Signed Up: Feb 27, 2012 Comments: 2 · Posts: 894 · Topics: 18
SOOO with this topic raising much interest and debate i have been asked to start a thread, plus its over taking my fake wart topic ... so weve moved residents onto miscellaneous.. lol so hi we are moving in! weve discussed reasons why a guy may go quiet on a woman and one guy came up with something that raised much interest, as follows... "Honestly, the only time I have done something like that is if I like the woman, but just for sex and friendship only because I couldn't see myself committing to HER. it could be she's really cool but she has kid (s) and I don't wanna be a step dad.. that happens a lot with me cause most women have kids and I don't wanna look like a bad guy and say the only reason why I wont give you a chance is cause of your kids.... Dam even typing that made me feel bad.... so I make up something or disappear ... but hey that's Only me.... I don't know him.... but most guys will never admit that to be the reason." (in defence of this guy, he is also speaking from a bad experience.. ) The question is.. So whats the drive behind it? fear? just blehh? .. what if she is everything that clicks and brings out the best of you? see I think single moms are stereo typed, like it would be a prison sentence lol, what if she is THE ONE? you would sell yourself out because she has kids?.. She could be everything you are looking for in a woman, food for thought? you see, why go there in the first place? cake? see for me I respect everyone has their own ideas and feelings and its up to both to be respectful and grown up of each others opinions, see i wouldnt mind a guy being upfront about that, but then again I wouldnt sleep with him.... Cant have it all
Signed Up: Feb 27, 2012 Comments: 2 · Posts: 894 · Topics: 18
capgirl7511/3/2012 11:50:48 AM Quote If someone doesn't want to get involved with me because I have a kid, I can respect that. I love my son, but I don't usually like other people's kids myself so I completely understand. But then, don't get involved with me. Don't sleep with me and disappear. Don't take me out and disappear. I have not gone out with men before, because they had more than 2 children. 2 is the limit for me. If you have 3 or 4, I don't want to know you. Sorry. Reason: I already have a child. So if it works out, then we add yours to mine. I could maybe handle 2 or 3 kids. I can not handle 4 or 5. I know this about myself. I used to not date anyone who didn't have kids, either. I did not think that men without kids could understand the dynamic of me having a kid. But the last 2 have been childless, and it is great. Much easier to schedule stuff. I have 50/50 custody with my ex, we go week to week, so I have every other week off. So half the time I live like any other single person.
Signed Up: Feb 27, 2012 Comments: 2 · Posts: 894 · Topics: 18
watercup quote.. Lmao @ paragraph 2 & 3 from capgirl. Agreed! I also dont date people with too many kids and am highly suspicious of guys with kids from different mothers..two mothers i can take, but a count down (9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3) will make me bolt. See, i dont get the stigma that some guys have with single mothers...i dont care if they have kids themselves or not, its just not right. Those kids have fathers, they dont need u to be a father figure, so..whats the problem, baby? (lol i moved it)
Signed Up: Feb 27, 2012 Comments: 2 · Posts: 894 · Topics: 18
Posted by 25thDecan Everyone any of you women finally decide to have a date with won't be a)your boyfriend b)another free meal and outing beyond the first 1-5 and c)the ONE. Ijs....women...
DECAN!! youre more open minded than this!!.. ok, why do women with kids have less value?
Gucci- and here i was blaming it on the a.a.a.a.a.alcohol, im kinda tipsy thou so it must be that on my part. Higher education, huh? is the thing, seems like some men prefer other things to be higher ('wrap your legs around my neck' kinda thing, lol). I could be wrong...anyhoo..good for u, sweety. Sistas doing it for themselves *high 5*
Signed Up: Feb 27, 2012 Comments: 2 · Posts: 894 · Topics: 18
Posted by WaterCup Gucci- and here i was blaming it on the a.a.a.a.a.alcohol, im kinda tipsy thou so it must be that on my part. Higher education, huh? is the thing, seems like some men prefer other things to be higher ('wrap your legs around my neck' kinda thing, lol). I could be wrong...anyhoo..good for u, sweety. Sistas doing it for themselves *high 5*
lmaaao! lol im hearing ya See what im saying is, we arent all after a meal ticket, some of us have got THE skills AND can pay our bills ....and if he has the skills Im happy to share the bills
What meal ticket? Lol. Unless its a meal fit for a queen and he happens to be a king, a real king, not some egocentric delussions. Do u understand the meal i mean? I saw it in shrek, lol, with a roasted pig bitting an apple. Hahaha. Btw, i dont care what skills he got, he could be a contourtionist(sp?) in bed, im still not sharing bills- pay your own, bitch and i'll pay mine!
Signed Up: Oct 04, 2012 Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
@Gucci. I don't know who the man is that you quoted but to me it seems as though he is very shallow and closed minded. The nerve of the guy. The woman is good enough to sleep with but is not good enough to commit to. That's bullshit! That guy is a jerk! * reads the quote again...... thinks back.....hmmmmm awwww shit that is my quote * .....,......exit stage left.... * runs out the door * LOL this is the proofread version......
Signed Up: Feb 27, 2012 Comments: 2 · Posts: 894 · Topics: 18
Posted by 3dimes2nickels1penny0sense @Gucci. I don't know who the man is that you quoted but to me it seems as though he is very shallow and closed minded. The nerve of the guy. The woman is good enough to sleep with but is not good enough to commit to. That's bullshit! That guy is a jerk! * reads the quote again...... thinks back.....hmmmmm awwww shit that is my quote * .....,......exit stage left.... * runs out the door * LOL this is the proofread version......
@ 3dimes.. lmao! haha you jerk .. I was protecting you too!!.. come love me I only have 2
Signed Up: Feb 27, 2012 Comments: 2 · Posts: 894 · Topics: 18
Posted by domz for some reason, I love those strips that you put on your nose to take out the black heads. It's so cool to see all that shit come out. Nose feels so clean!
Lol I swear.. I have to scroll past your post really fast with my eyes squinted, keep typing so we can get onto page 3.. BWAHH! besides im almost tempted to pop one for you
Ooh-wee! if thats him, lol. Have mercy! Haha. But, i remember a pic he pasted of 'him' a while was some geeky looking fat dude with glasses. Hmm..
Posted by guccigemini55 hahahaha! and .. oh ohhh! ewwe! domz get outa here ya making me feel sick .. blehh!
That was TMI, Domz. We all take self hygeine and grooming for granted. And those videos! That's what is creeping me out most. o.0 Just me....I guess.... eww eww eww
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Nope me too, but domz is the only guy following the moms lol lol
Signed Up: Oct 04, 2012 Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
Hey guys, I'm curious and maybe y'all can make this topic also..... How many gay and bisexual members are on this site? Compared to heterosexual? Lol I like watercups style .... lol the part about "we just want some d..." Y'all always say that in the beginning but its always more complicated than that. My exwife said she wasn't looking for a father for her kids and that her kids had a father. So I corrected her right then and this is while we were dating. I told her that it was no secret that she was struggling to raise her 3 kids (all by the same guy) 16 year old daughter, 13 year old son, and a 9 month old daughter ( bingo, redflag right there) . Also these 2 both have master degrees. So both professionals. When you start off a relationship by saying "my kids have a father and I'm not looking for a father for my kids, they have one already ". You set yourself up to "eat those same words later". If I decide to get involved with you seriously, you have assured me that financially and emotionally that you and the father have that covered. So I'm freed from any obligations concerning your kids. We all know that's a lie ladies. You know most of the fathers are contributing the bare minimum if at all. How long are you going to let me whine and dine you and make love to you while you struggling and needing help dealing with your kids but you are scared to say something to me because of the lie you told initially. So you hoping I volunteer to help. That once you "mention " your plight that since I'm your man I'm going to help out even though you said you didn't need any help in that area. Hmmmm. Then if I hold you to your word, now there is animosity and resentment because I wont volunteer to help. Now I'm the bad guy. Say what you MEAN and MEAN what you SAY. Don't start nothing you can't finish. Lol comments ladies...
He can do us, lol..we have 3 collectively u & i, surely thats not a lot. Domz, do u like mummies? They have bigger titts, all thanx to breastfeeding and its ALL natural. Surely that qualifies us as dating material..Or does it?
Bubbly- who doesnt know where/how babies feed? If they didnt..well now they know. Knowledge is power. Its nature, its life, why the secrecy? I dont care do u meet women like that, the wellfare queue? Its a great point that u made for sure but not all women are like that. Some of us do mean what we say in regards to how we nurture and care for our children. I dont think its fair to be resentful to a guy who btw is not the father of your kid(s) while the real culprit has peace of mind somewhere. Its idiocy.
'too preoccupied with supporting your kids, maybe u shouldnt date'...see thats not how it works with women, we are multi-taskers, so preoccupation with raising kids doesnt necessarily mean that u cant handle the dating game. Its all about compartmelizing and strategizing aka ducks in a row, which comes easily to most women.
Signed Up: Feb 27, 2012 Comments: 2 · Posts: 894 · Topics: 18
Posted by WaterCup He can do us, lol..we have 3 collectively u & i, surely thats not a lot. Domz, do u like mummies? They have bigger titts, all thanx to breastfeeding and its ALL natural. Surely that qualifies us as dating material..Or does it?
lmfao!!! i go out for what 30 mins and youre hitting on domz!!!.. the question is he may treetrunk you howz abouts anything more??? .. domzzzzzzzzzzz???? O_o lol lol
Signed Up: Feb 27, 2012 Comments: 2 · Posts: 894 · Topics: 18
Posted by DazedScorp I see nothing wrong with dating a single mom. I've done it a few times, actually. I think the man has to understand that mom does in fact, have children to take care of. He can't expect her to be able to drop everything on a dime in order to see her. This is actually why I prefer to date single moms. I can be a litle quick, and like to rush things with women. And me knowing that she has children, forces me to slow down. It works for me. Instead of dating on my time, I do it on her time. I am in now way, in a hurry to meet the kids though. That will come eventually if things go well. I'm not looking to be a father either, but that would also progress if things worked out. Simply take it one step at a time. With that being said, the women also has to realize that she has children to take care of. This means, that if providing, or taking care of her child will get in the way of consideration of her potential partners feelings... then maybe it's not the right time for her to be dating, or attempting to. It works both ways. And just because mom has children, doesn't mean she can be inconsiderate of others feelings. A simple, "I'm not in the right place to date a the moment", works fine in that sistuation. However, more power to single moms that want to date. I'm all for it. Not sure if that had anything to do with the OP (because this thread is already derailed), but I figured I'd give my insight I guess.
Gucci- a 3some has always been 1 of my fantasies and since domz is a gem then my wishes have been answered, lol. I'll start with the evil twin..i have a thing for bad boys.
Signed Up: Oct 04, 2012 Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
Me and dazed are on the same page. That's why I pointed out that my ex-wife has a masters degree. She's a professional making good money. I've notice that on this site, some people prefer "theoretical " to practical. A lot of what is said on this site sounds splendid in theory but in real life under real life situations simply wont work.... but they are a fascinating read though ... Hey I'm a Pisces so I love fantasy and can appreciate that. Its all based on the life style you are trying to live. I am single with no kids and I sometimes struggle but that is do to my life style . Lets face it. Most people live above their means... if you make 65k you live like you make 95k.... not everyone does this but a lot of people do (me included) . I met so many women I thought were "independent ". They looked the part. Nice luxury car. Successful career. Etc. On the outside looking in it seems perfect. Until you decide to work together (if your relationship never progresses to this point you have no worries) such as living together or deciding to get married. Then you discover the hidden secrets (until u reach this point you really don't know a person) , the skeletons in the closet. Lol. The debt. The student loans. The bad business choices.... The important stuff that you have to work as a team on. That's with any woman with or without kids. Kids just add to an already Complex equation. And to be honest, the problems I had dealing with women with kids, had nothing to do with the kids directly. ironically the issues were with the adults involved who are suppose to be the responsible ones. The mother and father. Why would any man take on financial responsibility for a child he has no say so in how its raised? When the child needs discipline you are told "you're not his father". When the child
Signed Up: Feb 27, 2012 Comments: 2 · Posts: 894 · Topics: 18
Posted by 3dimes2nickels1penny0sense Hey guys, I'm curious and maybe y'all can make this topic also..... How many gay and bisexual members are on this site? Compared to heterosexual? Lol I like watercups style .... lol the part about "we just want some d..." Y'all always say that in the beginning but its always more complicated than that. My exwife said she wasn't looking for a father for her kids and that her kids had a father. So I corrected her right then and this is while we were dating. I told her that it was no secret that she was struggling to raise her 3 kids (all by the same guy) 16 year old daughter, 13 year old son, and a 9 month old daughter ( bingo, redflag right there) . Also these 2 both have master degrees. So both professionals. When you start off a relationship by saying "my kids have a father and I'm not looking for a father for my kids, they have one already ". You set yourself up to "eat those same words later". If I decide to get involved with you seriously, you have assured me that financially and emotionally that you and the father have that covered. So I'm freed from any obligations concerning your kids. We all know that's a lie ladies. You know most of the fathers are contributing the bare minimum if at all. How long are you going to let me whine and dine you and make love to you while you struggling and needing help dealing with your kids but you are scared to say something to me because of the lie you told initially. So you hoping I volunteer to help. That once you "mention " your plight that since I'm your man I'm going to help out even though you said you didn't need any help in that area. Hmmmm. Then if I hold you to your word, now there is animosity and resentment because I wont volunteer to help. Now I'm the bad guy. Say what you MEAN and MEAN what you SAY. Don't start nothing you can't finish. Lol comments ladies...
Good point 3dimes.. Ok what im meaning personally for me is, I am not NEEDING someone to come along to rescue me, Im not useless or down and out because now im a single mom, I am just as sexy, hey ive got my funk im not brain dead, i havent given up on life, im not needy and desperate, im career driven i can balance it all, im not too tired for sex, id kill ya! lol, for me personally i guess im one of the lucky ones, im not struggling.. if a guy wants to be part of contributing then good on him,
'unfortunately, thats not how women work' - is this valid? In case u didnt read my post correctly theres a part that says 'most women', it didnt say anything about ALL women. And how do u know how women work internally, u r a man, arent u? Science has proven that women can juggle/multitask (in their brain and in life) better than men. We all have 'compartments' in our brain and it has been proven that a woman can zig-zag in and out of those compartments with ease while a man can only focus on one at a time
Signed Up: Feb 27, 2012 Comments: 2 · Posts: 894 · Topics: 18
... how honourable, its a partnership, if thats the case then the woman cant expect the guy to be providing then not have a say, now if a woman is going to lie to you then all i can say insecurity is the root of lies is it not? she`s obvs got hang ups about being a single mom and wants to bag you.
Signed Up: Oct 04, 2012 Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
Lol but when the child needs milk or money, you are told "can you give me some money for the milk". Then when you reply "I thought you said I'm not the father ....remember ?" Now she gives you the evil eye and wants to withhold sex from you ? If you say "call the father and ask him since you discuss discipline with him....why is he not being financially responsible also?" Once again. You get the evil eye and no sex.... Relationships are hard enough without added stress that u had nothing to do with but you are being punished for the "sins of the father " ....smh My exwife sounded just like watercup, in the beginning But once u put that ring on their finger...... don't believe that shyt!!!! They doing and saying what you wanna hear to GET YOU! once they got you...then u see THE REAL THEM. lol
Signed Up: Feb 27, 2012 Comments: 2 · Posts: 894 · Topics: 18
Posted by DazedScorp Unfortunetly, That's not how women work, nor is it how most people in general work. And the generalization that all women work that way is a bit invalid. Now I'm not saying that women can't do it, because I know many women who are successful in their work place, while still raising their children and carrying a relationship. But let's be real here. The majority of the population (not just women, single fathers also, and people without children), can't handle that pressure. For a single parent who has split up with the other parent, and who is trying to support multiple children on one salary, are not only struggling with finances... they are also longing for that companion. Emotional instability. what I'm getting at here, is that if you're trying to raise your children, while working a full time job, or even multiple jobs, it's likely that you have nothing more to give to another individual, especially when they are new in your life. It's not fair to the other person. Ok in response to this, I agree with watercup, as women alot of us can compartmentalize and multi task, but how succesful you are at it also depends on the emotional state of the individual too, hence why is the woman lying to you in the first place 3dimes (red flag!) A good woman can and WILL juggle all that because they have the drive, what I am saying is dont rule her out before you know. Ive done the 2 jobs, raised the kids, studied for uni, stayed making an effort to look attractive, supported a guy in his career ambition, kept a stylish home.. still felt horny as hell after it all, yet been the one saying hey hows about a bit of me and you time, my mum always said to me, "when you become a mother dont ever forget you are still a wife and a lover" .. no shit!
Correlation or two is not proof enough or substantial enough? It still is a study done, that what matters. It doesnt matter if its 1 or two, its still proven. And what exactly is your poing about men being paid more? Dont forget that it has been a man's world for centuries and centuries..women just started standing on their own just recently as compared to men. Unfortunately some people still see women as inadequate , whether its in the job place or life in general
When you start off a relationship by saying "my kids have a father and I'm not looking for a father for my kids, they have one already ". You set yourself up to "eat those same words later". If I decide to get involved with you seriously, you have assured me that financially and emotionally that you and the father have that covered. So I'm freed from any obligations concerning your kids. We all know that's a lie ladies. You know most of the fathers are contributing the bare minimum if at all. How long are you going to let me whine and dine you and make love to you while you struggling and needing help dealing with your kids but you are scared to say something to me because of the lie you told initially. So you hoping I volunteer to help. That once you "mention " your plight that since I'm your man I'm going to help out even though you said you didn't need any help in that area. Hmmmm. Then if I hold you to your word, now there is animosity and resentment because I wont volunteer to help. Now I'm the bad guy. Say what you MEAN and MEAN what you SAY. Don't start nothing you can't finish.
That's a good point actually. I'm actually curious as to why that is said. Because if you say that you're struggling, he won't date you? You won't get the attention you crave? Your chance at companionship has dwindled? That kind of falls into waht I was saying about being ready to date when you have kids. If you don't have things squared away with fathers, using a potential as a means to support yourself, or just too preoccupied with supporting your children... Maybe it's not time for you to date yet. I understand you have children to support, but that is no excuse to be inconsiderate of anothers feelings. When you have all your ducks in a row, I'm willing to wine and dine and do whatever.
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because he has been burned in this situation. yes im guessing thats why some would lie.. me, take me how you find me, if im skint i will tell you im skint, i want to be loved for my dazzling personality, whoevers financial situation should not come into it, its about the person, could be all gone tomorrow.
Ok in response to this, I agree with watercup, as women alot of us can compartmentalize and multi task, but how succesful you are at it also depends on the emotional state of the individual too, hence why is the woman lying to you in the first place 3dimes (red flag!) A good woman can and WILL juggle all that because they have the drive, what I am saying is dont rule her out before you know. Ive done the 2 jobs, raised the kids, studied for uni, stayed making an effort to look attractive, supported a guy in his career ambition, kept a stylish home.. still felt horny as hell after it all, yet been the one saying hey hows about a bit of me and you time, my mum always said to me, "when you become a mother dont ever forget you are still a wife and a lover" .. no shit!
Let's see if I can fix that quote? I get waht you're saying Gucci. I've done this before, and like I said, I'm fine with it becuase I'll take it one step at a time, and with me being a father to her kids comes around... That's cool with me. I don't mind. But how do you know what the truth is before hand, when the past tells you not to believe what she's saying. How do you decide? I think that is where 41cents is with this.
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By learning about the person first, not diving straight in, makes no odds whether its a single mom/ someone without its the same in any relationship.. this is the very reason, no one would be engaging with my kids for at least a year.
Men get better jobs and usually have secretaries (to do the here and there) and secretaries that happen to be women...meaning able to deal with the here & theres while bossman makes that call to china.
Signed Up: Feb 27, 2012 Comments: 2 · Posts: 894 · Topics: 18
Posted by DazedScorp Are you saying that your point wasnt that all women are capable of that?
No but I guess it depends on the emotional state of the person, no woman can be superwoman every day.. I wont say you can always be consistent, life experiences can take its toll, single mums are no different but i know i can sure as hell manage sometimes better than some singletons and also some couples doing it together.. hell yesterday I went to work and organised 72 kids, worked across 3 towns in a different county far from home, my kids were taken care of plus an extra staying over, house was clean, came home and still could have made love all night, so theres no question a guy would be lacking my attention... gemini girl see, like a harem of wives
"By learning about the person first, not diving straight in, makes no odds whether its a single mom/ someone without its the same in any relationship.. this is the very reason, no one would be engaging with my kids for at least a year." It's best that way. And prevents drama, if any should happen, with the kids and that person. You havta get to know em first. Creeps are everywhere seems like...
Posted by bubblyaquarius Most single women I know with children would love to have a stable permanent father in their child's life. Most I know, do think that having a spouse would make their lives easier. I don't think any women here have denied that. A man who was raising a daughter with no mother figure or real mom would probobly feel the same way. Wishing their was a woman to help. Why are we even discussing this? Why is it a question? Whenever there's kids involved, I think the child themselves deserves a home with two parents, but it doesn't always work out that way. Women are capable of raising children without a man, and a man is capable of raising children too...but a spouse is always helpful, and depending on the gender of the children would take a hella load off of the single parent's shoulders. Move on to something else. thats basic guys. All women capable of what? Single parents have been raising kids for years. And so have single dads. Eh. And can we stop zoning on on SINGLE MOMs all the time. questioning them all the time. so encouraging. Like a single dad has no problems in life. And these single moms aren't saying everything is perfect or easy. Marriage isn't perfect or easy either. eh
I agree with all that, and I'm not arguing anyof those points. What I am saying, is that single mom/single father who are struggling to make things work have a lot on their plate. And when you have that much on your plate, it's difficult to make time and consider the feelings of a potential partner. So if it's going to take you a year or two to bring your new S/O into that part of the equation and not expect them to help out, how to you expect to consider their feelings and emotional needs in that year or two time? Not sure if I'm making sense here or not?
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because its about getting a healthy balance.. does a guy not want time with his guys too? of course, as a woman does with her girls .. as the kids do with their friends.
Posted by WaterCup 'too preoccupied with supporting your kids, maybe u shouldnt date'...see thats not how it works with women, we are multi-taskers, so preoccupation with raising kids doesnt necessarily mean that u cant handle the dating game. Its all about compartmelizing and strategizing aka ducks in a row, which comes easily to most women.
Posted by WaterCup In case u didnt read my post correctly theres a part that says 'most women', it didnt say anything about ALL women.