This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by munchkin on Tuesday, August 12, 2014 and has 21 replies.
Something that is common outside of the US is (knowingly) eating offal.
Sweetbreads (thymus)
Bone marrow
Sure it's not a kobe steak, but why let any of the animal go to waste? Devil
Have you tried any of these? Did you like it?
I used to eat cow liver back in the day.
I'm not sure why I Lol'd at the title. Anyway, I've tasted liver and kidney and stared at a plate of chicken feet for about 5 hours until it was taken away from me.
We eat everything on that list except brain. I hate liver though. Chicken feet, cow feet & sheep feet...that's it. I love tripe too.
Cow & sheep heads are a popular here as well. We call them "smileys", because they just grin in your plate. LMAO. Ever so friendly. Chicken intestines are tasty too. I like them fried with onion & seasoned with spices.
Tried all except sweetbreads and tendons.
Don't care much for liver or brains.
Chicken feet are a whole lot of effort for very little.
A plate of fried gizzards and hearts is just fine.
Tripe is ok.
In the US, a "natural casing" for sausage is a certain animal part as well....
My menu:
Schnitzel made with sliced pig brain. Also, fish and chicken brains straight out the skull.
All sorts of liver and hearts (fish, chicken, duck, goose, pig, cow, lamb).
Tripe and chicken stomach.
Cock testicles. A bit like brain, but tastier.
Steak and kidney pie.
Bone marrow and cow's tail.
Pig cheeks.
Fish roe.
Ox and pig tongue.
Black pudding (blood).
Pig ears.
Grilled pig's skin.
I'm from Eastern Europe where organs are considered delicatessen. I actually prefer many of the above to dull meat.

Posted by Undine
My menu:
Schnitzel made with sliced pig brain. Also, fish and chicken brains straight out the skull.
All sorts of liver and hearts (fish, chicken, duck, goose, pig, cow, lamb).
Tripe and chicken stomach.
Cock testicles. A bit like brain, but tastier.
Steak and kidney pie.
Bone marrow and cow's tail.
Pig cheeks.
Fish roe.
Ox and pig tongue.
Black pudding (blood).
Pig ears.
Grilled pig's skin.
I'm from Eastern Europe where organs are considered delicatessen. I actually prefer many of the above to dull meat.

OMG lol. Are you being serious? What a menu!
lol @ pig cheeks.
Posted by Undine
My menu:
Schnitzel made with sliced pig brain. Also, fish and chicken brains straight out the skull.
All sorts of liver and hearts (fish, chicken, duck, goose, pig, cow, lamb).
Tripe and chicken stomach.
Cock testicles. A bit like brain, but tastier.
Steak and kidney pie.
Bone marrow and cow's tail.
Pig cheeks.
Fish roe.
Ox and pig tongue.
Black pudding (blood).
Pig ears.
Grilled pig's skin.
I'm from Eastern Europe where organs are considered delicatessen. I actually prefer many of the above to dull meat.

+1 to this. I always thought it was normal til I moved to Australia a loooong long time ago. I remember when a bunch of us went to Taiwan so I took them around to what's considered 'best food'. One of them coughed it right back out after really enjoying it when I said it was just 'blood' haha. I felt so evil.
Posted by Undine
My menu:
Schnitzel made with sliced pig brain. Also, fish and chicken brains straight out the skull.
All sorts of liver and hearts (fish, chicken, duck, goose, pig, cow, lamb).
Tripe and chicken stomach.
Cock testicles. A bit like brain, but tastier.
Steak and kidney pie.
Bone marrow and cow's tail.
Pig cheeks.
Fish roe.
Ox and pig tongue.
Black pudding (blood).
Pig ears.
Grilled pig's skin.
I'm from Eastern Europe where organs are considered delicatessen. I actually prefer many of the above to dull meat.

Thank goodness I am from the USA.
Pass a cheeseburger, would ya?
Posted by CapTenn
Posted by Undine
My menu:
Schnitzel made with sliced pig brain. Also, fish and chicken brains straight out the skull.
All sorts of liver and hearts (fish, chicken, duck, goose, pig, cow, lamb).
Tripe and chicken stomach.
Cock testicles. A bit like brain, but tastier.
Steak and kidney pie.
Bone marrow and cow's tail.
Pig cheeks.
Fish roe.
Ox and pig tongue.
Black pudding (blood).
Pig ears.
Grilled pig's skin.
I'm from Eastern Europe where organs are considered delicatessen. I actually prefer many of the above to dull meat.

Thank goodness I am from the USA.
Pass a cheeseburger, would ya?
click to expand

Properly cooked beef tongue tastes like the most tender, rich cut of "regular" beef ever. If no one told you that you were eating tongue, you would probably be in heaven!
All else fails, think of it as frenchkissing a Taurus. Tongue
Speaking of America, that grits thing is quite disgusting & so are the xxxxxtra large portions sold at some of your takeaways
Posted by WaterCup
Speaking of America, that grits thing is quite disgusting & so are the xxxxxtra large portions sold at some of your takeaways

Grits are good stuff.
Add some butter and sugar.
It's like a dessert.
Posted by Puvati
Posted by WaterCup
Speaking of America, that grits thing is quite disgusting & so are the xxxxxtra large portions sold at some of your takeaways

I completely agree. I'm pretty fortunate because I'm from New Mexico and we don't have nearly as much crap as some places in the US. Our usual meal here is chile, beans, squash, meat and tortillas. The serving sizes aren't huge either. Very traditional.
I've seen shows with what other parts of the US have to eat and it's disgusting. :/ I can't fathom where the idea for some of those food combinations come from. Yuck.
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Same. Here, we have the likes of lobsters, clams and chowder traditionally, and all kinds of ethnic food today. A whole lot better than say, deep fried Snickers in Texas. *gag*
Posted by Puvati
Posted by WaterCup
Speaking of America, that grits thing is quite disgusting & so are the xxxxxtra large portions sold at some of your takeaways

I completely agree. I'm pretty fortunate because I'm from New Mexico and we don't have nearly as much crap as some places in the US. Our usual meal here is chile, beans, squash, meat and tortillas. The serving sizes aren't huge either. Very traditional.
I've seen shows with what other parts of the US have to eat and it's disgusting. :/ I can't fathom where the idea for some of those food combinations come from. Yuck.
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Mexican food/flavour is badass & I'm only basing that on crisps & pizza lol. I love spicy food. You guys are good smile
Posted by CapTenn
Posted by WaterCup
Speaking of America, that grits thing is quite disgusting & so are the xxxxxtra large portions sold at some of your takeaways

Grits are good stuff.
Add some butter and sugar.
It's like a dessert.
click to expand

Eww. I tasted it & it didnt rock my world at all. It had lumps to boot. I had this friend from Texas that liked to come here for business & he made it for me one time. Served with bacon, sausages & eggs. I didnt like grits.
Posted by starlover
Posted by WaterCup
Speaking of America, that grits thing is quite disgusting & so are the xxxxxtra large portions sold at some of your takeaways

When i was over there Water, i wanted to throw up at the way some people ate and what they were eating...quite disgusting
click to expand

I can imagine. Gross
Posted by starlover
I was dating an american guy for a while ~ i was so glad to get back to Ireland....SO much junk food and so many overweight people...i felt sorry for the kids that were being fed it...quite horrible

What do you eat over there in Ireland? I hear you're quite fond of the potato. I love the accents, btw.
Posted by starlover
The trad dish here for years was bacon and dont like that at all ... the food was always plain, but now we have different indian, chinese, mexican etc

We eat potatoes and vegetables and meat and fish

I have a very simple diet...lots of fruit, vegetables, no wheat or gluten, salads, lots of water and i drink tea
Sadly, a few years ago the junk food industry was introduced here.....bloody curse it is for peoples' health

What do you eat Water?

OMG I swear people here are getting fatter as well. There's like a KFC & McDonald in every corner. America must be on a fat mission or something. I love cabbage. How do you prepare it the Irish way? Hope its not boiled in whiskey lol.
I live with a Saudi man, my ex, so he prepares a lot of their stuff. Mostly curries. But when I miss African foods, I just go to restaurants since I'm a bad cook. I love samp & beans. That's a staple for my tribe. Dumplings with mutton stew, tripe, pap (corn meal) & a lot of other things. Yum now I crave dumplings lol.
Posted by starlover
Fast food = fast way to die
Cabbage here is boiled in water..not in whiskey haha
You live with your ex? What is samp? I dont think people eat enough roughage...vegetables..brocilli, carrots,peas etc...gluten and wheat wreck the stomach too
I spend a fortune on fresh fruit..strawberries, nectarines, grapes, bananas, cherries, peaches..whatever i can get my hands on.
You know i just read in China...they boil cats and dogs alive because they taste better that way ~~ what is wrong with the world??

I've seen that in the show, Dining with death. The cats & dogs thing.
Yeah, I live with my ex. He moved in here to be closer to the kid, they are SUPER close. Doesnt bother me, we get along better as friends. Samp is corn/maize kernel. You'll have to look it up to understand.
Posted by starlover
Ewww to the cats and dogs..weird people!
You have a child together? That is lovely they are close, my lad is with his dad too..thankfully
Will check out semp

Yes we have a child together. Both of them are Aries Tongue Both born on the 4th of April & I think that's what makes them even more close...sharing a birthday. Both are extremely childish should see them giving each other high fives for doing something stupid. My boys smile
Your son is 18 & a scorpio, right? You must be really close. I envy the bond shared by parent & child of the same sign. It's amazing.