Potty Mouths

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by brianafay on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 and has 13 replies.
I was listening to the radio this morning on the way to work and they were reading a "study" that shows that people who swear a lot are more genuine and honest people because you are getting their unfiltered emotions-what you see is what you get.

Do you agree?

Or do you think it's simply a sign of poor communication skills ?

I think it's easily interpreted depending on the individual.

Some people swear and it's charming, some people swear and it's trashy and some were born to curse.

I suck at swearing, I lack conviction but I love saying nigger
The N word! Sorry it's not letting me post it
Posted by PootyButt
Actually, there have been studies done that show a statistical relationship between frequent cursing and honesty. It's not just a theory someone pulled from their ass. LOL

It makes sense. It's just lacking a filter.
Those studies suck Vorcha ass. My father is the filthiest creature to ever walk the earth......and a habitual liar.
Posted by PootyButt
Posted by everlynn
I look at it this way. People who swear a lot need medical attention in their mouth. It don't make any sense to swear so much. Everytime I hear someone curse a lot, I usually stare hard at them with an intense look in my eyes like something is extremely wrong with that individual.
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Damn it. I botched that one.
click to expand
No you didn't, stupidass site is glitching again.
who listens to the freaking media ?
Also if you listen to metal.
True, in my experience. They are more blunt, and less scheming.

Also, swearing punctuates certain emotions and situations, so it is a more genuine expression of feelings, in that sense.
Posted by PootyButt
Actually, there have been studies done that show a statistical relationship between frequent cursing and honesty. It's not just a theory someone pulled from their ass. LOL

It makes sense. It's just lacking a filter.
Yeah I think they meant it like that in connection with not having much of a filter

Liars and fakes have to think more about what they say to keep up whatever facade they are putting on

People on here disagreeing that have multiple accounts and post as those personalities should gtfo of this thread.
I swear a lot for a lady ?

I have to be conscious of it in professional settings or in front of grandma because I usually let her rip

It's mostly when I'm getting fired up about something though - not usually just casually like "nice f-ing day isn't it?"

One time in reference to some bitch (she was a bitch) "oh, f her. Seriously. She can go f herself, f-ing bitch."

Then busted out laughing because I dropped so many f bombs in one sentence forgot why I was mad