Post a pic of the celebrity doppleganger ( look alike) of your crush and or significant other

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Adreamuponwaking on Friday, June 23, 2017 and has 5 replies.
My current crush kind of looks like a nerdier aka hotter mix between

gillian jacobs

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delany in the 90s (kind of freaky she has all the same exact astro placements too except for her pluto)

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and marilu henner in the 70s.

Posted by LePetitFisk
Office crush found better opportunities and I'm feeling some type of way about it. He reminds me of Chris Pine, with his dark blond hair and azure blue eyes.

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His loss!!!

Kind of a cross between these two, except he's got glasses. He's got Theo's facial structure but the other dude's coloring (hair and eyes, he's a little more tan than this dude two).

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