This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Therealjane10 on Thursday, September 21, 2017 and has 12 replies.
Sad day in America when you can't let your crazy extrovert flag fly. Learning that motor mouth kills; it kills careers , relationships and livelihoods. It's better to behave like a creepy introvert like those punk rock kids dressed in all black, back in the day in high school., and monitor your communication, or barely speak.

Even in non professional settings, it's a small world and you never know, who knows who. Ultimately, everyone is walking around with their real identities cloaked, and according to experts, that may be the smartest approach.
loose lips sink ships
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Don't be mad
So truerrrrreeee
Posted by TheTinMan
Posted by sierra_

just coz someone's a little quiet doesn't make them creepy

introvert promotes bottled feelings, and insidious behaviors and thoughts. The same way extrovert promotes obnoxious behavior. Never seen a happy medium.

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Posted by Koniuchaa
It's way more popular to be an extrovert in America

I think it depends. American Culture? Yes, American values? No.

There are more conservatives than liberals although when it comes to actually voting, both groups may swing either way. Conservatism and introverted traits are almost parallel.

I think intoverts took over in the mid-90s.

Anything before that was the reign of extroverts.

Introverts would be bullied to death.

Then we started seing more and more nerds, then grunge, goth and emo, and suddenly

Introverts really took over with a bang with the columbine shooting and the internet
Posted by Koniuchaa
Posted by Therealjane10
Posted by Koniuchaa
It's way more popular to be an extrovert in America

I think it depends. American Culture? Yes, American values? No.

There are more conservatives than liberals although when it comes to actually voting, both groups may swing either way. Conservatism and introverted traits are almost parallel.

I'm not seeing how conservatism and introverted traits are similar. Perhaps a long time ago they were, but not anymore. There are many loud and obnoxious conservatives
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Yea, that's possible but their ideologies matches that of introverted ideologies as well

Posted by blvckphase
So Introverts don't speak now? This is the dumbest shit I ever read.

I am extremely outspoken and an Introvert.. who would have thought? jfc
Compare to extroverts? No, not as much.
Posted by blvckphase
Posted by Therealjane10
Posted by blvckphase
So Introverts don't speak now? This is the dumbest shit I ever read.

I am extremely outspoken and an Introvert.. who would have thought? jfc
Compare to extroverts? No, not as much.
Right.. what would I know.

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You're not the only introvert though right?

I'm expressing my experiences from interacting with introverts

Posted by edgelord
extroverts talk a lot. it's hard to get a word in edgewise. it's very hilarious. you can set the phone down and go make a sammich and they're still talking having no idea you've left.

or if you're talking to them online they send massive paragraphs one after the other. and then you respond with "okay" and it gives them a complex. lmao
LOL. You will get slapped if you OK me after a rant.

No, honestly I'm a mix. I can pretend to be introverted. I can really become introverted if I don't like you, but for the most part, I live life like an extrovert.
Posted by edgelord
Posted by Therealjane10
Posted by edgelord
extroverts talk a lot. it's hard to get a word in edgewise. it's very hilarious. you can set the phone down and go make a sammich and they're still talking having no idea you've left.

or if you're talking to them online they send massive paragraphs one after the other. and then you respond with "okay" and it gives them a complex. lmao
LOL. You will get slapped if you OK me after a rant.

No, honestly I'm a mix. I can pretend to be introverted. I can really become introverted if I don't like you, but for the most part, I live life like an extrovert.
i become overwhelmed if someone sends me too much at once. so idk wtf to say. it's not because i'm not interested or because i'm not reading. it's just a lot to take in at once. you know?

and i can understand that. being quiet sometimes and more introspective.

i have a hard time trying to have all the GOT DAMN ENERGY i see extroverts having. i would make a terrible extrovert. i'd be on for 5 minutes and then disappear for 4 days. lol
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Yea, my energy is abundant.

Until it's not.

It's all about balance. Whatever source keeps you sane(being creep and quiet,lol, or being loud) find it.