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Jul 23, 2013Comments: 546 · Posts: 6870 · Topics: 474
If what they say is true. Then we're the only sane people left. Dammit why?
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Jul 23, 2013Comments: 546 · Posts: 6870 · Topics: 474
Now I can see why this radical feminism is truly evil. It's nothing more than driving us all to be divided and separate and living in misery to our eventual extinction when we all kill each other off. Why has our country and the rest of the world let this evil manipulate them in the shadows. And then people have the nerve to call someone a rapist apologist or misogynist for thinking any differently to live with someone's unrealistic expectations. I can see why gave up and personally I think I'd honestly give up if I knew there wasn't any hope. I have ADD but I never took ritalin or adderall for it. It's serving as a blinder for the reality in front of us. What if we truly are the only sane people left in the world and everyone else is living the dream while we're tuckered into bitter reality that we can't have anything until those who live the dream are unplugged and made to face the reality. I don't know anymore.
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Jul 23, 2013Comments: 546 · Posts: 6870 · Topics: 474
I can finally see why now I got criticized by those idiots. Because some of us are speaking the truth on the matters. They know we know but they want to keep the blinders on everyone else and not let them be unplugged to now that radical feminism is nothing more than evil, and maybe along with the entire feminist movement. And the men who're quick to take sides with them betrayed themselves and they're just as blind as the rest. Because those mens right activists actually call them out for their stupidity and hypocrisy and actually want equal rights. Dear god, everything's a matrix now. Why would a woman wear a shirt that says I bathe in men's tears? I wouldn't walk around wearing a shirt that says I bathe women's tears because that's just stupid and make's anyone look like a jerk or stuck up bitch. I think we should work towards removing the blinders and earmuffs and make people see the bullshit and hypocrisy of this modern feminist movement if things are as they say they are.
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Jan 10, 2015Comments: 1864 · Posts: 16905 · Topics: 108
I think it starts with kids in high school getting into heavy relationships. It seems to get worse every generation.
Side thought, I cant wait for the future. At this rate of fashion all the women will be in futuristic/overly slutty clothing.
Anyway when kids get into heavy relationships from 13-17 it pretty much ruins the experience they will have once their lives and minds are actually ready for the experience at 18-22.
Before they know it their 25 and don't want sex, don't want love, or anything of the kind. They turn to drugs, videogames, delusional social media, filling the empty voids and feeling like life is complete.
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Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
Mars in Scorpio has to be the most predictable placement ever.
In any case, the idea of celibacy until marriage causes most to recoil in fear and incredulity. Absolute and permanent abstinence is unrealistic and unhealthy (and most likely will lead to other perversions to satisfy sexual needs and desires.) Then we enter the eunuch...
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Jan 07, 2009Comments: 305 · Posts: 14219 · Topics: 239
"But it isn't just radical feminism that is driving a wedge between groups of people--"
"... drugs, videogames, delusional social media, filling the empty voids and feeling like life is complete."
what about those in primary school who don't want to climb the trees and rocks as we did in our childhood?
Last degrees of Pisces Age preparing us for the Age of Aqua?
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Jan 07, 2009Comments: 305 · Posts: 14219 · Topics: 239
I bought board & card games for my niece. But he wanted only to play PC games. And yeah he is not that slim.
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Jan 22, 2014Comments: 75 · Posts: 5976 · Topics: 662
You guys do realize millenials still have to go outside and participate in society, right?
Its not so much tech as younger generations not wanting to keep a mate or having no clue how to have healthy relations, since disfunctional ones WAS the standard model for most.
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Jan 07, 2009Comments: 305 · Posts: 14219 · Topics: 239
"talk you into a 110 percent mortgage together"
ok, my english is not good enough to understand this. But this reminds me of my impression that people have a lot of you-must-be-this-and-that-otherwise-you-are-this-and-that. they are loud and noisy. Little respect.
Nobody talks to the others as if they need them. They talk so as if others owe them a perfect being.
But I know I am a softy and sometimes the victims function better with whip than with freedom and free will. I really don't know...
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Jan 07, 2009Comments: 305 · Posts: 14219 · Topics: 239
"Its crime to need anyone for anything really"
against the nature what you say.
we need people and we should be humble for that.
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Jan 07, 2009Comments: 305 · Posts: 14219 · Topics: 239
typical fight between OP and dxper:
1. OP Comes here and Need People.
2. OP has lots of conditions how he/she should be handled.
3. dxper needs OP cause why do they put time into it?
4. dxper brings lots of conditions how OP should live the thread and life and all.
everybody needs others, bur don't want to be considerate to them.
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Jan 07, 2009Comments: 305 · Posts: 14219 · Topics: 239
"easier to connect with other people. "
easier connect with more and more people. Look, what IS sends to the whole world. Was it 40 years ago possible? Or all the IG hoeness. Child pornography. double and tripple dating files waiting for you on your cloud.
The more info to be processed, the more unfocused we are. brain brain brain. eyes, fingers... scattered .... unfocused ... confused ... deranged