This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by SUPERJERKASS on Friday, August 22, 2014 and has 15 replies.
Ok so I realize this should really be in the Powder Room section, but it's not really active in there.
LADIES - what contraception methods have you used? How well did they work? Any side effects? If you got an IUD, did it hurt to put in?
Would you ever rely only on the "fertility awareness method"? What about spermicide only?
(and yes I'm female)
Posted by RainDancer88
Okay, this MAY come off condescending but my method is called abstinence. I just don't fuck. This works WONDERS.

Priceless! +1

I've never tried to control/prevent birth .... so idk
I did take the pill for almost a year in the early/mid 70's to control menstrual flow. The only side effects I can remember is my breasts hurt.
I was on the pill for years but after having children I went for a copper coil as I didn't want any more hormones in my body. A bit uncomfortable with insertion (by the doc) but can't even feel it. No probs.
Posted by size zero superhero
In addition to that inconvenience, it also made me retain water. When I quit taking the pills, my weight went from 115 down to 110 in a matter of A FEW DAYS. Since losing 5 lbs of body mass in 2 or 3 days is impossible, I knew it had to be water weight caused by the meds.
When I complained about the pills to my doctor(who prescribed them)her response was unhelpful & dismissive. She basically told me to tough it out until said problems subsided...which never happened.
On the bright side, BC made my skin look flawless. It was fine before, but during the time I was taking it, I never even had so much as ONE breakout/blemish.
Maybe the outcome would've been better, had I chosen another type of BC which wasn't intended to reduce periods. However, my experience was so negative that at the end of it I said " this, no more hormonal science experiments will take place on my body".
So whatever you decide; my advice is to stay away from Seasonique brand oral contraceptives. While they prevent pregnancy, its profound side effects aren't worth the immense hassle.

It did that for me, too-- very happy side effect (far better than the paranoia).
I don't remember what it was called-- all I can think of is Pandora.
It was a chick's name lol
But whatever weight gain it gave me was mild and just ... idk but I liked it. Big Grin

Having said that, I quit after less than a year because it's a pain in the ass, I felt like a Cancer,
not a LEO--
And more importantly, I believe there is a strong link between long-term use of bc pills and cancer.
My opinion.

I would never try an IUD-- never, ever, ever.
Nor the depo shot.


It was YAZ. Straight Face
But going by how many fatherless kids are born daily, spawn prevention seems to be the exception
Posted by RainDancer88
Posted by cheekyfaerie
Tried the Depo shot twice. After the initial bleeding like a stuck pig, I didn't have periods for the remainder of the time I got the shots. They *did* make me break out and gain weight like a sonuvabeech tho. Had to stop.
Was on the pill most of my life. It helped balance everything out and had no side effects. Also nice to be able to control whether or not you get a girly thing by continuing to take the pills thru the placebo week. Came in handy for a few beach holidays that woulda sucked otherwise.
Finally opted for sterilization once I felt my family complete. Ultimately hated being on hormones all the time when I knew I was done. If you ever get to that point, I had Essure done and very much recommend it.

I tried depo provera once. it was one shot 4 times a year and I bleed the first year straight and after stopping it I bleed for a year straight. Ended up becoming iron deficient anemic. Birthcontrol bills never regulated my cycle, what regulated my cycle was quit drinking milk and other foods contaminated with hormones and being active.
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You poor thing.
Glad all is well now. smile

The only good I've heard about depo is that it seems to stop male sex offenders from offending.
srsly :/
I was on the depo shot for like 3 years. This was when I was 16-17 ish. Now at 24, there's new studies that show depo shouldn't be taken for longer than 2 years cuz it caused irreversible bone loss or something like that. Bone density maybe. I bled for 6 months straight but then didn't have a period for like a year after I stopped taking it. I wouldn't recommend depo to anyone. That shit is not healthy to not bleed for that long, Idk why I think that, but as bad as periods can be it's like it flushes you out. Idk, maybe it's my body.
Also like monty said.. it's used for make castration. ZERO SEX DRIVE. What's the point of being of bc if you don't even ent sex. Yea... never ever again.
I considered iud after that. I almost got it, but after googling decided not to. The copper one that lasts 10 years should be off the market. That shit causes some kind of toxic reaction after it's been in you for so long, like heavy metal poisoning. Fuck. That.
Mirena scares me... I wasn't as worried about putting it in as taking it out. I was afraid it would migrate or get stuck or.something.
Im on pills right now. It's a generic version of the lo estrin. I like it, really no side effects except I get really emotional around my period, more than normal. This kind isn't really strong enough to stop your period if you try to skip the placebo week.. I tried it. But after depo, with the huge amount of hormones, I decided on the lowest hormone dose.
Eventually, I plan to be sterile. I don't want on hormones for all my life.
Also a plus, my sex drive is not affected on this pill smile
Oh yea, depo made me gain like 15~20 extra pounds that was absolutely impossible to lose until it was out of my system. It took a year after I stopped.
Posted by size zero superhero
Posted by Sugarfoot
When I got pregnant with my daughter we were doing the withdrawal thing, so ya. I don't recommend that. Lol.

Statistically speaking, the withdrawal method is considerably effective in avoiding conception...but never formally recommended because the entirety of its effectiveness depends upon the male partner's self-control.
What's really backwards IMO, is the "rhythm method" endorsed by Catholics. My BF's mom fell pregnant with him shortly after putting stock in that practice, and my aunt got pregnant with my twin cousins in the early '90s the exact same way.
Rosaries & ovaries simply don't mix. Womp womp Tongue
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Were they just approximating calendar days, or did they go full-on gyno about it (checking body temp, cervix position, secretion, etc).
I thought about that rhythm thing or natural contraceptive... family planning whatever. My dr talked me out of it becuz she said there's not many safe days in a month. Maybe a week and half n then a week for your period.. and yea no.
Pull out
I used Nur-Isterate & pills in the past. I got pregnant on the pill because some days I forgot to take it. Plus the pill was horrible for my skin, gave me headaches & made me very temperamental. I would scream & stomp up/down because I would be so furious, then I'd cry because some stupid thing not worth crying for actually made me sad. The pill really turned me into an ogre & usually I'd get embarrassed after a lousy tantrum. LMAO I was even banned from one store whilst on the pill because I smashed a jar of mayonnaise, only because it didnt have a barcode & she expected me to go find one with a barcode.
The nur-isterate injection was ok. I gained some weight because it gave me cravings. A bit of spotting here & there, but no major qualms really.
Not having sex at the moment so I'm not on anything but the high of life.
Posted by RainDancer88
How old are you P-angel? Any children? Married? What do you do? just curious

1 son (Scorpio)
many things. mainly - turn real estate