But yeah I had to replace the automatic window motor thing, whatever it’s called lol that ran me about $ 300. But the truck is paid off so I don’t have a car payment or anything so it wasn’t a problem for me. However if he’s going to have to make payments, I would think it could be pricey to afford both payments and maintenance, although I feel that they don’t need as much maintenance as other cars honestly.
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That's true, they don't need as much maintenance but like your example, it can be a bit of a shock when you have to take it in for a part.
Posted by heliumfiasco

Posted by brianafay

Sorry about your car. Are you okay? Did it fuck up your neck?

My neck was bad. Concussion and whiplash...have had bad tension headaches. Sucks. Thank you for asking!

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😩take care of yourself. It’s not something to mess around with...I was also in a bad rear end accident back in 2009 and I am still messed up from it.

Do Volvo’s still have like the best safety ratings? That would be my choice if so. People can’t drive!!!
Posted by TheRabbit

Beamers look nice, but Volvos are tanks.

If you have control issues relating to safety like me, go for the Volvo. If you're normal, go for the Beamer.


I mean I admit I drive like a bat out of hell, but only one of my accidents was my fault (I hit a curb and totaled my 98 Saturn back in the day) it’s other people hitting you you have to worry about it seems. Distracted drivers, geriatrics, etc
Decided against both and am finalizing paperwork on another Acura. Theyre just such good cars. I loved mine. I also love this interior. cars-for-sale searchresults.xhtml% 3Fzip% 3D02860% 26listingTypes% 3DUSED% 252CCERTIFIED% 26startYear% 3D2017% 26sortBy% 3Drelevance% 26incremental% 3Dall% 26firstRecord% 3D0% 26marketExtension% 3Don% 26endYear% 3D2019% 26modelCodeList% 3DACUTLX% 26makeCodeList% 3DACURA% 26searchRadius% 3D50&listingTypes=USED% 2CCERTIFIED&startYear=2017&numRecords=25&firstRecord=0&endYear=2019&modelCodeList=ACUTLX&makeCodeList=ACURA&searchRadius=50&makeCode1=ACURA&modelCode1=ACUTLX&digitalRetail=true&clickType=listing
Glad you're okay. Acuras are always a good choice.