Posted by Hareisn't that the only way to nurture a Scorpio moon
All I'm getting are death threats.
Posted by SofiaV87Maybe no one is messaging you?
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Posted by SecretIt just worked lolPosted by SofiaV87Maybe no one is messaging you?
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Posted by hydorahI'm seeing it all yes?
Posted by TeenaSeeing what?Posted by hydorahI'm seeing it all yes?
@teenaclick to expand
Posted by SofiaV87Your msgs to him. He shares them all ?Posted by TeenaSeeing what?Posted by hydorahI'm seeing it all yes?
@teenaclick to expand
Posted by TeenaOh my thread ? LolPosted by SofiaV87Your msgs to him. He shares them all ?Posted by TeenaSeeing what?Posted by hydorahI'm seeing it all yes?
@teenaclick to expand
Posted by SofiaV87Posted by TeenaOh my thread ? LolPosted by SofiaV87Your msgs to him. He shares them all ?Posted by TeenaSeeing what?Posted by hydorahI'm seeing it all yes?
@teenaclick to expand
Posted by SofiaV87Admit it. You just want Ands to reveal his obsession with your sexy neck.
My PM inbox isn't working . I click on the box & nothing happens
Posted by PalerioHaha yea how did u know ?Posted by SofiaV87Admit it. You just want Ands to reveal his obsession with your sexy neck.
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Posted by SofiaV87You can't fool a Virgo riser.Posted by PalerioHaha yea how did u know ?Posted by SofiaV87Admit it. You just want Ands to reveal his obsession with your sexy neck.
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Posted by PalerioNo u can't ! Are u Virgo rising too?Posted by SofiaV87You can't fool a Virgo riser.Posted by PalerioHaha yea how did u know ?Posted by SofiaV87Admit it. You just want Ands to reveal his obsession with your sexy neck.
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Posted by SofiaV87And a 7th house sun tooPosted by PalerioNo u can't ! Are u Virgo rising too?Posted by SofiaV87You can't fool a Virgo riser.Posted by PalerioHaha yea how did u know ?Posted by SofiaV87Admit it. You just want Ands to reveal his obsession with your sexy neck.
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Posted by Palerio?? having these 2 placements is a good thingPosted by SofiaV87And a 7th house sun tooPosted by PalerioNo u can't ! Are u Virgo rising too?Posted by SofiaV87You can't fool a Virgo riser.Posted by PalerioHaha yea how did u know ?Posted by SofiaV87Admit it. You just want Ands to reveal his obsession with your sexy neck.
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Posted by PalerioDXP's new power couplePosted by SofiaV87And a 7th house sun tooPosted by PalerioNo u can't ! Are u Virgo rising too?Posted by SofiaV87You can't fool a Virgo riser.Posted by PalerioHaha yea how did u know ?Posted by SofiaV87Admit it. You just want Ands to reveal his obsession with your sexy neck.
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Posted by MrEmptyBackpackWho are we kidding. We got @CopperDove in our team.Posted by Palerio7th Housers make dxp great againPosted by SofiaV87And a 7th house sun tooPosted by PalerioNo u can't ! Are u Virgo rising too?Posted by SofiaV87You can't fool a Virgo riser.Posted by PalerioHaha yea how did u know ?Posted by SofiaV87Admit it. You just want Ands to reveal his obsession with your sexy neck.
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