Tonight is not easy. Scorp was recognized for a great feat in his job tonight. He has asked me to accompany him and our son to a gala on the weekend and I was going to make excuses because it hurts like a mother! I was there when he was setting up f
The coolest thing happened to me today. So I where I work at we have these little coupons. So everytime you come in and buy coffee we give you a stamp. Once you get so many stamps you a free coffee. So this customer came in. She was visibly sick and fr
As in if someone were to describe another individual as strong (not in the physical sense). What are the descriptors of an individual that would qualify as a "strong" person? Personally, I see it as someone who can keep things going when shit gets toug
Oh my dearest Aries. I know we have our ups and downs together, but I can never take your loyalty and friendship for granted. When the chips have been down in my life many times both male and female Aries have been the shoulder to lean on. I don't know
300 troops to be deployed to Africa to fight Boko Haram I love my President
can sag guys be shy? and what would make a sag guy homy? like home daily and not botheredby it??? is this a sign of a sag guy being hurt and kinda withdrawing? i know that this particular sag guy ended his relationship a year ago. but he is a
is the flirting of the Capricorn man thru social media n text innocent or initiated in order to secure a meeting of casual sex or solely for attention? I know Leo men entertain the attention aspect yet don't but it doesn't go further than that while thei