Posted by Dastard2020I agree with everything you wrote.
I'm only familiar with red pill and black pill.
I think these are crap and mostly adopted as way to cope with rejection, loneliness or inadequacy when it comes to getting sex or dating. Sorry but no matter what they do, no one is entitled to love or sex. They need to work on their looks and personality and stop putting the blame on women for their sexual/romantic failures/scars and take responsibility for themselves and what they want.
Red pill also sells, literally. It's so easy to be seduced to take the easy way out and believe your failures aren't your fault and instead blame society, women, feminism, politics or whatever.
Just look at this snake oil salesman
Now I don't know that he actually believes what he preaches since this is a content creator that has something to sell and knows his target demographic very well. But at least on the surface he is probably in his 40s, he already has wrinkles, he isn't that buff, he sounds angry, bitter, cynical and highly judgmental. He sounds like damaged goods himself (irony) without any redeeming qualities.
Edit: Some level of red pill is necessary, otherwise men would be completely naive.
Posted by alexscaries
People can watch what they want. The worrying thing is how many young men or even teenagers need a father figure. Whose the daddy?
I'm not sure if females watch "coaching" type videos. There's articles that do nothing for mental health aimed more at women: toxic relationships, spotting a narcissistic personality etc.
Posted by Dastard2020Yeah it’s going both ways.Posted by alexscaries
People can watch what they want. The worrying thing is how many young men or even teenagers need a father figure. Whose the daddy?
I'm not sure if females watch "coaching" type videos. There's articles that do nothing for mental health aimed more at women: toxic relationships, spotting a narcissistic personality etc.
There's also coaching content targeted to women. It's a bunch of femininity channels that focus on teaching women how to "level up" and be a "high value" woman. It's a subtle form of pussy-measuring; who is the most feminine, desirable, high value. Quite similar to the whole beta male/alpha male to expand
Posted by alexscariesVery popularPosted by Dastard2020Posted by alexscaries
People can watch what they want. The worrying thing is how many young men or even teenagers need a father figure. Whose the daddy?
I'm not sure if females watch "coaching" type videos. There's articles that do nothing for mental health aimed more at women: toxic relationships, spotting a narcissistic personality etc.
There's also coaching content targeted to women. It's a bunch of femininity channels that focus on teaching women how to "level up" and be a "high value" woman. It's a subtle form of pussy-measuring; who is the most feminine, desirable, high value. Quite similar to the whole beta male/alpha male philosophy.
I've never heard of this are they to expand
Posted by alexscariesPosted by Dastard2020Posted by alexscaries
People can watch what they want. The worrying thing is how many young men or even teenagers need a father figure. Whose the daddy?
I'm not sure if females watch "coaching" type videos. There's articles that do nothing for mental health aimed more at women: toxic relationships, spotting a narcissistic personality etc.
There's also coaching content targeted to women. It's a bunch of femininity channels that focus on teaching women how to "level up" and be a "high value" woman. It's a subtle form of pussy-measuring; who is the most feminine, desirable, high value. Quite similar to the whole beta male/alpha male philosophy.
I've never heard of this are they to expand
Posted by DMVPosted by Dastard2020Posted by alexscaries
People can watch what they want. The worrying thing is how many young men or even teenagers need a father figure. Whose the daddy?
I'm not sure if females watch "coaching" type videos. There's articles that do nothing for mental health aimed more at women: toxic relationships, spotting a narcissistic personality etc.
There's also coaching content targeted to women. It's a bunch of femininity channels that focus on teaching women how to "level up" and be a "high value" woman. It's a subtle form of pussy-measuring; who is the most feminine, desirable, high value. Quite similar to the whole beta male/alpha male philosophy.
Yeah it’s going both ways.
I believe it had good intentions initially.
But from what I see it’s a lot of one upping, battle of the sexes, everyone scared to be vulnerable. Very materialistic for women and don’t be vulnerable for men.
I have seen some other channels where people are talking mad greasy. Calling men expendable. They don’t even call men, men. They call them triggering names. Men calling women biches. Men even calling other men names for being vulnerable with women.
The channel creator had a bad experience so now they don’t want anyone to be happy. Misery loves companyclick to expand
Posted by Prince_PiscesPosted by Dastard2020
I'm only familiar with red pill and black pill.
I think these are crap and mostly adopted as way to cope with rejection, loneliness or inadequacy when it comes to getting sex or dating. Sorry but no matter what they do, no one is entitled to love or sex. They need to work on their looks and personality and stop putting the blame on women for their sexual/romantic failures/scars and take responsibility for themselves and what they want.
Red pill also sells, literally. It's so easy to be seduced to take the easy way out and believe your failures aren't your fault and instead blame society, women, feminism, politics or whatever.
Just look at this snake oil salesman
Now I don't know that he actually believes what he preaches since this is a content creator that has something to sell and knows his target demographic very well. But at least on the surface he is probably in his 40s, he already has wrinkles, he isn't that buff, he sounds angry, bitter, cynical and highly judgmental. He sounds like damaged goods himself (irony) without any redeeming qualities.
Edit: Some level of red pill is necessary, otherwise men would be completely naive.
He's definitely one of those guys who still isn't over being turned down by the popular girl in high to expand
Posted by alexscariesThe ones I was referring to weren’t using it as a term of endearmentPosted by DMVPosted by Dastard2020Posted by alexscaries
People can watch what they want. The worrying thing is how many young men or even teenagers need a father figure. Whose the daddy?
I'm not sure if females watch "coaching" type videos. There's articles that do nothing for mental health aimed more at women: toxic relationships, spotting a narcissistic personality etc.
There's also coaching content targeted to women. It's a bunch of femininity channels that focus on teaching women how to "level up" and be a "high value" woman. It's a subtle form of pussy-measuring; who is the most feminine, desirable, high value. Quite similar to the whole beta male/alpha male philosophy.
Yeah it’s going both ways.
I believe it had good intentions initially.
But from what I see it’s a lot of one upping, battle of the sexes, everyone scared to be vulnerable. Very materialistic for women and don’t be vulnerable for men.
I have seen some other channels where people are talking mad greasy. Calling men expendable. They don’t even call men, men. They call them triggering names. Men calling women biches. Men even calling other men names for being vulnerable with women.
The channel creator had a bad experience so now they don’t want anyone to be happy. Misery loves company
Women call each other bitches. I saw a woman wearing a t-shirt "bad bitches drink good coffee". Mildly amusing maybe.
We have a lot of dehumanisation in society. More so towards elderly people in my to expand
Posted by Prince_PiscesInteresting. Definitely a heterosexual problems
I vaguely remember hearing about these. Sounded like a bunch of straight people mess to me, but I don't quite remember.
Posted by WarAngelAgreed.
Everything in moderation. Too many people putting on a front. Social media brought this on and it's getting worse.
Posted by DMV
The epidemic of these ideologies.
It’s quite interesting to see theories develop and expand particularly over the internet. It’s easy to throw out an idea and get support for it.
What has been your experience with these pill channels and ideologies?
Have you ever embraced/succumb to someone else’s theory?
Do you think these pills are good or bad for society as a whole?
Posted by alexscariesPosted by Prince_Pisces
I vaguely remember hearing about these. Sounded like a bunch of straight people mess to me, but I don't quite remember.
Yep. Not sure what it is like for lesbians, but gay men have it made. I've never met one who couldn't find a partner. I think gay men have it right. Not sure about bisexual men, I know some women see them as being secretly gay which I don't think is to expand