Obsession Help Thread

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by ladylibra21 on Thursday, April 11, 2019 and has 12 replies.
Are you love sick ?? Let’s talk about it . What are you doing to cope with your love sickness? It’s OK if you talk about the object of your obsession in this thread but what I would really love to see from this thread are healing and distraction techniques.

Let’s discuss I will go first.

It’s been 10 minutes since my last Facebook stalk. It did make me feel any better it made me feel worse every time I do it it makes my stomach turn. It reminds me all over again that we are not talking. It reminds me that I am not valuing myself by wishing that we would reconnect , but it is also reminding me to look at my feelings and examine them.
whatsapp is ruining my life
Posted by PurplePassion38

Been there ladylibra. Don't beat yourself up it's human nature. Trying not to think about someone just makes you think of them more.

If you want to get over him? Temporarily block them on social media to keep yourself from stalking their page. Also you don't have to keep checking to see if they messaged you because now you know they can't. 😂😂 Do the same with the phone, block and change their name to DNA...do not answer. Stay busy or get some hobbies.

If you want to reconnect then don't block, just temporarily deactivate your social media accounts. Change his name to DNA but don't block. Stay busy or get some hobbies.
Here’s the thing he doesn’t even know I have a Facebook account I just use that account to look him up and look at him sometimes. We only use to communicate through phone since my original Facebook got hacked. And changed his name in my phone To Tom Riddle which is so unfair cause I don’t think that he is that bad I just think that he has been taught that what he wants must be honored over what I feel and that’s healthy to a certain extent. It just hurts.
One way to slowly wean myself off of stalking is to promise myself 4 hours of redirection. Meaning I have 4 hours where if I think about him I have to immediately change the thought or if I get the urge to stalk I say you promised yourself.
Posted by Revenge

Can't stalk her she disappeared and I erased everything, she just hauting my dream and I see her face in every girl I see
What do you mean disappeared? Did she block you?
Posted by virgoOPPP

whatsapp is ruining my life

Posted by Revenge

Posted by ladylibra21

Posted by Revenge

Can't stalk her she disappeared and I erased everything, she just hauting my dream and I see her face in every girl I see
What do you mean disappeared? Did she block you?
she changed account account number everything but she do this all the time, she doesnt want to be found
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:/ does she know how you feel about her ?
Posted by generation_xy

Posted by ladylibra21

Are you love sick ?? Let’s talk about it . What are you doing to cope with your love sickness? It’s OK if you talk about the object of your obsession in this thread but what I would really love to see from this thread are healing and distraction techniques.

Let’s discuss I will go first.

It’s been 10 minutes since my last Facebook stalk. It did make me feel any better it made me feel worse every time I do it it makes my stomach turn. It reminds me all over again that we are not talking. It reminds me that I am not valuing myself by wishing that we would reconnect , but it is also reminding me to look at my feelings and examine them.
I cry it out and express it where I feel most appropriate and comfortable (shower, car..).

I listen to a lot of meditation music just to clear my headspace. I listen to different healing frequencies, rain/om sounds, mantras, sadghuru.. Anything that focuses on inner peace. Morning and night meditation make such a big difference in your day.

Sort out your feelings on a piece of paper. It's useful to have a mind map.

Have daily limits on how many times you allow yourself to do it and gradually reduce that time.

You decide when you're ready and things work from there.

I've done the above suggestions for other aspects in my life and it has worked. Set your time.


Personally, i'm not obsess but just not ready to let go. Beautiful things await but i'm just hear hanging onto my fear. I have to cross that bridge.


I can relate to your feelings but you're in the process of healing already just by acknowledging the problem and seeking solutions.


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Thank you 💜
From a scientific standpoint, an effective way to break love addiction, obsessive romantic thoughts, stalking tendencies etc. is to balance out dopamine levels that spike during these episodes.

When you feel a compulsion to stalk, you have to get your logical juices flowing. Give yourself a project that requires concentration but has nothing to do with love or people. Give yourself some math homework. Once the compulsions weaken but haven't fully stopped, try a crossword puzzle or a game.

From an astrological standpoint, go on a date with a Cap man. He will talk about tax law and the stock market. Really listen to him and feign excitement.

I deleted my Facebook cause I couldn’t stop looking up the Aquas profile 😭😭😭😭

Still haven’t reactivated it because that’s the first thing I will do 😩😩😩

Out of site, Out of mind thank goodness!
I accepted it...

I love him, wholly, completely and deeply.

But we arent ready, we repeat a push/pull cycle because of fear.

He fears submitting to the connection and loosing control

I fear loosing the connection and want to control it

So I stopped engaging. I shut off social media. I accepted that chasing isnt what will bring the positive change, it will fuel the negativity.

Plus a birdy dropped some advice that gave me peace about why the connection was so intense and soulful.

Now I am at peace, I know its not a lack of love its a lack of self love and rediness.

That I can fix. That I am fixing. That is where I can and should apply my control.
Posted by PurplePassion38

Posted by ladylibra21

Posted by PurplePassion38

Been there ladylibra. Don't beat yourself up it's human nature. Trying not to think about someone just makes you think of them more.

If you want to get over him? Temporarily block them on social media to keep yourself from stalking their page. Also you don't have to keep checking to see if they messaged you because now you know they can't. 😂😂 Do the same with the phone, block and change their name to DNA...do not answer. Stay busy or get some hobbies.

If you want to reconnect then don't block, just temporarily deactivate your social media accounts. Change his name to DNA but don't block. Stay busy or get some hobbies.
Here’s the thing he doesn’t even know I have a Facebook account I just use that account to look him up and look at him sometimes. We only use to communicate through phone since my original Facebook got hacked. And changed his name in my phone To Tom Riddle which is so unfair cause I don’t think that he is that bad I just think that he has been taught that what he wants must be honored over what I feel and that’s healthy to a certain extent. It just hurts.

LOL not young Voldemort though. 😂🤣 I'm jacking that. Deactivate stalker account ma'am lol. You need space to get over him.
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Girl I did his whole contact list Changed his email to darklotdascending@gmail.com and listed spouse/partner as He Loves Not Lol and you are right I should delete that page .