Posted by NeshamaLOL that's what happens when you smoke "the tobacco".Posted by UrsaMediocrewell I guess he ain't ma daddy. haha he can't stop saying it.
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Posted by AneemA11Baby daddy = bd
Meaning, he feels like he has become a father lol
Wut is "bd" tho..? :/
Posted by Gobby
Tell me, are you too lazy to do some basic research over the web or is this thread simply a way to gain some attention?
Posted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxXOr maybe you telling him that starting now you are in charge of his money? Lol
Sometimes it's a simple term of endearment in certain cultures and other times there's a sexual undertone to it.
In the case where it's used sexually, I think it's because it insinuates dominance.
Traditionally fathers are the head of the household. So when you call a man "daddy" you're basically saying he's in charge.
Posted by DrinkWaterPosted by PurtyWingzFly2Posted by Gobby
Tell me, are you too lazy to do some basic research over the web or is this thread simply a way to gain some attention?
Which what would I specifically be looking up ?
"Spank me daddy"click to expand
Posted by PurtyWingzFly2EwwPosted by AneemA11Baby daddy = bd
Meaning, he feels like he has become a father lol
Wut is "bd" tho..? :/click to expand
Posted by AneemA11Posted by PurtyWingzFly2EwwPosted by AneemA11Baby daddy = bd
Meaning, he feels like he has become a father lol
Wut is "bd" tho..? :/click to expand