Psychic connections and attachment cords

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by fullwaterpisces on Tuesday, October 20, 2015 and has 6 replies.
I guess while ago ive posted something about this topic... Not precisely about this but something related...

Anyways ive found this to articules about the topic both or them very similar

It all started with the certain vibe i was getting everynow and then so i did my reseach

One of them mention a particular the feelings of sadness or happines and how it feels like... But also those sensations when the person you might have a psychic connection with it might be feeling and is you catching on their feelings... The other mentions that 10% of the feeling is yours while 90% os theirs...

So that got me thinking (this is a real question) for those who are familiar with this... Accourdin to this Lets say that you feel extremes sadness when you think about this person, they might be feeling sadnes and they are projecting it to you...

So if this like a two way comminication sort of thing... could it be thay if the sad you can try to make them not that sad...

Just in the occasion this all true... If the other person feels the way Im picking up their feelings it sucks... The only reason im not sure is only me is because i dont understand the emotion... But what if is me and im sending those emotions out... Is not cool either

Hope i make sense is confusing for me but jm curious to learn more about it...
There is also a comment in one of those articules about getting someone to help you pulling or cutting those cords of attachment... To avoid that kind connection draining energy and damaging bond between both individuals...

That doesn't mean the relationship if still active has to be over it also might heal to heal the energy exchange. And if is not active it would help to let go...
I would really love to find something to read that help me understand and sort of controling (as bad as that word sound) those emotions i dont understand... I can understand and identify those who are mine... So definitely im picking up someone elses

Mind sharing!?
^^^^ unless i didnt really undertand you comment... Ive believe in my example im pass the point where the exchange already happened.... Is more about is a "toxic" exchange that needs to be healed or removed
What your refering to is HPS also known to the psychic world as being a sensitive. Its a shame I don't know enough about it to point you in any direction but I knew a girl years back who told me about it and she just took it as it came.
I understand your point tiziani, but from what ive been reading out this kind of connections... It doesn't sounds like not as simple as blocking the energy... Again im no expert this is what ive been reading...

Because cutting even pulling those cords of connection can be disruptive for individuals and their energy... At least of those sites talk about being carefull.

Read this one...