Reasons to stalk someone by phone

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by clippityclop on Friday, September 23, 2016 and has 35 replies.
So currently someone is kind of after me. I sound schizo.. but someones been texting me and hasnt told me who they are. I dont know where they got my phone number from. They said their friend gave them my number.. and gave me a name that I don't recognize. I blocked it but am now getting calls from a private number. Just wondering what the reasons would be for doing this?
Posted by bumboklatt
I hate that

thats why I hate phones in general

most likely its someone who has the wrong number (or recycled number)

but they are persistent

how many times do they ring you?

and do they directly refuse to give info about themselves?
Yeah the convo goes as follows:

Weirdo: heyy

Me: hey sorry. I dont have this number saved in my phone. Who is this?

Weirdo: a mate gave me your number

Me: who's your mate?

Weirdo: Lachlan

Me: i dont know a Lachlan. I think you have the wrong number.

Weirdo: we could get to know eachother. And i dont have the wrong number.

Me: I'm pretty sure you do.

Weirdo: i definitely don't.

Me: why re you being a creep?

Weirdo: what? I'm not. Jesus i just wanted to have a chat.

And that's when i blocked. But they're calling on a private number now to get through. Gah. It makes me uncomfy.
Get a guy to answer your phone the next time the fool calls.

See if that works.
Posted by Ram416
Get a guy to answer your phone the next time the fool calls.

See if that works.
Yeah I'm thinking the same thing. I'm just mad that someones probably given out my number thinking it'd be a laugh or something. Its just plain creepy.
Give me this cretins fucking number and I'll fucking blow his shit up Devil

But I mean, make sure it's not a joke first - cos I really willLaughing
Posted by wagtail
Give me this cretins fucking number and I'll fucking blow his shit up Devil

But I mean, make sure it's not a joke first - cos I really willLaughing
Hahaha!!! Wagtail i love you. But they've stopped calling for now.. around 4pm was the last call. I'll let you know if it gets weirder!!! Have you had experience in this?!?
Posted by wagtail
Give me this cretins fucking number and I'll fucking blow his shit up Devil

But I mean, make sure it's not a joke first - cos I really willLaughing
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Posted by tiziani
I can call them over Skype if you want. Wagtail takes day shift. I do nights. 24 hr intimidation until they break.

24/7 DeExPuhPro-Tection
Posted by tiziani
I can call them over Skype if you want. Wagtail takes day shift. I do nights. 24 hr intimidation until they break.
I dig it. Let's get him!!! Lol have you had experience tiziani? Has this happened to you?
Posted by wagtail
Posted by tiziani
I can call them over Skype if you want. Wagtail takes day shift. I do nights. 24 hr intimidation until they break.

24/7 DeExPuhPro-Tection
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Loving the creativity!
Posted by tiziani
Posted by wagtail
Posted by tiziani
I can call them over Skype if you want. Wagtail takes day shift. I do nights. 24 hr intimidation until they break.

24/7 DeExPuhPro-Tection
Cyberdust are just calling themselves Dust now lol I'm still signed up to their newsletter
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I thought cyberdust was like.. a phrase. Not a group. Dxp and its long history.
Posted by clippityclop
Posted by wagtail
Give me this cretins fucking number and I'll fucking blow his shit up Devil

But I mean, make sure it's not a joke first - cos I really willLaughing
Hahaha!!! Wagtail i love you. But they've stopped calling for now.. around 4pm was the last call. I'll let you know if it gets weirder!!! Have you had experience in this?!?
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Lol kind of...

Anyway, I can guarantee if he wants to become famous and connect with complete strangers by phone I can arrange that... He can thank 'Lachlan' for the hookup later Winking
Posted by tiziani
Posted by wagtail
Posted by tiziani
I can call them over Skype if you want. Wagtail takes day shift. I do nights. 24 hr intimidation until they break.

24/7 DeExPuhPro-Tection
Cyberdust are just calling themselves Dust now lol I'm still signed up to their newsletter
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For real? Lol

Dust doesn't have the same ring to it- too basic? *waggles hand*
Posted by tiziani
Posted by clippityclop
Posted by tiziani
I can call them over Skype if you want. Wagtail takes day shift. I do nights. 24 hr intimidation until they break.
I dig it. Let's get him!!! Lol have you had experience tiziani? Has this happened to you?
I can't say it has happened to me.

Disorienting people and being unpredictable has gotten me out of many binds though so that's why I'm offering.

They'd never expect their phone to get blown up locally and internationally.

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Ahhhh i can see that. You're quite the wordsmith. Its hard to respond to you sometimes. I wont lie.

I will let you guys know if it escalates. They called me in the middle of the night last night. We had been asleep for a few hours. Then the texts all morning. Then the calls after I had blockrd. Just weird. I'm not a person who knows a lot of people here so it's kind of weird for someone to do this. I really wish I knew who it was.

Posted by Seraphlight
ask them
I deeeddd!!!

And plus.. i rather keep distance than entertain them. I figured it'd piss em off if I didn't play their game!!
Posted by tiziani
Posted by clippityclop
Posted by tiziani
Posted by clippityclop
Posted by tiziani
I can call them over Skype if you want. Wagtail takes day shift. I do nights. 24 hr intimidation until they break.
I dig it. Let's get him!!! Lol have you had experience tiziani? Has this happened to you?
I can't say it has happened to me.

Disorienting people and being unpredictable has gotten me out of many binds though so that's why I'm offering.

They'd never expect their phone to get blown up locally and internationally.

Ahhhh i can see that. You're quite the wordsmith. Its hard to respond to you sometimes. I wont lie.

I will let you guys know if it escalates. They called me in the middle of the night last night. We had been asleep for a few hours. Then the texts all morning. Then the calls after I had blockrd. Just weird. I'm not a person who knows a lot of people here so it's kind of weird for someone to do this. I really wish I knew who it was.

100% serious offer anytime you need it

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Thanks tiziani. You guys are cute.
Spam call him at 3 in the morning. Winking
Posted by Seraphlight
You don't sound schizo.

This has happened a few times to me over the years. Once I found out who this person was. He left weird messages 'I am gonna rape your arse till it bursts' He was a guy I did a short film with. He now makes wedding videos. He is perfectly normal in every other way. Except ...he is a cunt. Does that make sense? He would walk normal talk normal...dress normal polite ..except he is a cunt. You would think he was normal though unless you have seen this happen. He did it to lots of people...small businesses even.

I played that message to a female police officer. It was years ago. I told someone who knew him....and they said i had gone to the guards stopped. It was enough to scare him.

Another was an ex. That pattered out.

Another was a catfishing scam looking for money I think ..or whatever they could get. They broke. oh boy did I break em.
Well right now I got one of those irs tax scam calling me from the US TREASURY stating if don't call back they are going to take me into custody. They say a case number I can't understand and a number. I have called back the number and it's doesn't ring they pick up immediately. How fast have you ever had to wait for the irs to pick up? and I have looked up on phone number reverse lookup, and seen it a scam. And it's even on the irs website.
Posted by Seraphlight
I think we should stop pretending we are tough guys to impress op.

Lets get real ...we are way less cooler than we want to be.
....I'm calling Triple H

User Submitted Image welcome back
Posted by Seraphlight
Posted by wagtail
Posted by Seraphlight
I think we should stop pretending we are tough guys to impress op.

Lets get real ...we are way less cooler than we want to be.
....I'm calling Triple H

User Submitted Image welcome back
Oh cheers thanks..I have a lot of emotional venting to do is where i do it! :-) It means i don't bug people in life ..prepare for a lot weird poetry!
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Very prepared!! I remember you lady. Werent you sashkay or something?

Hey shasha..
Posted by Fox
I've had that, even as far as contacting my aunt. It was creepy af and i tried asking who they were - they just said they know me, that they got the number off of a friend. He gave me a name I didn't know. Blocked his details and never heard anything since!

It creeped me out when the person said they had seen me recently also and wanted to say hey(at the time this was happening)
I hate that. It really isn't cool. Especially if they had contacted your aunt. What did they say to her?

I just feel like people only do it for reasons like, they don't like you, think you're weak, are jealous... i don't know. But for someone to go out of their way to make you uncomfortable is just evil.

Posted by Fox
If their number shows up, i suggest blocking. If not, i don't know.
Its blocked. But they call on a private number. We'll see if they try again tonight at midnight or tomorrow.. I'm going to get my boyfriend to answer this time.
Posted by JohnnyRed007
Posted by wagtail
Posted by Seraphlight
I think we should stop pretending we are tough guys to impress op.

Lets get real ...we are way less cooler than we want to be.
....I'm calling Triple H

User Submitted Image welcome back
I'm the real Triple H, all others are just imitating.

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Check your phone bruv.

Missed call dat was meh - starwars got you on speed dial tho, I ain't messin with yaLaughing

Posted by Arielle83
Is it that taxi driver?
Haha no!! That taxi driver I have as "cabby" in my phone.. but I did wonder if maybe there was a connection there. Maybe cabs feels slighted by me. This person I have labeled as "creep"
Posted by Fox
Posted by clippityclop
Posted by Fox
I've had that, even as far as contacting my aunt. It was creepy af and i tried asking who they were - they just said they know me, that they got the number off of a friend. He gave me a name I didn't know. Blocked his details and never heard anything since!

It creeped me out when the person said they had seen me recently also and wanted to say hey(at the time this was happening)
I hate that. It really isn't cool. Especially if they had contacted your aunt. What did they say to her?

I just feel like people only do it for reasons like, they don't like you, think you're weak, are jealous... i don't know. But for someone to go out of their way to make you uncomfortable is just evil.

They told her a bullshit story. I don't know how they got her number either, but they first pronounced my name wrong.. so they wasn't familiar with my name. They told her that i had given them my number one time, that i'd written it down in the rain(lmao) and thats why he must have accidently got my aunt's number. So the story changed when i asked them how they got my number to 'a friend gave it to me'
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Super creepy!! How could they even find her number? Technology can be scary. My cousin had this happen to her. But no matter how many times she changed her number.. this guy knew who she was and where she was. He knew so much about her. He knew if she was messaging other guys.. everything. He would ask her who so and so was. But at the same time they had a weirdo relationship and I think she enjoyed the attention. He knew her address somehow.. and knew she lived by a giant field. So he asked her to meet in the giant field. She waited in the field for hours.. he said he got caught up. So weird. So she's completely deleted off all social media and everything
Next time someone does that or he calls you. Scream as loud as you can and as long as you can. If they hung up. Good job.

Another thing you could do is give their number away on the internet and say this is a number to a super horny whore looking for phone sex.
Posted by Aliensusedourbogroll
Posted by clippityclop

Yeah the convo goes as follows:

Weirdo: heyy

Me: hey sorry. I dont have this number saved in my phone. Who is this?

Weirdo: a mate gave me your number

Me: who's your mate?

Weirdo: Lachlan

Me: i dont know a Lachlan. I think you have the wrong number.

Weirdo: we could get to know eachother. And i dont have the wrong number.

Me: I'm pretty sure you do.

Weirdo: i definitely don't.

Me: why re you being a creep?

Weirdo: what? I'm not. Jesus i just wanted to have a chat.

And that's when i blocked. But they're calling on a private number now to get through. Gah. It makes me uncomfy.
That last line of the convo...........

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Lol!! Right?
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Posted by Fox
Posted by clippityclop
Posted by Fox
Posted by clippityclop
Posted by Fox
I've had that, even as far as contacting my aunt. It was creepy af and i tried asking who they were - they just said they know me, that they got the number off of a friend. He gave me a name I didn't know. Blocked his details and never heard anything since!

It creeped me out when the person said they had seen me recently also and wanted to say hey(at the time this was happening)
I hate that. It really isn't cool. Especially if they had contacted your aunt. What did they say to her?

I just feel like people only do it for reasons like, they don't like you, think you're weak, are jealous... i don't know. But for someone to go out of their way to make you uncomfortable is just evil.

They told her a bullshit story. I don't know how they got her number either, but they first pronounced my name wrong.. so they wasn't familiar with my name. They told her that i had given them my number one time, that i'd written it down in the rain(lmao) and thats why he must have accidently got my aunt's number. So the story changed when i asked them how they got my number to 'a friend gave it to me'
Super creepy!! How could they even find her number? Technology can be scary. My cousin had this happen to her. But no matter how many times she changed her number.. this guy knew who she was and where she was. He knew so much about her. He knew if she was messaging other guys.. everything. He would ask her who so and so was. But at the same time they had a weirdo relationship and I think she enjoyed the attention. He knew her address somehow.. and knew she lived by a giant field. So he asked her to meet in the giant field. She waited in the field for hours.. he said he got caught up. So weird. So she's completely deleted off all social media and everything

ah thank fk i wasn't harrassed like that. My mum suspected it may have been my aunt's previous abusive partner. he was able to hack phones. but it is strange - i don't get why he'd want my number specifically. Also, this was yeaaaars after that partnership. Still a mystery to this day lmao.

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People really can be creepy. I don't like the idea of someone looking through the contents of my phone. If your aunts ex could hack phones.. sounds like it was him. Especially if he knew her and your numbers!
Posted by Seraphlight
Mine called drunk and tried to get me to join a sports club asked would i give him money then got weirdy sleazy ...i hung up.

It sounded like he was trying to impress me saying he lived in this well to do neighbourhood...I was like why would this person try to impress ME? Or ask ME for money?

He was really insistent on me joining the sports club ..saying it over and over. was weird.
That is weird.. sounds like he was trying to get you to buy a gym membership
Posted by Seraphlight
They make you feel like you HAVE to talk to them though or you are being rude.
You couldn't be more right. Its manipulative bullying behavior! Lol. Such dinks
Posted by Vulcansfire
Next time someone does that or he calls you. Scream as loud as you can and as long as you can. If they hung up. Good job.

Another thing you could do is give their number away on the internet and say this is a number to a super horny whore looking for phone sex.
I love this.

I would do it if I wasnt so afraid of being in a weird internet/phone war Crying
Posted by Aliensusedourbogroll
Posted by clippityclop
Posted by Aliensusedourbogroll
Posted by clippityclop

Yeah the convo goes as follows:

Weirdo: heyy

Me: hey sorry. I dont have this number saved in my phone. Who is this?

Weirdo: a mate gave me your number

Me: who's your mate?

Weirdo: Lachlan

Me: i dont know a Lachlan. I think you have the wrong number.

Weirdo: we could get to know eachother. And i dont have the wrong number.

Me: I'm pretty sure you do.

Weirdo: i definitely don't.

Me: why re you being a creep?

Weirdo: what? I'm not. Jesus i just wanted to have a chat.

And that's when i blocked. But they're calling on a private number now to get through. Gah. It makes me uncomfy.
That last line of the convo...........

User Submitted Image
Lol!! Right?
A mixture of feigned innocence and gaslighting. I'm surprised you managed to resist!
Yeah i wanted to see what they had to say. But I rather just piss them off right back. My curiosity isn't worth quenching in cases like this.
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Posted by UnusualVaginalDischarge
It's the same taxi driver or his friend
Do you think so?? It would make sense wouldn't it.
Posted by Harukka

Oh this is not good, or even a good joke.

Stay safe clippityclop.
Thanks harukka smile ?