Reality checks

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by HeavyEntertainmentShow on Sunday, August 19, 2018 and has 24 replies.
I hope someone somewhere learns from all this. When they say we're our own worst enemy, they couldn't be more right. Even moreso, the denial we choose to adopt as an approach to every difficult situation in life. The little white lies we tell ourselves so we can feel better do far more harm than good. Because, reality is set in stone, and sooner or later it will slap you in the face like a cold fish. When that happens, you better hope you are sitting down.

Once you conquer yourself by facing every teeny weeny dark corner in your mind and your heart, seeing exactly how it all looks beyond the denial and the white lie-rationalizations we make to lessen the blow, the awakening you experience is indescribable. My explanation for my emotional inconsistency went mostly like this:

It's easy for anyone to make assumptions when, on paper, we're complete opposites. You're a 21yo beautiful, fiercely competitive multi-talented 5 star athlete, and I'm a 33yo (ridiculously handsome) damaged introvert. You were literally just a kid when we met, yet we got along like a house on fire from day 1. I'm your first serious relationship and you're my third. So theoretically I'm supposed to be the more experienced one, but that's definitely not the case. For starters, all 3 of you are completely different people. So experience automatically goes out the window.

I was just your age when I fell in love for the first time, with Matt. I was only 23 when I got my heart broken. And when I got raped, it was the straw that broke this camel's back and I completely shut down. I was just 24 with my whole life ahead of me, but instead all I could do was emotionally shut down to make sure I wasn't the next mass shooter people read about in the papers. You've already seen what happens when I "pop off".

It's one thing to withdraw from the world when you lose faith in people after a failed marriage, it's quite a different thing to be shocked into it by experiencing one of the worst possible traumas there are. I didn't get to have a proper childhood because of my fucked parents, and this robbed me of my 20s. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. I'm not making excuses for myself, I'm simply stating facts.

It's easy for people to say "yes all this did happen but noone forced you to do anything at gunpoint later on, you chose to withdraw from the world", to which I say unless you've gone through the same thing yourself you couldn't possibly understand how it affects the way you think. The fear & the uncertainty are overwhelming. Your entire world disappears in a flash and it's replaced by a much uglier place. What you thought you knew no longer applies, you become a very suspicious person and you feel like every person you meet is a demon in disguise. You have to harden up if you want to survive.

It's extremely hard to shake it off and find a reason to keep living, but that's exactly what you were and still are to me. I was no longer as withdrawn as I was the first 2-3 years, which means I wasn't as fired up as I used to be, which means I no longer had that willingness to go on. Once that anger and that fire is gone, what else is left? I was just an empty vessel, until the day a beautiful young man walked into my life looking for music material to play around with.

Even though I'm 33 now, my emotional development stopped at 24. Beyond that, all I experienced was anger and bitterness. So I'm hardly an expert on handling other fluffy feelings. Even as a kid, I couldn't fully explore and express myself when I was a gay boy in a family of homophobes. So when I feel, it's unadulterated and full-on, almost like my heart is making up for lost time.

Beyond that, I'm just like everyone else.

I can be an adorable cherub

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and I can be Lucifer

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but it's the side that we choose to nurture the side that defines us. You've known me long enough by now to know what you're in for. I'm not perfect, noone is. It's upto you to decide if my good outweighs my bad.

I'd like to be able to say this was easy, but dissecting yourself never is. You can only hope you're strong enough to handle what lies beneath all the layers. What I learned from this extremely difficult experience is that being true with yourself is how you can really move forward. If there are aspects of yourself in need of improvement, then you need to take a long hard look at them. Downplaying it only makes it worse.

I wouldn't call my violent side something that needs to be fixed, because we all have the right to defend ourselves. And I'd rather defend myself and my loves ones than let myself and them get hurt. Wind blows, fire burns & I bite when poked. Beyond that, it's not like I walk around smacking people. I'm pretty chill for the most part. I don't have much of an ego, and I just want to be appreciated & treated accordingly. It's not much to ask.

I do love pretty hard though. I feel everything. But, is it a character flaw or a character feature? Therein lies my homework.

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What I also learned these past few days is to have a little faith in yourself. Constantly belittling yourself by believing you're not good enough and that you don't deserve nice things only builds up negative energy around you like a bubble, keeps nice things away from you.

Furthermore, that negative outlook becomes the norm in your life. Look around DXP and peek at all those users who are eternally toxic with no end in sight. You don't wanna become like them, do you? When a nice thing happens to you, enjoy it to the fullest instead of worrying how long it will last.

@lethalfantasia take that with you
Posted by thechubbyfox

With your IQ of 50>, not surprising. But thanks for the bump, ugly.

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Posted by SpaceBird

''but it's the side that we choose to nurture the side that defines us. ''

Indeed. Let me use you as an example. No dissing, just making observation.

You have your moments when you go a little crazy, but for the most part you keep it civil, breezy and positive. You share a lot of your art, and that's a good thing. And we all go a little mad sometimes, it's good for the soul, maintaining that whole balance thing. Too much niceness can be obnoxiously irritating.

And then you have someone like CC on the complete opposite side of the spectrum, who rages 24/7 at anything and everything. Just spewing hate and discrimination everywhere she goes. You'd think she would have mellowed out after being away from DXP and the toxicity, but she's worse than ever.

Believe me, I know trying to be positive all the time is far easier said than done, but a smart person who wants to live life would make an effort to beat the negativity back.

I've been here for 2.5 years and the amount of people who are still in the exact same place today as they were when I first joined is astounding. Evolution has passed so many people by, and they don't even see what it's done to them.

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It's just sad.
Posted by Impulsv

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

What I also learned these past few days is to have a little faith in yourself. Constantly belittling yourself by believing you're not good enough and that you don't deserve nice things only builds up negative energy around you like a bubble, keeps nice things away from you.

Furthermore, that negative outlook becomes the norm in your life. Look around DXP and peek at all those users who are eternally toxic with no end in sight. You don't wanna become like them, do you? When a nice thing happens to you, enjoy it to the fullest instead of worrying how long it will last.

@lethalfantasia take that with you

Just remember

You have done so good for yourself and the best you could after going through some horrific experience

I’d say use this break up to nurture yourself back

Also it is ok to seek counseling for that traumatic experience

You deserve a great life
click to expand
Thanks, luv. We all do.

I believe that everyone deserves a fair go. But more often than not we're a product of our circumstances and it's quite difficult to go against the nature that those circumstances have shaped in us. Takes great strength to snap out of it.

I've been to therapy at different stages of my life, but the one thing they all had in common is none of them told me anything I didn't already know. I would get the exact same thing out of it by simply talking to my reflection in the mirror. It's a waste of money & time.

It also depends on your perception of it. Like I said, reality is set in stone. Your point of view is what gives it its different hues. You can either let it fuel your dark side and lash out, or you can use it as a boost to your willingness to live.

I know that's far easier said than done and that I myself would be singing a completely different tune if my boy wasn't as smart as I hoped he was, but it's like I said. You gotta seize those good moments and make the most of them rather than worrying about the whaf-ifs or how long they'll last. And with his birthday only a couple days away, there's no better time to seize. And spread the message and hope someone else catches on.
Posted by SpaceBird

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by SpaceBird

''but it's the side that we choose to nurture the side that defines us. ''

Indeed. Let me use you as an example. No dissing, just making observation.

You have your moments when you go a little crazy, but for the most part you keep it civil, breezy and positive. You share a lot of your art, and that's a good thing. And we all go a little mad sometimes, it's good for the soul, maintaining that whole balance thing. Too much niceness can be obnoxiously irritating.

And then you have someone like CC on the complete opposite side of the spectrum, who rages 24/7 at anything and everything. Just spewing hate and discrimination everywhere she goes. You'd think she would have mellowed out after being away from DXP and the toxicity, but she's worse than ever.

Believe me, I know trying to be positive all the time is far easier said than done, but a smart person who wants to live life would make an effort to beat the negativity back.

I've been here for 2.5 years and the amount of people who are still in the exact same place today as they were when I first joined is astounding. Evolution has passed so many people by, and they don't even see what it's done to them.

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It's just sad.
That is actually one of the nicest things anyone has every said to me or RL ...thank you. You're a really genuine person.

regarding negativity and positivity ..

I get dark only to shine the moon smile
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It's too easy to give into that urge to lash out at people.

It's kinda my way of apologizing for being too hard on you in the past. Like I said, we all have our moments of darkness but you try to keep the lights on as much as you can. And I respect that. Besides, I'm hardly one to talk. My Aries Mercury/Mars are hardly a box of fluffy bunnies and kittens. And my Fish sun.......ooooooooooooh that's another long story.

You and Jed also share the same moon. And I saw that same darkness in him. He was a little angry with me after he got back to town, but after we both got everything out of our system, that brilliant smile was back with a vengeance. He's barely stopped smiling. He beat the darkness back with a big stick just like you do.

And then you have disasters like Ands up about evolution passing you by.

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Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

With your IQ of 50>, not surprising. But thanks for the bump, ugly.

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reality check: your stories are too long

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They're meant for people with an IQ higher than 50. Your group can only handle a max of one short sentence and/or kindergarten-level visual aids, so here's to ya, "handsome".

It's magic! The more you drink, the more like George Clooney you feel. Get that down ya.

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PS: thanks for the bump.
Posted by SpaceBird

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by Impulsv

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

What I also learned these past few days is to have a little faith in yourself. Constantly belittling yourself by believing you're not good enough and that you don't deserve nice things only builds up negative energy around you like a bubble, keeps nice things away from you.

Furthermore, that negative outlook becomes the norm in your life. Look around DXP and peek at all those users who are eternally toxic with no end in sight. You don't wanna become like them, do you? When a nice thing happens to you, enjoy it to the fullest instead of worrying how long it will last.

@lethalfantasia take that with you

Just remember

You have done so good for yourself and the best you could after going through some horrific experience

I’d say use this break up to nurture yourself back

Also it is ok to seek counseling for that traumatic experience

You deserve a great life
Thanks, luv. We all do.

I believe that everyone deserves a fair go. But more often than not we're a product of our circumstances and it's quite difficult to go against the nature that those circumstances have shaped in us. Takes great strength to snap out of it.

I've been to therapy at different stages of my life, but the one thing they all had in common is none of them told me anything I didn't already know. I would get the exact same thing out of it by simply talking to my reflection in the mirror. It's a waste of money & time.

It also depends on your perception of it. Like I said, reality is set in stone. Your point of view is what gives it its different hues. You can either let it fuel your dark side and lash out, or you can use it as a boost to your willingness to live.

I know that's far easier said than done and that I myself would be singing a completely different tune if my boy wasn't as smart as I hoped he was, but it's like I said. You gotta seize those good moments and make the most of them rather than worrying about the whaf-ifs or how long they'll last. And with his birthday only a couple days away, there's no better time to seize. And spread the message and hope someone else catches on.
Your mindset on this and through this is really amazing. And even towards him. It's not often you read posts like this on a break up on here.

Your outlook is very soulful.
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Who said we broke up? I'm still showing his lickalicious abs on here, I'm using one of his modelling headshots as my avatar on........erm, elsewhere. We're definitely still cooking, even with my hair making me look like Maleficent first thing in the morning.

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Well, I thought we would and he had half a mind to do so, but he's as smart as I hoped he would be. We got a long road ahead, but we've reached a new level of understanding. And he has a thing for older people.
Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

With your IQ of 50>, not surprising. But thanks for the bump, ugly.

User Submitted Image
reality check: your stories are too long

They're meant for people with an IQ higher than 50. Your group can only handle a max of one short sentence and/or kindergarten-level visual aids, so here's to ya, "handsome".

It's magic! The more you drink, the more like George Clooney you feel. Get that down ya.

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PS: thanks for the bump.
reality check: no one cares
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You cared enough to bump it......3 times so far (more to come, I'm sure). So your argument is null & void. Oh......thanks for the belly laugh.
Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

With your IQ of 50>, not surprising. But thanks for the bump, ugly.

User Submitted Image
reality check: your stories are too long

They're meant for people with an IQ higher than 50. Your group can only handle a max of one short sentence and/or kindergarten-level visual aids, so here's to ya, "handsome".

It's magic! The more you drink, the more like George Clooney you feel. Get that down ya.

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PS: thanks for the bump.
reality check: no one cares
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You cared enough to bump it......3 times so far (more to come, I'm sure). So your argument is null & void. Oh......thanks for the belly laugh.
reality check: you only get pity replies
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Impulsv and Spacebird actually put thought in their replies, as did everyone else in my previous thread about it a few days ago.

Whereas your and your bum buddy's threads are the cause of acute retardation. Then again the likes of Hydorah, Gemitati and Cloudy were never exactly held in high regard. So I'll take pity replies any day over "that". How's that for reality check?

PS: if you're wondering why I don't bother blocking you, the answer is simple: how can I report you & get you banned for the 6th or 7th time (I've lost track by now) if I got you on mute? Or was your latest ban another impromptu holiday?

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Just stick to playing with your manly-looking dog and your "special" friends. Leave "life matters" to those who are intelligent enough to tackle them. You're way out of your depth in here.

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Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

With your IQ of 50>, not surprising. But thanks for the bump, ugly.

User Submitted Image
reality check: your stories are too long

They're meant for people with an IQ higher than 50. Your group can only handle a max of one short sentence and/or kindergarten-level visual aids, so here's to ya, "handsome".

It's magic! The more you drink, the more like George Clooney you feel. Get that down ya.

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PS: thanks for the bump.
reality check: no one cares
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You cared enough to bump it......3 times so far (more to come, I'm sure). So your argument is null & void. Oh......thanks for the belly laugh.
reality check: you only get pity replies
Impulsv and Spacebird actually put thought in their replies, as did everyone else in my previous thread about it a few days ago.

Whereas your and your bum buddy's threads are the cause of acute retardation. Then again the likes of Hydorah, Gemitati and Cloudy were never exactly held in high regard. So I'll take pity replies any day over "that". How's that for reality check?

PS: if you're wondering why I don't bother blocking you, the answer is simple: how can I report you & get you banned for the 6th or 7th time (I've lost track by now) if I got you on mute? Or was your latest ban another impromptu holiday?

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Just stick to playing with your manly-looking dog and your "special" friends. Leave "life matters" to those who are intelligent enough to tackle them. You're way out of your depth in here.

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reality check: you put too much effort in DXP
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So says the nolifer who's been deleting and making new accounts for over a decade. Yeah, people and glass know how it goes.

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Besides it doesn't take any effort, just one small sentence. It's basic cleanup, like getting rid of fungus or a turd you accidentally stepped on. That's what your material is, brain fungus. That's why you end up hiding half of it, because too many people are sick to death of your stale candy ass.

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Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

With your IQ of 50>, not surprising. But thanks for the bump, ugly.

User Submitted Image
reality check: your stories are too long

They're meant for people with an IQ higher than 50. Your group can only handle a max of one short sentence and/or kindergarten-level visual aids, so here's to ya, "handsome".

It's magic! The more you drink, the more like George Clooney you feel. Get that down ya.

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PS: thanks for the bump.
reality check: no one cares
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You cared enough to bump it......3 times so far (more to come, I'm sure). So your argument is null & void. Oh......thanks for the belly laugh.
reality check: you only get pity replies
Impulsv and Spacebird actually put thought in their replies, as did everyone else in my previous thread about it a few days ago.

Whereas your and your bum buddy's threads are the cause of acute retardation. Then again the likes of Hydorah, Gemitati and Cloudy were never exactly held in high regard. So I'll take pity replies any day over "that". How's that for reality check?

PS: if you're wondering why I don't bother blocking you, the answer is simple: how can I report you & get you banned for the 6th or 7th time (I've lost track by now) if I got you on mute? Or was your latest ban another impromptu holiday?

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Just stick to playing with your manly-looking dog and your "special" friends. Leave "life matters" to those who are intelligent enough to tackle them. You're way out of your depth in here.

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reality check: you put too much effort in DXP
So says the nolifer who's been deleting and making new accounts for over a decade. Yeah, people and glass know how it goes.

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Besides it doesn't take any effort, just one small sentence. It's basic cleanup, like getting rid of fungus or a turd you accidentally stepped on. That's what your material is, brain fungus. That's why you end up hiding half of it, because too many people are sick to death of your stale candy ass.

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Reality Check: Your candy ass is better suited to Lindaland
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Well you definitely know far more about Lindaland than I do. It's where you drag your sorry-ass carcass whenever I get you booted from here lol. DXPers see you there every time and they're not shy about saying so.

You're twitching. Stings, doesn't it?

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Ah man, I almost feel bad laughing at you because it's like laughing at a handicapped person. But then I get over it and I laugh some more.

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Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

With your IQ of 50>, not surprising. But thanks for the bump, ugly.

User Submitted Image
reality check: your stories are too long

They're meant for people with an IQ higher than 50. Your group can only handle a max of one short sentence and/or kindergarten-level visual aids, so here's to ya, "handsome".

It's magic! The more you drink, the more like George Clooney you feel. Get that down ya.

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PS: thanks for the bump.
reality check: no one cares
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You cared enough to bump it......3 times so far (more to come, I'm sure). So your argument is null & void. Oh......thanks for the belly laugh.
reality check: you only get pity replies
Impulsv and Spacebird actually put thought in their replies, as did everyone else in my previous thread about it a few days ago.

Whereas your and your bum buddy's threads are the cause of acute retardation. Then again the likes of Hydorah, Gemitati and Cloudy were never exactly held in high regard. So I'll take pity replies any day over "that". How's that for reality check?

PS: if you're wondering why I don't bother blocking you, the answer is simple: how can I report you & get you banned for the 6th or 7th time (I've lost track by now) if I got you on mute? Or was your latest ban another impromptu holiday?

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Just stick to playing with your manly-looking dog and your "special" friends. Leave "life matters" to those who are intelligent enough to tackle them. You're way out of your depth in here.

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reality check: you put too much effort in DXP
So says the nolifer who's been deleting and making new accounts for over a decade. Yeah, people and glass know how it goes.

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Besides it doesn't take any effort, just one small sentence. It's basic cleanup, like getting rid of fungus or a turd you accidentally stepped on. That's what your material is, brain fungus. That's why you end up hiding half of it, because too many people are sick to death of your stale candy ass.

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Reality Check: Your candy ass is better suited to Lindaland
Well you definitely know far more about Lindaland than I do. It's where you drag your sorry-ass carcass whenever I get you booted from here lol. DXPers see you there every time and they're not shy about saying so.

You're twitching. Stings, doesn't it?

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Ah man, I almost feel bad laughing at you because it's like laughing at a handicapped person. But then I get over it and I laugh some more.

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Reality Check: Your posts are still to long and just lol @ the wrestling gifs
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And you're still here hanging off my balls & bumping my thread to the top of the line. Not surprising. Your candy ass is too stale even for yourself. But I'm sure Lindalanders still like you. You're there often enough.

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Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

With your IQ of 50>, not surprising. But thanks for the bump, ugly.

User Submitted Image
reality check: your stories are too long

They're meant for people with an IQ higher than 50. Your group can only handle a max of one short sentence and/or kindergarten-level visual aids, so here's to ya, "handsome".

It's magic! The more you drink, the more like George Clooney you feel. Get that down ya.

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PS: thanks for the bump.
reality check: no one cares
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You cared enough to bump it......3 times so far (more to come, I'm sure). So your argument is null & void. Oh......thanks for the belly laugh.
reality check: you only get pity replies
Impulsv and Spacebird actually put thought in their replies, as did everyone else in my previous thread about it a few days ago.

Whereas your and your bum buddy's threads are the cause of acute retardation. Then again the likes of Hydorah, Gemitati and Cloudy were never exactly held in high regard. So I'll take pity replies any day over "that". How's that for reality check?

PS: if you're wondering why I don't bother blocking you, the answer is simple: how can I report you & get you banned for the 6th or 7th time (I've lost track by now) if I got you on mute? Or was your latest ban another impromptu holiday?

User Submitted Image

Just stick to playing with your manly-looking dog and your "special" friends. Leave "life matters" to those who are intelligent enough to tackle them. You're way out of your depth in here.

User Submitted Image
reality check: you put too much effort in DXP
So says the nolifer who's been deleting and making new accounts for over a decade. Yeah, people and glass know how it goes.

User Submitted Image

Besides it doesn't take any effort, just one small sentence. It's basic cleanup, like getting rid of fungus or a turd you accidentally stepped on. That's what your material is, brain fungus. That's why you end up hiding half of it, because too many people are sick to death of your stale candy ass.

User Submitted Image
Reality Check: Your candy ass is better suited to Lindaland
Well you definitely know far more about Lindaland than I do. It's where you drag your sorry-ass carcass whenever I get you booted from here lol. DXPers see you there every time and they're not shy about saying so.

You're twitching. Stings, doesn't it?

User Submitted Image

Ah man, I almost feel bad laughing at you because it's like laughing at a handicapped person. But then I get over it and I laugh some more.

User Submitted Image
Reality Check: Your posts are still to long and just lol @ the wrestling gifs
And you're still here hanging off my balls & bumping my thread to the top of the line. Not surprising. Your candy ass is too stale even for yourself. But I'm sure Lindalanders still like you. You're there often enough.

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reality check: and still...

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Only a cave-dwelling loser and Terramine would care about "likes". Which one are you? (rhetorical question)

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Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

With your IQ of 50>, not surprising. But thanks for the bump, ugly.

User Submitted Image
reality check: your stories are too long

They're meant for people with an IQ higher than 50. Your group can only handle a max of one short sentence and/or kindergarten-level visual aids, so here's to ya, "handsome".

It's magic! The more you drink, the more like George Clooney you feel. Get that down ya.

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PS: thanks for the bump.
reality check: no one cares
User Submitted Image

You cared enough to bump it......3 times so far (more to come, I'm sure). So your argument is null & void. Oh......thanks for the belly laugh.
reality check: you only get pity replies
Impulsv and Spacebird actually put thought in their replies, as did everyone else in my previous thread about it a few days ago.

Whereas your and your bum buddy's threads are the cause of acute retardation. Then again the likes of Hydorah, Gemitati and Cloudy were never exactly held in high regard. So I'll take pity replies any day over "that". How's that for reality check?

PS: if you're wondering why I don't bother blocking you, the answer is simple: how can I report you & get you banned for the 6th or 7th time (I've lost track by now) if I got you on mute? Or was your latest ban another impromptu holiday?

User Submitted Image

Just stick to playing with your manly-looking dog and your "special" friends. Leave "life matters" to those who are intelligent enough to tackle them. You're way out of your depth in here.

User Submitted Image
reality check: you put too much effort in DXP
So says the nolifer who's been deleting and making new accounts for over a decade. Yeah, people and glass know how it goes.

User Submitted Image

Besides it doesn't take any effort, just one small sentence. It's basic cleanup, like getting rid of fungus or a turd you accidentally stepped on. That's what your material is, brain fungus. That's why you end up hiding half of it, because too many people are sick to death of your stale candy ass.

User Submitted Image
Reality Check: Your candy ass is better suited to Lindaland
Well you definitely know far more about Lindaland than I do. It's where you drag your sorry-ass carcass whenever I get you booted from here lol. DXPers see you there every time and they're not shy about saying so.

You're twitching. Stings, doesn't it?

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Ah man, I almost feel bad laughing at you because it's like laughing at a handicapped person. But then I get over it and I laugh some more.

User Submitted Image
Reality Check: Your posts are still to long and just lol @ the wrestling gifs
And you're still here hanging off my balls & bumping my thread to the top of the line. Not surprising. Your candy ass is too stale even for yourself. But I'm sure Lindalanders still like you. You're there often enough.

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reality check: and still...

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Only a cave-dwelling loser and Terramine would care about "likes". Which one are you? (rhetorical question)

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womp womp

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click to expand
You're the it. And I'd drown in likes if I had 5-10 alt accounts like your thirsty ass does.

So pathetic.
Posted by Arugula

What is this compulsion to constantly reference people and events? Stop mentioning me
You've become a meme. Only got yourself to blame.

User Submitted Image

Deal with it.
Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

With your IQ of 50>, not surprising. But thanks for the bump, ugly.

User Submitted Image
reality check: your stories are too long

They're meant for people with an IQ higher than 50. Your group can only handle a max of one short sentence and/or kindergarten-level visual aids, so here's to ya, "handsome".

It's magic! The more you drink, the more like George Clooney you feel. Get that down ya.

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PS: thanks for the bump.
reality check: no one cares
User Submitted Image

You cared enough to bump it......3 times so far (more to come, I'm sure). So your argument is null & void. Oh......thanks for the belly laugh.
reality check: you only get pity replies
Impulsv and Spacebird actually put thought in their replies, as did everyone else in my previous thread about it a few days ago.

Whereas your and your bum buddy's threads are the cause of acute retardation. Then again the likes of Hydorah, Gemitati and Cloudy were never exactly held in high regard. So I'll take pity replies any day over "that". How's that for reality check?

PS: if you're wondering why I don't bother blocking you, the answer is simple: how can I report you & get you banned for the 6th or 7th time (I've lost track by now) if I got you on mute? Or was your latest ban another impromptu holiday?

User Submitted Image

Just stick to playing with your manly-looking dog and your "special" friends. Leave "life matters" to those who are intelligent enough to tackle them. You're way out of your depth in here.

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reality check: you put too much effort in DXP
So says the nolifer who's been deleting and making new accounts for over a decade. Yeah, people and glass know how it goes.

User Submitted Image

Besides it doesn't take any effort, just one small sentence. It's basic cleanup, like getting rid of fungus or a turd you accidentally stepped on. That's what your material is, brain fungus. That's why you end up hiding half of it, because too many people are sick to death of your stale candy ass.

User Submitted Image
Reality Check: Your candy ass is better suited to Lindaland
Well you definitely know far more about Lindaland than I do. It's where you drag your sorry-ass carcass whenever I get you booted from here lol. DXPers see you there every time and they're not shy about saying so.

You're twitching. Stings, doesn't it?

User Submitted Image

Ah man, I almost feel bad laughing at you because it's like laughing at a handicapped person. But then I get over it and I laugh some more.

User Submitted Image
Reality Check: Your posts are still to long and just lol @ the wrestling gifs
And you're still here hanging off my balls & bumping my thread to the top of the line. Not surprising. Your candy ass is too stale even for yourself. But I'm sure Lindalanders still like you. You're there often enough.

User Submitted Image
reality check: and still...

User Submitted Image
Only a cave-dwelling loser and Terramine would care about "likes". Which one are you? (rhetorical question)

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womp womp

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You're the it. And I'd drown in likes if I had 5-10 alt accounts like your thirsty ass does.

So pathetic.
sure i am

view from my cave

User Submitted Image

how is the view from your dormitory

lmao thirsty ass?

pot meet kettle

never seen someone so proud to stick a finger into another man’s ass

feel so embarassed for you jfc

have some dignity ffs

so many trashy members on this site

click to expand
LMFAOOOOOOOOOO you sound triggered, fungus. That view is worth absolutely nothing btw. I can pay 10 bucks and get a far better view from a 1-star tavern.

This is the best you got? Seriously? Trying to impress me with some second-rate skyline of what looks like Slum Central? Are you for real? Oh far out, this is just E-M-B-A-R-R-A-S-S-I-N-G!!!

And you are the last person to be even using the word "dignity" considering you never had any to begin with. You were already a meme, a laughing stock, 10 years ago. And 10 years later you're still that tired stale shtick that only parasites of an even lower class than you carry on. Because that's what vermin do.

I value people in my life. Not objects, not gay-looking dogs, no slum skylines or cheap-ass clothes or shoes that look like they came from a thrift store. People are the real diamonds. Everything else is worthless in comparison. And worthless junk is all you got to show.

Go back to Lindaland and stay among your own kind, fungus.

User Submitted Image
Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

With your IQ of 50>, not surprising. But thanks for the bump, ugly.

User Submitted Image
reality check: your stories are too long

They're meant for people with an IQ higher than 50. Your group can only handle a max of one short sentence and/or kindergarten-level visual aids, so here's to ya, "handsome".

It's magic! The more you drink, the more like George Clooney you feel. Get that down ya.

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PS: thanks for the bump.
reality check: no one cares
User Submitted Image

You cared enough to bump it......3 times so far (more to come, I'm sure). So your argument is null & void. Oh......thanks for the belly laugh.
reality check: you only get pity replies
Impulsv and Spacebird actually put thought in their replies, as did everyone else in my previous thread about it a few days ago.

Whereas your and your bum buddy's threads are the cause of acute retardation. Then again the likes of Hydorah, Gemitati and Cloudy were never exactly held in high regard. So I'll take pity replies any day over "that". How's that for reality check?

PS: if you're wondering why I don't bother blocking you, the answer is simple: how can I report you & get you banned for the 6th or 7th time (I've lost track by now) if I got you on mute? Or was your latest ban another impromptu holiday?

User Submitted Image

Just stick to playing with your manly-looking dog and your "special" friends. Leave "life matters" to those who are intelligent enough to tackle them. You're way out of your depth in here.

User Submitted Image
reality check: you put too much effort in DXP
So says the nolifer who's been deleting and making new accounts for over a decade. Yeah, people and glass know how it goes.

User Submitted Image

Besides it doesn't take any effort, just one small sentence. It's basic cleanup, like getting rid of fungus or a turd you accidentally stepped on. That's what your material is, brain fungus. That's why you end up hiding half of it, because too many people are sick to death of your stale candy ass.

User Submitted Image
Reality Check: Your candy ass is better suited to Lindaland
Well you definitely know far more about Lindaland than I do. It's where you drag your sorry-ass carcass whenever I get you booted from here lol. DXPers see you there every time and they're not shy about saying so.

You're twitching. Stings, doesn't it?

User Submitted Image

Ah man, I almost feel bad laughing at you because it's like laughing at a handicapped person. But then I get over it and I laugh some more.

User Submitted Image
Reality Check: Your posts are still to long and just lol @ the wrestling gifs
And you're still here hanging off my balls & bumping my thread to the top of the line. Not surprising. Your candy ass is too stale even for yourself. But I'm sure Lindalanders still like you. You're there often enough.

User Submitted Image
reality check: and still...

User Submitted Image
Only a cave-dwelling loser and Terramine would care about "likes". Which one are you? (rhetorical question)

User Submitted Image
womp womp

User Submitted Image
You're the it. And I'd drown in likes if I had 5-10 alt accounts like your thirsty ass does.

So pathetic.
sure i am

view from my cave

User Submitted Image

how is the view from your dormitory

lmao thirsty ass?

pot meet kettle

never seen someone so proud to stick a finger into another man’s ass

feel so embarassed for you jfc

have some dignity ffs

so many trashy members on this site

LMFAOOOOOOOOOO you sound triggered, fungus. That view is worth absolutely nothing btw. I can pay 10 bucks and get a far better view from a 1-star tavern.

This is the best you got? Seriously? Trying to impress me with some second-rate skyline of what looks like Slum Central? Are you for real? Oh far out, this is just E-M-B-A-R-R-A-S-S-I-N-G!!!

And you are the last person to be even using the word "dignity" considering you never had any to begin with. You were already a meme, a laughing stock, 10 years ago. And 10 years later you're still that tired stale shtick that only parasites of an even lower class than you carry on. Because that's what vermin do.

I value people in my life. Not objects, not gay-looking dogs, no slum skylines or cheap-ass clothes or shoes that look like they came from a thrift store. People are the real diamonds. Everything else is worthless in comparison. And worthless junk is all you got to show.

Go back to Lindaland and stay among your own kind, fungus.

User Submitted Image
i’m a meme?

you are my greatest punch line doe
click to expand
Don't even bother trying to scrape what you think is left of your dignity off the floor. You were finished the moment you posted that cheap photo. That was just low, even for the likes of you. You got yourself big time.

You just stick to playing the part of the poncey little tosser who thinks he's got "serious street cred" in Slum Central, but who'd be no more than a dishwasher in my neck of the woods.

You've embarrassed yourself beyond measure. Hang your head in shame and just walk away, and don't let your parents see your posts. I'm serious.

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Posted by thechubbyfox

reality check: trashy people get into fights at 33 lmao

have some dignity

feel so embarrassed for you
User Submitted Image

Oh now you just REEK of desperation. I merely finished the fight, didn't start it. So aside from a cheap poncey tosser, you're also a dumbass. Then again looking at the company you keep, that's an improvement.

You've royally embarrassed yourself once again. Don't let your parents see your posts. Seriously.
Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by thechubbyfox

With your IQ of 50>, not surprising. But thanks for the bump, ugly.

User Submitted Image
reality check: your stories are too long

They're meant for people with an IQ higher than 50. Your group can only handle a max of one short sentence and/or kindergarten-level visual aids, so here's to ya, "handsome".

It's magic! The more you drink, the more like George Clooney you feel. Get that down ya.

User Submitted Image

User Submitted Image

PS: thanks for the bump.
reality check: no one cares
User Submitted Image

You cared enough to bump it......3 times so far (more to come, I'm sure). So your argument is null & void. Oh......thanks for the belly laugh.
reality check: you only get pity replies
Impulsv and Spacebird actually put thought in their replies, as did everyone else in my previous thread about it a few days ago.

Whereas your and your bum buddy's threads are the cause of acute retardation. Then again the likes of Hydorah, Gemitati and Cloudy were never exactly held in high regard. So I'll take pity replies any day over "that". How's that for reality check?

PS: if you're wondering why I don't bother blocking you, the answer is simple: how can I report you & get you banned for the 6th or 7th time (I've lost track by now) if I got you on mute? Or was your latest ban another impromptu holiday?

User Submitted Image

Just stick to playing with your manly-looking dog and your "special" friends. Leave "life matters" to those who are intelligent enough to tackle them. You're way out of your depth in here.

User Submitted Image
reality check: you put too much effort in DXP
So says the nolifer who's been deleting and making new accounts for over a decade. Yeah, people and glass know how it goes.

User Submitted Image

Besides it doesn't take any effort, just one small sentence. It's basic cleanup, like getting rid of fungus or a turd you accidentally stepped on. That's what your material is, brain fungus. That's why you end up hiding half of it, because too many people are sick to death of your stale candy ass.

User Submitted Image
Reality Check: Your candy ass is better suited to Lindaland
Well you definitely know far more about Lindaland than I do. It's where you drag your sorry-ass carcass whenever I get you booted from here lol. DXPers see you there every time and they're not shy about saying so.

You're twitching. Stings, doesn't it?

User Submitted Image

Ah man, I almost feel bad laughing at you because it's like laughing at a handicapped person. But then I get over it and I laugh some more.

User Submitted Image
Reality Check: Your posts are still to long and just lol @ the wrestling gifs
And you're still here hanging off my balls & bumping my thread to the top of the line. Not surprising. Your candy ass is too stale even for yourself. But I'm sure Lindalanders still like you. You're there often enough.

User Submitted Image
reality check: and still...

User Submitted Image
Only a cave-dwelling loser and Terramine would care about "likes". Which one are you? (rhetorical question)

User Submitted Image
womp womp

User Submitted Image
You're the it. And I'd drown in likes if I had 5-10 alt accounts like your thirsty ass does.

So pathetic.
sure i am

view from my cave

User Submitted Image

how is the view from your dormitory

lmao thirsty ass?

pot meet kettle

never seen someone so proud to stick a finger into another man’s ass

feel so embarassed for you jfc

have some dignity ffs

so many trashy members on this site

LMFAOOOOOOOOOO you sound triggered, fungus. That view is worth absolutely nothing btw. I can pay 10 bucks and get a far better view from a 1-star tavern.

This is the best you got? Seriously? Trying to impress me with some second-rate skyline of what looks like Slum Central? Are you for real? Oh far out, this is just E-M-B-A-R-R-A-S-S-I-N-G!!!

And you are the last person to be even using the word "dignity" considering you never had any to begin with. You were already a meme, a laughing stock, 10 years ago. And 10 years later you're still that tired stale shtick that only parasites of an even lower class than you carry on. Because that's what vermin do.

I value people in my life. Not objects, not gay-looking dogs, no slum skylines or cheap-ass clothes or shoes that look like they came from a thrift store. People are the real diamonds. Everything else is worthless in comparison. And worthless junk is all you got to show.

Go back to Lindaland and stay among your own kind, fungus.

User Submitted Image
i’m a meme?

you are my greatest punch line doe
Don't even bother trying to scrape what you think is left of your dignity off the floor. You were finished the moment you posted that cheap photo. That was just low, even for the likes of you. You got yourself big time.

You just stick to playing the part of the poncey little tosser who thinks he's got "serious street cred" in Slum Central, but who'd be no more than a dishwasher in my neck of the woods.

You've embarrassed yourself beyond measure. Hang your head in shame and just walk away, and don't let your parents see your posts. I'm serious.

User Submitted Image
lmfao i just read bits of your original post

first love with matt

robbed by your parents of your 20s

jfc you are just mr. overshare

you are like those trashy people that volunteer information that they were born in prison the first time you meet

so embarrassed for you

have some dignity

click to expand
Oh you are REALLY desperate now.

Hey DXP, know how to tell Ands is rattled? When he tries to get personal. Taunting MagicMona about her deceased father, going on about me spending time in a mental asylum after my breakdown about which he was hugely misinformed since my care was privately handled with good friends, now he's trying to use my stuff against me again. Just LOL.

Hey, fungus, I have balls and I don't care what people think, that's why I have no problem sharing. People's opinions are worthless to me because they don't pay my bills or help me personally in any way. So they might as well not exist.

But you are an insignificant little tapeworm who thinks slum skylines impress people in 2018. Through that, not only you proved you have no balls, you also proved you have no penis.

Like I said, you've royally embarrassed yourself. There's no coming back from it.
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User Submitted Image
Posted by Dewritos

Posted by thechubbyfox

i’m a meme?

you are my greatest punch line doe
To be fair, that skyline was hilarious.

What were you trying to prove, that you've been stuck in Manila for too long?
click to expand
User Submitted Image

Stop it! My drink is gonna come out of my nose if this keeps up.


People like him act like they got 10 more bucks than everyone else in their garbage tip of a country and think he's king of the world.

He may try to fool himself, but his desperation for validation is embarrassingly evident from the photos he posts. Oh look, new milkshake, please like it!!! Lookie lookie I'm posing with my manly dog again, 'pretty please with cherry on top' like it!!!

It should be made illegal for him to procreate. I'm serious. Keep him away from the gene pool.
Posted by hydorah

User Submitted Image
Oh look it's the Tryhard without a Clue. Don't even bother, Granny. It's warmer standing in the sun than in my shadow. Take the fungus with you on the way out, he got burned beyond recovery. Or ship him back to Lindaland where he can lick his wounds just like every other time.

And don't forget to

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